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Maybe it is time for you to take a history course including world history Greenchunks!

The fool is the person who does not learn from history and is doomed to repete it.

Every country that has adopted abortion and homosexuality has doomed it self. Every one of them. History proves that. Why is it that it seems that MOST homosexuals are self declared liberals?

My interpretation of what is going on is baised completely on historical events in world history.

Like I said, I am sorry about my spelling Mr Greenchunks. I am not sorry about my "biased opinion".

Hmm, take a history course.....Let's see, there was us history in 4th grade, california history in 5th grade, Greek history in 6th grade, medieval history in 7th grade, US history and the constitution in 8th grade, I dont think I had history in 9th grade, AP European History and AP World Civilzations history (basically rough overview of all ancient histories) in 10th grade, AP US Hisory in 11th grade, and in 12th grade I took a seperate class on Roman and Greek History. In case you didn't know (you seem ignorant so far, AP refers to adavnced placement, not that its hard, but maybe for stupid people it is). Now moving on to college. My first year I took European History and Middle Eastern History. My second year I took US history Civil War to present, and European History 1914 to present. My third year I took Arabic which included some middle eastern history, US Foreign Policy from 1945 to present Now, I'm finishing up my Econ classes so I'm jsut taking a class on Ancient Egyptian History. Is there anything else you'd like me to Take?

I agree the fool is the person who does not learn from history and is doomed to repeat it, Vietnam anyone?

What countries have adopted abortion and homosexuality that have doomed themselves? Haha, you make it seem like God will smite the countries with his great stick of eternal smiting.

Your interpretaion of what is going on has no relevance to world history, only to creationism, and your racist bigoted evangelical little world that you live in.

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When starfish says liberal, he is talking about liberals as in the American political ideology not Liberal Democracy as in the form of government. Maybe it's just me but I never the two concepts and given the context it was pretty clear what he meant.

The answers to the studies that the idiots are doing with the war in Iraq, it should be the same solution as was done when the Iraqi guard left Kiwait. Bomb the sunni triangle to dust and let the the islamo facists see the US has nadds and will not tolerate BS from them.

Problem is that the US has become to tolerant of every thing and it doesn't seem the Politicians care.

The military needs an other George Patton, Douglas Mcarther, and a Billy Mitchell. The sad thing is the "liberal" Politicians did them in as well. This country neesd a leader like Roosavelt or Chruchill. ( winston ) Not that piece of chit Ward Churchill either.

Edited by DVolvoguy850T5
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Hmm, take a history course.....Let's see, there was us history in 4th grade, california history in 5th grade, Greek history in 6th grade, medieval history in 7th grade, US history and the constitution in 8th grade, I dont think I had history in 9th grade, AP European History and AP World Civilzations history (basically rough overview of all ancient histories) in 10th grade, AP US Hisory in 11th grade, and in 12th grade I took a seperate class on Roman and Greek History. In case you didn't know (you seem ignorant so far, AP refers to adavnced placement, not that its hard, but maybe for stupid people it is). Now moving on to college. My first year I took European History and Middle Eastern History. My second year I took US history Civil War to present, and European History 1914 to present. My third year I took Arabic which included some middle eastern history, US Foreign Policy from 1945 to present Now, I'm finishing up my Econ classes so I'm jsut taking a class on Ancient Egyptian History. Is there anything else you'd like me to Take?

I agree the fool is the person who does not learn from history and is doomed to repeat it, Vietnam anyone?

What countries have adopted abortion and homosexuality that have doomed themselves? Haha, you make it seem like God will smite the countries with his great stick of eternal smiting.

Your interpretaion of what is going on has no relevance to world history, only to creationism, and your racist bigoted evangelical little world that you live in.

Ahlekkham A, Asalam Sudik!

1st Green, you wher educated in California, seems most like the San Fran area. Advanced placement means nothing to me. I do not care if you say you where in advanced placement. Have you ever lived in any other country than the US? If you had you would have a different view here. From my prespective California has lowered the education standards across the board. If you take history courses outside of the US you would find out some really interesting information. ( I took a class in Islam and Arabian history and social studies because I had to, I lived and went to school there.

2nd, you think that I am a racist? I speak Arabic as a second language and Spanish as a third. Nope, my kids are Hispanic, Jewish, Scottish and Irish. ( Bio kids now ) You think that I am a bigot? Hardly, I have only had sex with the woman I am married to. I have never had more than one wife at a time. There are some definitions below so you can really understand what the words you accuse me of being actualy mean.

