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Should Cheney's Hunting License Be Revoked?


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This is the coolest thing ever. Ok I admit, so I happen to think Cheney is the devil incarnate, I'll just go ahead and throw that out there. But in light of recent events I can also refer to him as a bumbling idiot. You thought he was vilified by the press before this incident? Just wait until after this week of circling vultures has had their way.

I happen to be from small town Iowa also have one hell of a lot of experience hunting birds. Why that matters is simply qualification for how I can identify the unadulterated idiocy that must have been present for the vice presidency to shoot his millionaire attorney buddy in the face, neck, and chest. Let us begin.

First: I'll admit that quail hunting is one of the more dangerous bird hunting sports. After all, for duck and goose you are usually in a blind, two feet from your buddy and it is pretty hard to pull the trigger before he grabs the barrel and pushes it out of the way. However, the standard approach to quail hunting does make it a little more difficult to pepper your friend and place him in intensive care. There is little reason to approach a field to flush with other than a straight line of hunters. To make that live for you, that means you would have to turn 90* sideways from the line you are walking in to shoot the guy next to you, i.e., he can't grab the barrel and call you an asshole before you pull the trigger. Next, these are a bunch of rich folk hunting birds. Every one knows that richies like to make hunting easier and also to show off their dogs(trained by someone else), at the same time; so clearly these jerkoffs had several shorthairs, labs, etc., out working the field. Dogs work in front of the group at about 15-20 yds. This is so the bird that is flushed flies for a short time in the perfect shotgun range- about 30 yds. What is almost always the case is that the flushed bird flies straight away from the group. They're not stupid enough to make a gallery shot of themselves by saying hi to everyone while they fly parallel to the group. The result is that any bird jumping is 99% likely to fly away from the line. And that makes it a little difficult to shoot your buddy. Even more difficult to shoot your buddy who brought his $3000 prize german shorthair that is out flushing birds in front of you.

Second: As a young man a hunter is taught a few things about gun safety. Among these is always having your gun in the safe position until ready to fire, pointing your gun in a safe direction while idle, and most importantly, checking your background when you have raised your weapon in preparation to fire. It just so happens that the third exercise in that progression happens to be a little easier when your friend is wearing a blaze orange vest a mere 30 yds from you, i.e., he's easy to see and there isn't much excuse if you shoot him. At 30 yds, the spray from a shotgun with a 6 shot load is about 2'x2' and is traveling at about 1300' per second. This is from a 12 gauge, so a 28 gauge is a little less in the velocity category. Luckily the VP was firing a 28 gauge, if it were a 12 gauge his friend would most likely be dead.

So why would the VP, a seasoned great white hunter who has undoubtedly killed many defenseless animals, whom was raised in Wyoming as a gun toting NRA and GOP supporter, mess up and shoot his buddy while trying to bag a quail? No other reason than complete incompetence. He should be stripped of his hunting license and forced to chase errant sport clays at the local range. I can't wait to see what a mockery they make of this fool on every news show from now until, well, quite a ways from now. I don't care what the story is, you just can't come up with a good excuse for shooting your friend in the face on an organized bird hunt. But I'm looking forward to whatever they do come up with!

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Maybe he was having his 34th heart attack. :P

I was going to post about this yesterday, but decided to wait a day. To me, the story just doesn't add up. Why did Cheney's office wait over a day to release a statement about it? Did they only do that because reporters were asking them questions since the story was already published in the local paper?

We don't know a whole lot about what happened, but assuming he was using a 28 gauge and the guy wasn't like 6 feet in front of him, it shouldn't be all that bad. One person who was there, I think the owner of the land they were hunting on, said the guy came up from behind Cheney, but didn't announce his presents. Not sure how he got hit in the face and chest and not in the back.

Another thing that doesn't add up is the owner said he got peppered pretty good and a few of the pellets broke the skin. He was talking and moving around afterwards, so the owner was downplaying the whole thing. Again, what you would probably expect, except that the guy has been in intensive care for 2 days now. Sure, he is 74 years old, but still, the injury has to be worse than what they are saying.

My guess is we will never know the whole truth about it. Cheney's office will probably only release another statement about the guy leaving the hospital and is doing well. Other than that, they probably won't say anything else because al Quida is listening. :rolleyes:

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old people should not be allowed to play with live ammo.....

I agree. Let's put a bunch of geezers out in the woods, shooting some tiny bird, and don't forget the squad of Secret Service suits that have to follow them around, praying that they don't get nicked by a stray dose of buckshot. Yeah, I can see it's a recipe for disaster!

Still, sorry for the old fella that got winged, but it's got to be about the funniest story I've seen on the news in quite some time.

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I love how they all played down the wounds saying he just got "peppered pretty good". Well now it seems a few shot are resting very near or on his pericardium, that's the lining of the heart according to the wifey doc, and caused a heart attack. I'd say that's more than being sprayed, and closer to what I predicted a shot would do at 30yds.

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