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The Real Obama

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If you imply straight experience translates into creditability and leadership, you are voting McCain end of story. And if you think she lacks experience in executive matters what makes you think you have the experience to be allowed to vote?

I've been an American citizen, I was educated thanks to the U.S. Government, I went to College thanks to the US Government, and somewhere along the way I learned how to read and make decisions. I have traveled to countries where their government's work and take care of every citizen and where money isn't the number one priority in everything. I have seen how social systems are supposed to work and can see that many of them don't even exist here. I think I can check a box on a computer screen and then press vote for the jerk who I think will not do less good than the other one.

It's a good thing I am only a part of the popular vote so mine won't count.

The whole war on terror is BS to hold the public's attention so I guess she'd be fine. I'll retract that question.

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I've been an American citizen, I was educated thanks to the U.S. Government, I went to College thanks to the US Government, and somewhere along the way I learned how to read and make decisions. I have traveled to countries where their government's work and take care of every citizen and where money isn't the number one priority in everything. I have seen how social systems are supposed to work and can see that many of them don't even exist here. I think I can check a box on a computer screen and then press vote for the jerk who I think will not do less good than the other one.

It's a good thing I am only a part of the popular vote so mine won't count.

The whole war on terror is BS to hold the public's attention so I guess she'd be fine. I'll retract that question.

all at the ripe age of 22?

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yes, I am 22. the best thing to do to understand other countries while you're there for a couple weeks is to go to bars and talk to people and then remember what the designated drivers said :lol:

have you been to canada? because their healthcare is horrible... yeah you might get free healthcare but you will wait in line for days to get seen by a horrible doctor.

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have you been to canada? because their healthcare is horrible... yeah you might get free healthcare but you will wait in line for days to get seen by a horrible doctor.

actually, i was playing hockey in canada, took a hip check to my head, went to the hospital and got xrays on my neck and a cat scan. i was in and out in a couple hours and it only cost 400 bucks canadian and I'm clearly not a citizen there! (back when their dollar was worth .75 of ours)

i know what you're saying about the lines though... my uncle had a ruptured disc in his lower back and had to wait 6 months for the operation (in Sweden). however, he got comp from his job (90% of his salary) during those six months, operation was a small copay fee, like a couple hundred bucks, and his quality of life didn't change at all. a year and half later he had muscular cancer in his deltoid and was treated within one week and two years later he is as healthy as any other 42 year old who has that medical history and he isn't bankrupt and still has his job. and the beauty of it is that every citizen in that country enjoys the same benefits. 6 weeks paid vacation every year isn't bad either

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i just do not want to have to wait in line to see a dr or got to the er while someone in front of me who has no right to be in the US... illegal gets treated and take more money out of my pocket

by Obama's healthcare plan

there are always flaws but in my opinion the benefits outweigh them. my dad was in the army and I never knew that healthcare could be any different, probably why I wasn't annoyed sitting in that Canadian hospital for a couple hours while I waited for results from my xrays and cat scan, but it really isn't that bad. you can sit at a pharmacy in an army hospital for hours if you're a dependent while uniformed soldiers walk up and are seen right away, but why should I be first in that case? same thing if I have strep throat and someone walks in with MRSA or something and I have to wait for a doctor longer.

of course an illegal immigrant shouldn't have the same rights as a citizen or resident alien if they are simply mooching off of the system, but why should a citizen who can't afford healthcare because he or she works at wal-mart and is on welfare be treated like somebody who isn't even a legal resident and doesn't work?

some of my people i talked to in Sweden felt the same way about immigrants in Sweden who mooch off of the social welfare system there but those feelings were always followed by an explanation about how they understand how there are people who come to Sweden for a better life and actually try to make a living so the system needs to work for them.

we shouldn't punish good people because bad people exist

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there are always flaws but in my opinion the benefits outweigh them. my dad was in the army and I never knew that healthcare could be any different, probably why I wasn't annoyed sitting in that Canadian hospital for a couple hours while I waited for results from my xrays and cat scan, but it really isn't that bad. you can sit at a pharmacy in an army hospital for hours if you're a dependent while uniformed soldiers walk up and are seen right away, but why should I be first in that case? same thing if I have strep throat and someone walks in with MRSA or something and I have to wait for a doctor longer.

of course an illegal immigrant shouldn't have the same rights as a citizen or resident alien if they are simply mooching off of the system, but why should a citizen who can't afford healthcare because he or she works at wal-mart and is on welfare be treated like somebody who isn't even a legal resident and doesn't work?

some of my people i talked to in Sweden felt the same way about immigrants in Sweden who mooch off of the social welfare system there but those feelings were always followed by an explanation about how they understand how there are people who come to Sweden for a better life and actually try to make a living so the system needs to work for them.

we shouldn't punish good people because bad people exist

but sir... you forget.. life is not fair

and you can not make it fair to EVERYONE

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