3rd, I was raised in Khamis Muchet, Saudi Arabia, Do you know where that is with out Google? When I was in the military I lived in Korea for 2 years. I lived in Germany for 1 year. I have also been to Isreal and stayed there for a stent. I have a very good idea on what is going on world wide.

So I have a hard time spelling. Who cares about that? Do you suppose I worry about who nit picks that? Maybe some folks like you wouldn't take me seriously as a result of that, but at least you are reading what I have to say!

If you think that I am a bigot baised on what I say, if you re-read what you wrote to me and you think what you believe is right then by the definition of the word Bigotry or Bigot... you would also be. No, this is not a response to flame or bash you, it is to show you that I am actualy smarter than you think or give me credit for.

4th, If you want to get down to brass tax about why the Roman, Greek, Micianian (sp?), French, and Mongolian Empires where devided and culled as a result of their greed, debauchery, stupid politicians, and so on. ( baised on actual archiological digs in these four examples mass graves of new born and fetuses(sp?) have been uncovered which proves that abortion was committed back then as well.

Greenchunks, I have seen your write ups on the tech forum and I love them by the way, you have some really good fixes for our Volvo's and I appreciate your responses to folks issues and problems. Thank you. I am also jealous of the condition of your car as well. :)



Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance.


Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness)



The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them.


The practice or tenets of a bigot.

Edited by DVolvoguy850T5
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Ahlekkham A, Asalam Sudik!

1st Green, you wher educated in California, seems most like the San Fran area. Advanced placement means nothing to me. I do not care if you say you where in advanced placement. Have you ever lived in any other country than the US? If you had you would have a different view here. From my prespective California has lowered the education standards across the board. If you take history courses outside of the US you would find out some really interesting information. ( I took a class in Islam and Arabian history and social studies because I had to, I lived and went to school there.

2nd, you think that I am a racist? I speak Arabic as a second language and Spanish as a third. Nope, my kids are Hispanic, Jewish, Scottish and Irish. ( Bio kids now ) You think that I am a bigot? Hardly, I have only had sex with the woman I am married to. I have never had more than one wife at a time. There are some definitions below so you can really understand what the words you accuse me of being actualy mean.

3rd, I was raised in Khamis Muchet, Saudi Arabia, Do you know where that is with out Google? When I was in the military I lived in Korea for 2 years. I lived in Germany for 1 year. I have also been to Isreal and stayed there for a stent. I have a very good idea on what is going on world wide.

So I have a hard time spelling. Who cares about that? Do you suppose I worry about who nit picks that? Maybe some folks like you wouldn't take me seriously as a result of that, but at least you are reading what I have to say!

If you think that I am a bigot baised on what I say, if you re-read what you wrote to me and you think what you believe is right then by the definition of the word Bigotry or Bigot... you would also be. No, this is not a response to flame or bash you, it is to show you that I am actualy smarter than you think or give me credit for.

4th, If you want to get down to brass tax about why the Roman, Greek, Micianian (sp?), French, and Mongolian Empires where devided and culled as a result of their greed, debauchery, stupid politicians, and so on. ( baised on actual archiological digs in these four examples mass graves of new born and fetuses(sp?) have been uncovered which proves that abortion was committed back then as well.

Greenchunks, I have seen your write ups on the tech forum and I love them by the way, you have some really good fixes for our Volvo's and I appreciate your responses to folks issues and problems. Thank you. I am also jealous of the condition of your car as well. :)



Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance.


Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness)



The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them.


The practice or tenets of a bigot.

First, it's spelled 'were' not wher or where. And 'perspective' not prespective. I have not 'lived' in another country, but I have been travelling since I was 4 years old. I've been to Canada, Mexico (3x), Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica (3x) Nicaragua, England (2x) France (3x), Spain, Monaco, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, India, Thailand (2x), Cambodia, Singapore and China. That makes 24 other countried besides the United States, and I might have missed one or two. So yes, I have seen alot of the world and experienced other cultures. You speak of California's lowered education standards, looks like they do better in spelling than in Saudi Arabia. And they can't be all that bad seeing as I was higher than oh I dunno about 98 percent of the country on the SAT I and SAT II.

