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Is the all?

If so I have to disagree given that Liberalism made Western Society what it is today. Without it we'd still be involved in deadly religious wars and the US would have never come into existance. I think we live in the best country in the world...but the idea of our found father's were downright Radical at there times, equivalent to the views of the most liberal of individuals today. Sometimes, a liberal stand in order to bring about the change of a flaw in society.

That said, modern Liberalism is a completely different story... They often take it way too far, and there are other ideas associated with 'liberalism' that actually have nothing to do with a progressive or rapid-change oriented political stance. I would argue that the human tendancy to hurt others to one's own gain is the root of all evil.

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Christianity is why the western world (the US at least came about)came to exist. Pilgrims were in search of religious freedom when they came to this country. Religious. Liberal people in todays society love to see our country as a democracy, which it is to a certain extent. That extent is that we elect leaders which make desicions for us. We are not ruled by people, we are ruled by laws and governing bodies which is a republic. Our country has been on a steady moral decline since the 1960's

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Christianity is why the western world (the US at least came about)came to exist. Pilgrims were in search of religious freedom when they came to this country. Religious. Liberal people in todays society love to see our country as a democracy, which it is to a certain extent. That extent is that we elect leaders which make desicions for us. We are not ruled by people, we are ruled by laws and governing bodies which is a republic.  Our country has been on a steady moral decline since the 1960's

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

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Christianity is why the western world (the US at least came about)came to exist. Pilgrims were in search of religious freedom when they came to this country. Religious. Liberal people in todays society love to see our country as a democracy, which it is to a certain extent. That extent is that we elect leaders which make desicions for us. We are not ruled by people, we are ruled by laws and governing bodies which is a republic.  Our country has been on a steady moral decline since the 1960's

That I would argue with on a few historical levels...

First off, the origin of Western Civilization can be traced back to the Romans, and the Greeks before them. They were extremely secular, contrary to popular belief... All of OUR ideas of religious acceptance can be traced back to the Romans, who really had next to no religious requirements, and infact 'inducted' the local gods of the conquered into their religion. The conquered were supposed to intern add the Roman gods to their pantheon of gods, but this wasnt really enforced. The state church was really just a way to collect donations.

Christianity, in its early stages, actually brought the western world back a few hundred years... Later on, it polarized Europe and led to many of the differences we still see today...Things were pretty well settled down by the time the US was founded.

And contrary to popular belief, this country's founding had very little to do with religious freedom. Actually, all of the early colonies besides Mass colony (which interestingly enough, WAS a democracy, based around the community church), were founded for profit, trade, and searching for rescources, NOT religious freedom. Even New England rapidly moved away from a religiously BASED government after increasingly different religous views of neighbooring colonies forced them to accept something different. The whole religious freedom line is one commonly given in old-time history classes, but any modern text-book or college professor will tell you a very different story. The majority of the principles of early America were not shaped by Christianity, they were shaped by capitalism, and to a degree a sense of community much like the early Greeks. In writing the constitution, our founding fathers looked at the governmental principles of the Republican Romans, and also threw in the best aspects of other existing forms of government to create The Representitive Republic. It's actually pretty similar to the system that the Romans used with great efficiency for many years. But they also threw in checks and balances, etc to correct the flaws with the Roman system...I'm not going to go too far into Constitutional history though, no point.

I just like playing Devil's Advocate, and the whole idea that Christianity and the Pilgrims are responsible for the creation of the US, which is really completely off base. The Imperialistic economic policy of Great Britian is the reason that the Colonies came to be. If the Pilgrims were so persecuted and hated, why would the King, the one supposeduly persecuting them, give them a Royal charter for their colony? Economic gain, plain and simple.

On the other hand, I absolutely agree about the state of morals in our society today... I really don't know why... Violent crime is up, our prisons are filling, and the average age of ciminals is dropping.

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On the other hand, I absolutely agree about the state of morals in our society today... I really don't know why... Violent crime is up, our prisons are filling, and the average age of ciminals is dropping.

Not to mention teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage drug use, etc., etc.

One thing I can credit this to is the feminist movement. Ever since women have been "empowered" making stay-at-home mothers suddenly want to become CEOs, the backbone of the traditional family has crumbled. Kids now are raised by day-care centers and come home to an empty house after school. And there is no argument against this as there is significant data to back this up.

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I will certainly have to agree with that.

Oh because we never committed genocide or anything to anyone huh. and witches were never burned, and we never owned slaves and the civil war was really just "civil". I bet our forefathers didnt have mistresses, or masturbate. Its not the "moral" decline its the population increase, due to better medicine, and the widespread ability to feed as many children as we can produce through factory farming. plus larger number of police to catch all the morally corrupt and more media coverage, and puberty is happening earlier too because of the hormones in the food so that the animals grow large enough too feed all of the ppl. Its making these little 11 year olds frisky im telling you. I was still playing with GI joes at 12, and the girls in my class were flat as a board, well except only the genetically gifted. what was the topic?

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Not to mention teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage drug use, etc., etc.

One thing I can credit this to is the feminist movement. Ever since women have been "empowered" making stay-at-home mothers suddenly want to become CEOs, the backbone of the traditional family has crumbled. Kids now are raised by day-care centers and come home to an empty house after school. And there is no argument against this as there is significant data to back this up.

True, but this is a difficult arguement to make. How do you tell women "their place is in the kitchen" w/out offending or limiting an individual's rights? While I feel lucky to have had a stay at home mom (mostly), I would not demand that my wife would be as well.

I think unforently your point is VERY valid. Women have rights, but both Men AND Women should be appreciative of the role that THEY play in the devolpment of their child.

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