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Ms. Trumps speech was nice.  in fact, it was nice the first time i heard it in 2008.  How in this world she thought she could quote almost word for word Michele Obamas speech and people wouldn't pick it up.


somebody is getting fired today without prejudice.


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44 minutes ago, flyfishing3 said:



Ms. Trumps speech was nice.  in fact, it was nice the first time i heard it in 2008.  How in this world she thought she could quote almost word for word Michele Obamas speech and people wouldn't pick it up.




24 hours of digging and that's all you could find huh?  Sad that even those shitty internet rag sites you frequent are realizing the fact that a storms coming.  Keep worrying about the First Lady.  At least you have that.  ;) 


PS-  I bet Hillary is drooling thinking about sitting at the desk that Monica knelt behind.  I bet it makes her so wet that she had to call Huma in for a private session.

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14 hours ago, ErikS said:

I'm not voting for Hillary.  I wish we had a parliamentary system.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

– Yoda

Yeah and with Hillary supporters that fear is masked by total ignorance.  I guess if you claim not to know how ill prepared she is to take office then you cant be blamed for electing ole cankles.

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22 minutes ago, flyfishing3 said:

man, you should look at the news once in awhile in stead of looking at how your chickens are behaving to determine the day.


the speech wasn't 10hrs ago.



Yep and all you could come up with is a shitty first lady stab.  I am shocked you didn't take a dig at Marcus Luttrell for surviving the attack, or Giuliani for the tower coming down (we know you blame that on Bush) but if you didn't have something to cut and paste you got nothing.  Keep digging.  Maybe you will find where the limo driver that took them to the convention had a speeding ticket from 10 years earlier.  Keep the computer up.  I am sure you will get something.  Have faith.

22 minutes ago, flyfishing3 said:

man, you should look at the news once in awhile in stead of looking at how your chickens are behaving to determine the day.


the speech wasn't 10hrs ago.



Your candidate's husband had an intern suck his dick while in office.  I am sure in your mind copying parts of 3 sentences of a speech is worse.  lol  In the end both mean nothing but hold on to that.  Its all you got.  ;)

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22 minutes ago, flyfishing3 said:

this is a perfect reflection of the campaign they are running is all.

oh, she has some of the worst cankles i've ever seen.  I think Veal has more muscle tone. lol.



Veal, now you are insulting veal?  Really?  They are obviously elephant trunks.

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Cruz's speech last night was amazing.  His message to Trump:


Love him or hate him Ted retained his integrity and proclaimed what true conservatism stands for. What's hilarious is why do the Trumpists think he didn't endorse their candidate?  He did encourage Republicans to vote for a candidate who shared their values and will defend the Constitution....Hmmmmm


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people are pissed off at what Cruz did, and they do have a good reason. He effectively was invited to Trump's house and then trashed the living room before leaving. Now, I can see the other side of this. Who in their right mind would endorse someone who said their father conspired with Fidel Castro and was constantly called "Lyin' Ted" by his entire campaign. Personally, I'm glad to see the absolute shit show. 


Interestingly enough, NPR did a story about the elections and 60% of the population in the US is fed up with the elections already. When polled about what is missing from coverage from the elections, it was overwhelmingly shown that the candidates stance on issues is seriously under-reported. Climate change has rarely come up on the Democrat side, and it's yet to come up at all on the GOP side. There was a man from the Republican party in Pennsylvania that said a few things that worried me (I want to say he was a senator). When he was asked directly about climate change, he said he believes that humans are partially contributing to it however we need to look at things like job loss and industry loss as a main factor before choosing any action. Excuse me? Industry loss? Of course the oil industry needs to shrink so that solar, wind, and nuclear power can take off. Sounds like the guy is bought and paid for by the oil industry, makes me sad that the slogan "governement of the people" couldn't be further from the truth.


Now don't get me wrong, Democrats are doing the same shit. Look at Hillary, taking in MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for paid speeches to corporate banks and trade groups. Coincidentally, several of those banks that paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches heavily backed the Keystone Pipeline. Funny how it all works sometimes. Don't even get me started on the FBI investigation (sorry Clinton supporters, it was a full criminal investigation). She cannot be trusted to handle sensitive documents, ANYONE else that did even remotely the same thing as her would have been fired, fined, possibly jailed, and permanently lost their security clearance. Millennials cannot trust her as they see through her guise, unfortunately the older population likes the idea of a woman Clinton president and heavily (and blindly) back her.


The part that bothers me about Ted Cruz is he likes to hide his agenda in his words. Example: "Freedom means religious freedom, whether you are Christian or Jew, Muslim or atheist. Gay or straight. The Bill of Rights protects the rights of all of us to live according to our conscience." In this case, his conscience would be that LGBT cannot be married, abortion is murder, and he should have the 'right' to discriminate etc. He makes blanket statements that seem nice and all-encompassing, however his true intentions are to turn America in a theocracy.

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3 hours ago, Burn-E said:

Cruz's speech last night was amazing.  His message to Trump:


Love him or hate him Ted retained his integrity and proclaimed what true conservatism stands for. What's hilarious is why do the Trumpists think he didn't endorse their candidate?  He did encourage Republicans to vote for a candidate who shared their values and will defend the Constitution....Hmmmmm


And ruined his political career in the process.    He thought it would be his moment.  lol  He wont be re-elected in Texas now that's for sure.  He belongs in the same category as the Hildebeast.  Lying sack a shit.  After his  feeble speech he went up to Adeleon's suite to find that he was no longer welcome and was turned away.  Trump gave him a rope and that stupid little bastard hung himself.  I love it.  Trump Train.    woooooooot woooooooooot.

1 hour ago, Kevin. said:

people are pissed off at what Cruz did, and they do have a good reason. He effectively was invited to Trump's house and then trashed the living room before leaving. Now, I can see the other side of this. Who in their right mind would endorse someone who said their father conspired with Fidel Castro and was constantly called "Lyin' Ted" by his entire campaign. Personally, I'm glad to see the absolute shit show. 



Shit show.  lol.  You obviously are only watching thru your socialist glasses.  If you don't think Trump is a real threat to become president then you really are ignorant.

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Oh we shall see.  After Trump loses by 8-10% and is trounced in the electoral college most will recognize that Cruz was one of the few to stand by principles rather than kowtow to a disaster in the making.

And Kevin, everyone knew exactly what Cruz would say so this was no big surprise.  Trump even told his delegates ahead of time when to Boo at Cruz.  It's all staged.

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14 minutes ago, Burn-E said:

.  Trump even told his delegates ahead of time when to Boo at Cruz.  It's all staged.

And glorious.  I freaking loved it.  It was like a pep rally before a football game.  Trump train gonna roll  wooot woooot.

27 minutes ago, Burn-E said:

most will recognize that Cruz was one of the few to stand by principles rather than kowtow to a disaster in the making.


But wait isn't your narrative that all this was orchestrated?  But even so Cruz has principles?  Interesting............

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Yes, because everyone tried to pressure him to endorse Trump and he refused.  It takes courage to stand up to the pressure and the threats and an angry crowd and speak the truth.

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I see how you might think that.  I disagree though.  I see it like this.   Trump put Cruz 2020 in a bag, lit in on fire, rang the doorbell, and Cruz came out and stomped on it, a victim of Jedi Master Trump mind tricks.  I understand that isnt popular here but thats my view of it.

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