Second, speaking other languages does not make you clean of racism. Good for you, you speak spanish and Arabic, that dosent prevent you from being racist. Also, you said that you are not a bigot because you only have sex with one woman, You put the goddamn definition of bigot in your post and still used it incorrectly. I called you a bigot because you are "obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them." Nothing to do with you banging your wife. This sin't helping your case of being smarter than I give you credit for. Next question on part two of your argument. I take it you are Christian of some sort, believing in god and Jesus and the like. How are you kids Jewish (unless your wife is Jewish)? I'm guessing you are hispanic because you said your kids are hispanic and that you speak spanish. Ok good for you, so what if you other kids are Irish Scottish and Hispanic, I know your racial background, that doesnt mean your not a racist or a bigot, it just means you're a Scottish/Irish/Hispanic bigot. Still havent made any ground on proving your intelligence....You mention multiple wives...I didn't call you a polygamist dude.

3rd. Yes, I know where Saudi Arabia is, I was in Jordan in Aqaba which is right near the border of Saudi Arabia....so I know where it is. Do you know where Bardou, France is? Do you know where Chichicastenango, Guatemala is? Do you know where Amritsar, India is? What's your point? you can name a random place you've been to, so can I. Ok, so you lived a bunch of places while in the military, that gives you only a semi-world view because everyone treats you as a member of the US armed services, and associates you with that, not with a regular person, and your avergae native. Once again your reference to the word bigot and it's definition do nothing to help prove your point, so I dont see why you keep bringing it up. I never called you debaucherous.

4th. It's Mycenaean. And yes you spelled fetuses correctly. Once it's spelled 'were' not 'where'. Just trying to help out so others might take you more seriously. Ok, yeah, previous cultures have had debaucherous characters and stupid politicians, and I was simply saying that calling all the democrats who you label as liberals as debaucherous is unjust seeing as many of the scandals have involved conservative politicians and prominent conservatives, not democrats....

Thank you for the comments about my car and my role on this board, I really dont contribute that much, I mainly jsut leech off of other peoples learnings and mistakes. And as for the condition of my car, maybe get you Jewish kid to manage your finances so you have more money which you can use to pay your hispanic kid to clean it for you, and repair the damage your drunken Irish and Scottish Kids have don to it.


I'm just curious what you know about Vietnam

It's in Africa, right? What exactly do you want to know Chuck? Just because I wasn't alive doesn't mean that I know nothing about it. They do teach about it, and there is plenty of information readily available about it as well as people who are still alive who were there.

Edited by Greenchunks
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It's in Africa, right? What exactly do you want to know Chuck? Just because I wasn't alive doesn't mean that I know nothing about it. They do teach about it, and there is plenty of information readily available about it as well as people who are still alive who were there.

LOL. People are still alive that were alive in the 70s :blink:

Not talking French Indochina. Even from the time the US entered. History books don't come close. Those who know don't talk due to it still effecting peoples lives and their safety. Remember two things:

1. History is written by the victors.

2. Sometimes tactically its better to make yourself look worse off than you are

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I'm just curious what you know about Vietnam

I do not know about GreenChunks, but I do know Ho Chi Mihn asked Dewight D. Eisenhower(sp?) in 57 for troops to help him free his country from the French. ( Mihn a West Point grad back in the day) Eisenhower declined so Mihn had to do something so he asked the Chinese to help him evict the French. Kennady(1963) did not like that response when he was elected so he got involved to keep Vietnam from becoming Communist. Final with drawl of troops was in 75. When the USA got involved all hell broke loose. ( in a nut shell) Vietnam would have been a slam dunk if politics (democrats) did not get involved. As well as Korea ( same thing in my opinion) But at least Gen. Douglas Macarther was involved with that conflict.

Decloration of war should only be appoved by congress. After that the congressmen and senitors should stay the hell out. The rest should be up to the commander in chief and the state department/pentagon.

Like I said, in a nut shell.

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LOL. People are still alive that were alive in the 70s :blink:

Not talking French Indochina. Even from the time the US entered. History books don't come close. Those who know don't talk due to it still effecting peoples lives and their safety. Remember two things:

1. History is written by the victors.

2. Sometimes tactically its better to make yourself look worse off than you are

The North Vietnamese wrote our history books on vietnam?

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Decloration of war should only be appoved by congress.

