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Canada, Does Something Most Americans Dont Know


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This really is funny as an outsider!

Truth be told tho, i'd prefer to live in canada than the US. Seems to be a more relaxed and less dog-eat-dog kinda environment.

Canada is more like SA :P No wonder you would like it more!

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There is a chunck of the francaphone population that still wants to separate, but while separatism is on the rise currently it's on a downward trend.

The last day the CAD traded for more then 1.00US was the day before Quebec elected a separatist premier (governor). Separtism is bad for business and really not feasible, they'd want to piggy back things like currency, armed forces, etc. which as a non-separtist aka nationalist i say "monkey you".

Mind you i don't mind the french, and empathize with their struggle as i do with the horrible state of our first nations people. Of course no American would understand that since distinct societies simply get hunted down and eliminated.

God bless america, and nobody else!

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ok, so as a canadian, i get to read the news. Maybe true or not, but this is what i know. Our press says that canada is now the number 1 in the amount of troops in afgan. and we are proposed to stay for 20 years, we have commited to stay till the region is safe, so when the americans say we do nothing we are here b/c we believe that there is some truth to the 911 attacks and agree that it does come from afgan. so we are there, but we dont believe iraq has anything to do with the current attaks on the US. But still our best troops are there to protect the rest of the world, yet i remind you that if you watch one of the rambo movies we see that at the time the us was on side with the people we as canadians are fighting. YOu weapons are killing our troops.


BFD- America has 140K in Iraq, which is twice the size of the CDF. Iraq is a necessary evil, the Hitler-in-the-making needed deposing, and we (all of us, Canada included) underestimated the attraction this would become for the terrorists who will continue their attacks. stuff happens in war.

So, back on a kinder, gentler plain:

I personally know the former Operations Officer of the PPCLI (Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry) involved in the fratricide event to which you allude (so badly). We both grieve for the Canadian dead. I honor the sacrifice of their families by displaying a Canadian flag on Canada Day, and on Armistice Day. They died because of a dumb mistake, made under terrible stress, in a war where people really die. Professional armies HATE the rambo-type. We do not tolerate their kind. Your imagination has been seized by the mediatainment folly of a lone-wolf crazed killer. They do NOT exist in the American OR the Canadian Armies.

In war, stuff happens. People make dumb mistakes. Unlike the media or (Canadian) government, who have never made a mistake, eh hoser :blink: .

So take your self-pity and shove it up your bloody arse. Get buggered. We soldiers don't give a whit for what you protected sheep think. Your Canadian DF is as good as it gets. Honor them, and quit bitching. Better yet, grow some hair and join.

You can play, or you can sit on the bench. YOU are obviously a bench-warmer in this event.

PS- read "Tommy' by a certain Commonwealth poet-laureate. Youll understand why WE mistrust most FN civilians.


Was that hot enough? :angry:

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BFD- America has 140K in Iraq, which is twice the size of the CDF. Iraq is a necessary evil, the Hitler-in-the-making needed deposing, and we (all of us, Canada included) underestimated the attraction this would become for the terrorists who will continue their attacks. stuff happens in war.

Yeah, Sadam was really on a world domination / genocidal kick when you took him down. BS! He had 40% of his military might from Desert Storm - the sanctions were in fact working. Moreover, if anyone is sporting Hitler-like global domination is Pres. George Dubya Bush.

America is monkeyed right now, they are shipping good men and women over to their deaths for nothing. Sadam was not a threat, he was a speedbump on the way to controling more oil.

Grow some balls and join eh? Screw that - my life is worth way more than being told where to go and die for some BS cause like Iraq or 'American retribution'. In fact, let me as far away from association with America - you guys are fighting a war you can't win. No F-22 or Abrams can stop a crazy guy and a backpack full of explosives.

The only weapon you have against terror is racism, which leads to false prosecution of minorities, which leads to imprisonment of minorities and then in a very nazi like move irradication. You know that 99% of the german population had NO idea about the genocide Hitler comitted. Who's to say the killing hasn't already begun?

ahh conspiracy theories!? Grossly exaggerated, but the fact is that America is a greater threat to me than Sadam ever was or would have been!

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Unfettered egotism on Saddam's part would've made him the threat we prevented. It wasn't about world domination (you missed that in school I presume, or you believe the news), but regional hegemony. Over an area that had huge impacts on the Strategic National Interests of all the industrialized nations of the world. Including Canada. His Army had regrown, in the face of your esteemed sanctions. It had modernized, and reacquired new and better equipment and training.

You go boy. More than a good percentage of the German population new about the concentration camps. My father liberated two in 1945. Any notion that it was not a national crime by the Germans is another 'feel good moralist' falsehood.

When the mullahs and princes stop denying their people the freedom and aconomic access they deserve, then maybe the terrs will die, Until then, one is hunting you.

You're right: we're a Darn sight MORE dangerous than Saddam ever thought of being. You might be next.


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I suspect i will be next, which will just add fuel to the examples of similarity between the Nazi empire and the American empire.

'Taking over' Canada would be as difficult for the US to do as Germany vs. Austria. Add us to the portfolio (it we already aren't part - when will NAFTA side with Canada for the 1st time????) along with Isreal, Afghanistan (now policed by Canada), Iraq, Saudi Arabia (?)...

