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Supreme Court


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So what exactly is your point? I'm aware of the 5th amendment, and the fact it was considered in this case. The ambiguity of the phrase "public use" is what is being assailed.

Just because you are building new stuff does not make it "public use". It's called "corporate use".

The primary problem here is yet another tipping of the power scale. More power for the wealthy to influence government and screw everyone else.

Charles that was low. But I'm impressed you knew what I used in my dreads.

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The primary problem here is yet another tipping of the power scale.  More power for the wealthy to influence government and screw everyone else.

Charles that was low.  But I'm impressed you knew what I used in my dreads.


Dreads LOL.

The fact MJs not it prision should have already taught you that laws do not apply to the powerful.

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So what exactly is your point?  I'm aware of the 5th amendment, and the fact it was considered in this case.  The ambiguity of the phrase "public use" is what is being assailed.

Just because you are building new stuff does not make it "public use".  It's called "corporate use".

The primary problem here is yet another tipping of the power scale.  More power for the wealthy to influence government and screw everyone else.

True, didn't read the whole article the first time. It doesn't make me happy even when they do it just to build another highway to relieve traffic congestion, but what they've done here just seems like they're letting bullying take place.

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Guest DougK

So what exactly is your point?  I'm aware of the 5th amendment, and the fact it was considered in this case.  The ambiguity of the phrase "public use" is what is being assailed.

Just because you are building new stuff does not make it "public use".  It's called "corporate use".

The primary problem here is yet another tipping of the power scale.  More power for the wealthy to influence government and screw everyone else.

Man I couldn't agree with you more. 1000000000x agreement here.

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Wow, found an issue I agree with Ken on! Yet another ruling without a Constitutional leg to stand on.

Now you know what most of us feel like when we hear of the Constitutional shredding decision of the week from the Supreme Farce. Maybe you should consider this when it comes to putting people on the Supreme Court. Notice that all of the people that side with what the Constitution "says" and not what they "feel" it should say were in the dissent. Including the hated by liberals Scalia, Thomas and Renquist. Yet another power grab by the big government camp. Glad I don't live on land that Pfizer wants. Be very afraid if you live in California.

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it seems that when it comes to the almighty tax dollar, the government will do what it takes "for the public good". and they'll let you know what's good for you and what's bad for you. nothing like moving out of your parents house so you can make your own decisions, just so the government can do it for you because you're not capable of doing it yourself. that goes for smoking, drugs, medicine(vioxx, etc), fast food, television, dodgeball, and duck duck gray duck. never blame yourself when you can blame it on others and get money for it by sueing them for not taking into account your potential for stupidity.... ..... sorry for the rant. as I was trying to say, it's pretty BS that a state can now allow any company to take your little piece of heaven for "just compensation" just because it may provide a couple of jobs and tax revenues. I dont agree with it.

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Check out this article on the new eminent domain, it is a must read:  http://www.freenation.tv/hotellostliberty2.html


OMG, that would be the most righteous infliction of retribution ever.

Wonder if there is any chance of zoning his land commercial. Must donate. The guy is loaded and would just find a new place anyway, but it would definitely ruffle some feathers and most importantly, get PRESS.

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