If I remember correctly War was not declared in Vietnam. It was a military conlfict, and our troops were advisors. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution etc. congress was involved in the approval of troops, the president was supposed to get temporary powers, that worked out well.

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First, it's spelled 'were' not wher or where. And 'perspective' not prespective. I have not 'lived' in another country, but I have been travelling since I was 4 years old. I've been to Canada, Mexico (3x), Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica (3x) Nicaragua, England (2x) France (3x), Spain, Monaco, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, India, Thailand (2x), Cambodia, Singapore and China. That makes 24 other countried besides the United States, and I might have missed one or two. So yes, I have seen alot of the world and experienced other cultures. You speak of California's lowered education standards, looks like they do better in spelling than in Saudi Arabia. And they can't be all that bad seeing as I was higher than oh I dunno about 98 percent of the country on the SAT I and SAT II.

Second, speaking other languages does not make you clean of racism. Good for you, you speak spanish and Arabic, that dosent prevent you from being racist. Also, you said that you are not a bigot because you only have sex with one woman, You put the goddamn definition of bigot in your post and still used it incorrectly. I called you a bigot because you are "obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them." Nothing to do with you banging your wife. This sin't helping your case of being smarter than I give you credit for. Next question on part two of your argument. I take it you are Christian of some sort, believing in god and Jesus and the like. How are you kids Jewish (unless your wife is Jewish)? I'm guessing you are hispanic because you said your kids are hispanic and that you speak spanish. Ok good for you, so what if you other kids are Irish Scottish and Hispanic, I know your racial background, that doesnt mean your not a racist or a bigot, it just means you're a Scottish/Irish/Hispanic bigot. Still havent made any ground on proving your intelligence....You mention multiple wives...I didn't call you a polygamist dude.

3rd. Yes, I know where Saudi Arabia is, I was in Jordan in Aqaba which is right near the border of Saudi Arabia....so I know where it is. Do you know where Bardou, France is? Do you know where Chichicastenango, Guatemala is? Do you know where Amritsar, India is? What's your point? you can name a random place you've been to, so can I. Ok, so you lived a bunch of places while in the military, that gives you only a semi-world view because everyone treats you as a member of the US armed services, and associates you with that, not with a regular person, and your avergae native. Once again your reference to the word bigot and it's definition do nothing to help prove your point, so I dont see why you keep bringing it up. I never called you debaucherous.

4th. It's Mycenaean. And yes you spelled fetuses correctly. Once it's spelled 'were' not 'where'. Just trying to help out so others might take you more seriously. Ok, yeah, previous cultures have had debaucherous characters and stupid politicians, and I was simply saying that calling all the democrats who you label as liberals as debaucherous is unjust seeing as many of the scandals have involved conservative politicians and prominent conservatives, not democrats....

Thank you for the comments about my car and my role on this board, I really dont contribute that much, I mainly jsut leech off of other peoples learnings and mistakes. And as for the condition of my car, maybe get you Jewish kid to manage your finances so you have more money which you can use to pay your hispanic kid to clean it for you, and repair the damage your drunken Irish and Scottish Kids have don to it.


(And as for the condition of my car, maybe get you(r?) Jewish kid to manage your finances so you have more money which you can use to pay your hispanic kid to clean it for you, and repair the damage your drunken Irish and Scottish Kids have don(e) to it.)

The above statement proves my point! If you where not a bigot your self you would never have the nerve to post that! Stereo types or not! No one is perfect. Nor am I a racist.

(I was simply saying that calling all the democrats who you label as liberals as debaucherous is unjust seeing as many of the scandals have involved conservative politicians and prominent conservatives, not democrats....)

As far as your comment about democrats being innocent.....I think you should do a bit more digging for information as far as that is concerned. John Murtha is a good example.

As far as you thinking I am a bigot that is interesting you say because it is liberals that want to force their messed up beliefes down my throat.(with help from the ACLU) When I held my daughter in the mall I have listend to white folks as well as Mexicans accuse me of kidnaping this girl. I have heard Mexicans say when I was with her "what is a pinchi gringo doing with a Mexican girl as well as my sons. ( My xwife being hispanic/jewish. Me Scottish/Irish and no I do not drink or smoke (pot or other wise) Have you had to deal with that? When I was in Saudi I was most likely there before you where born, in 81 when Khomeni took the American's hostage from the Embasy there in Terran I felt racism first hand at the hands of the Saudi's. You have absoulutly NO clue what racisim is. Nor do most Americans these days. You may know from what people and books have taught or told you but you have no friggen clue. When I was in Korea the college kids pelted my military base with rocks, molitov coctails, and shouted horrible things to us GIs. Have you ever had to live through something like that? Have you had to expierence anything close in your travels around the world?