Just because your dad liberated a concentration camp in now way proves that all German people knew of the autrocities. I'm reading a Hiter biography right now and there were people in 1944 within Hitlers highest ranks (the 'inner circle') who thought that "elimination of european jewry" was merely propaganda.

When i was in school the conspiracy theory was the the west silently suported the anti-semetic regime (which is loosly true) evidenced by the regular bomber passes over auschwitz, but NO ONE KNEW what went on there save those there, hitler, himmler, and a few others.

The FACT is that for most of the war (until the end when it became painfully clear what had gone on) nearly all Germans were oblivious to the genocide of their government, and i plant the seed that the same could go on against Islam at the hand of the "Strategic National Interests of all the industrialized nations".

I'm sure you realize that the first paragraph of your post there is really an admission that invading Iraq was purly a invasion for oil. Your brothers are dying for oil. Which is really dumb considering the US' single largest oil source is it's largest lap dog (Canada).

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imagine this for a second...

you are a skinny 6'2" 160lb guy in high school. glasses. crappy hair do. oily skin. and book smart. you dress like crap and dont have much for friends.

girls wont talk to you 'cause your a dork, but you try anyways. they blow you off in a considerate fashion. however....

their "Johnny Football star" boyfriend decided he doesnt like you. why? because you're smaller than him and he needs to feel good about himself by kicking your rear end in.

so he does. and it happens over, and over, and over on a daily basis. now you're afraid to go about your daily business. you lose hope. you have thoughts of suicide. but you hold on. and you grow up.

you work out. get stronger. you now have confidence. you are making a name for yourself, and it's a good one. people look up to you.

now, you find yourself walking along some day and you see one of those prick arse "Johnny Football star" types shoving some skinny kid around. you see the poor guy just get beat down.

you get furious. what do you do? do you let the guy kick the kids arse over and over like had happened to you? do you turn your head and look away? do you assume that it's someone else's problem to deal with and leave?


you stand up for that kid... who used to be you, and you kick the living sh!t out of "Johnny Football star". you stand up for the under privileged and defenseless...


because you can. because it's right. because nobody should be put throught that.


you try and tell me that America going over to Iraq and to Afghanistan is any different than you standing up for that skinny kid. France (I still dont like them) was our hero when we(america) were that skinny kid.if you say it's not the same, then you're kidding youself.

do the right thing..... dont be that chicken sh!t that turns their head and assumes that it's someone else's problem. we are all in this together.

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imagine this for a second...

you are a skinny 6'2" 160lb guy in high school. glasses. crappy hair do. oily skin. and book smart. you dress like crap and dont have much for friends.

girls wont talk to you 'cause your a dork, but you try anyways. they blow you off in a considerate fashion. however....

their "Johnny Football star" boyfriend decided he doesnt like you. why? because you're smaller than him and he needs to feel good about himself by kicking your rear end in.

so he does. and it happens over, and over, and over on a daily basis. now you're afraid to go about your daily business. you lose hope. you have thoughts of suicide. but you hold on. and you grow up.

you work out. get stronger. you now have confidence. you are making a name for yourself, and it's a good one. people look up to you.

now, you find yourself walking along some day and you see one of those prick arse "Johnny Football star" types shoving some skinny kid around. you see the poor guy just get beat down.

you get furious. what do you do? do you let the guy kick the kids arse over and over like had happened to you? do you turn your head and look away? do you assume that it's someone else's problem to deal with and leave?


you stand up for that kid... who used to be you, and you kick the living sh!t out of "Johnny Football star". you stand up for the under privileged and defenseless...


because you can. because it's right. because nobody should be put throught that.


you try and tell me that America going over to Iraq and to Afghanistan is any different than you standing up for that skinny kid. France (I still dont like them) was our hero when we(america) were that skinny kid.if you say it's not the same, then you're kidding youself.

do the right thing.....  dont be that chicken sh!t that turns their head and assumes that it's someone else's problem. we are all in this together.

That's the single dumbest thing i've ever read here!

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When Dad liberated the camps, he learned quickly that every one 'knew' where they could get cheap labor, or acquire good suitcases, or shoes, or, you name it. Your assertion matches your name in that regard.

I am quite certain that in the end, Saddam's instability threatened oil. Canada is not big enough to serve the industrialized world, so get over the notion that you would be America's benefactor. Far from it.


Oil - production:

3.11 million bbl/day (2004 est.)

Oil - consumption:

2.2 million bbl/day (2003 est.)

Oil - exports:

1.37 million bbl/day (2004)

Oil - imports:

987,000 bbl/day (2004)

Oil - proved reserves:

178.9 billion bbl including shale oil (2004 est.)

Saudi Arabia

Oil - production:

9.021 million bbl/day (2004 est.)

Oil - consumption:

1.55 million bbl/day (2003)

Oil - exports:

7.92 million bbl/day (2003)

Oil - imports:

0 bbl/day (2003)

Oil - proved reserves:

261.7 billion bbl (2004 est.)

So, since you aren't threatened by OBL and Saddam, give us your oil? Laughable. The SNI of the region dictate that anyone like Saddam had to go. He financed terrorism, and his minions continue to do so. Yup, my friends and family are fighting for oil, oil that belongs to the people of Iraq, not to one meglamaniac and his sons.

NAZI-ism in AMerica. And Marxism-Socialism in Canada. Go figure. Maybe we will have a winter war.


Enjoy your Freedom. Pray you never have to fight for it.


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