So you have been to other countrys multiple times, which makes me think you have had rich parents and have been protected most of your life. You go there for business or to live? Or go there as a tourist? You go to a place for a couple of weeks its one thing, but to live there it is way different. When you live in a forign country for any leinght of time you see things through the locals eyes.

Thing is from when I studied history from books written by Americans they where pretty accurate. But they give just the bigger picture. They do not give the little details and give the real resons why country's or civilizations fail. Just the big picture as to why.

Just one small crack in a control arm of your can can cause you to crash after it fails completely. As can happen to a civilization when small things start to go wrong.

Lets see you answer Che' Admins question!

Edited by DVolvoguy850T5
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The above statement proves my point! If you where not a bigot your self you would never have the nerve to post that! Stereo types or not! No one is perfect. Nor am I a racist.

(I was simply saying that calling all the democrats who you label as liberals as debaucherous is unjust seeing as many of the scandals have involved conservative politicians and prominent conservatives, not democrats....)

As far as your comment about democrats being innocent.....I think you should do a bit more digging for information as far as that is concerned. John Murtha is a good example.

As far as you thinking I am a bigot that is interesting you say because it is liberals that want to force their messed up beliefes down my throat.(with help from the ACLU) When I held my daughter in the mall I have listend to white folks as well as Mexicans accuse me of kidnaping this girl. I have heard Mexicans say when I was with her "what is a pinchi gringo doing with a Mexican girl as well as my sons. ( My xwife being hispanic/jewish. Me Scottish/Irish and no I do not drink or smoke (pot or other wise) Have you had to deal with that? When I was in Saudi I was most likely there before you where born, in 81 when Khomeni took the American's hostage from the Embasy there in Terran I felt racism first hand at the hands of the Saudi's. You have absoulutly NO clue what racisim is. Nor do most Americans these days. You may know from what people and books have taught or told you but you have no friggen clue. When I was in Korea the college kids pelted my military base with rocks, molitov coctails, and shouted horrible things to us GIs. Have you ever had to live through something like that? Have you had to expierence anything close in your travels around the world?

So you have been to other countrys multiple times, which makes me think you have had rich parents and have been protected most of your life. You go there for business or to live? Or go there as a tourist? You go to a place for a couple of weeks its one thing, but to live there it is way different. When you live in a forign country for any leinght of time you see things through the locals eyes.

Thing is from when I studied history from books written by Americans they where pretty accurate. But they give just the bigger picture. They do not give the little details and give the real resons why country's or civilizations fail. Just the big picture as to why.

Just one small crack in a control arm of your can can cause you to crash after it fails completely. As can happen to a civilization when small things start to go wrong.

Lets see you answer Che' Admins question!

Dude, all you are doing is bringing your personal life into this and making me drag mine as well, I have no desire to do so, and frankly, the stuff you've spewed does nothing more to prove you point besides boo poking hoo youve had people dislike you as a member of the US Armed Forces. I still dont know how Chuck wants me to answer his question, you as well. You want me to write a goddam research paper on Vietnam? Sorry I'm in the middle of Finals, I have no desire to do that. Oh yeah and I'm tired of correcting your spelling mistakes so I'll jsut stop.

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Dude, all you are doing is bringing your personal life into this and making me drag mine as well, I have no desire to do so, and frankly, the stuff you've spewed does nothing more to prove you point besides boo fucking hoo youve had people dislike you as a member of the US Armed Forces. I still dont know how Chuck wants me to answer his question, you as well. You want me to write a goddam research paper on Vietnam? Sorry I'm in the middle of Finals, I have no desire to do that. Oh yeah and I'm tired of correcting your spelling mistakes so I'll jsut stop.

Can you write anything with out swearing? I just brought some examples that have happened to me personaly to make a point.

I just want to see the liberals (democrats) that are running this country to stop giving this country away.

Dude, all you are doing is bringing your personal life into this and making me drag mine as well, I have no desire to do so, and frankly, the stuff you've spewed does nothing more to prove you point besides boo fucking hoo youve had people dislike you as a member of the US Armed Forces.
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