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The Real Obama

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I bet you believe that there is an omniscient being that is somehow everywhere and anywhere at once. Doesn't mean it's fact.

It's just politricks. Plus, I bet Clinton will write in his wife on his ballot rather than vote for Obama. If I had to take a guess at Bill Clinton's goals, I would say he was trying to clandestinely undermine Obama's campaign while acting like he is campaigning for the democratic party.

but why would Obama not want to stop his campaign so he can focus on a bailout plan that HE might have to support or implement if he becomes president... that does not make any sense.

and if you say its because Obama can not assist with the bailout plan that is BS because Bush called both of them for meetings yesterday to help out.

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Debate back on...

Ok, I might not go out tonight so I can watch this at 9pm EST

I am so excited to watch McCain mop the floor with Obama on economical items

Apparently, McCain got mopped around by Obama in the entire debate; how sad. It's funny how a common man like I was able to comprehend more with Obama than McCain; maybe it's because........ummmm!!! B)

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Apparently, McCain got mopped around by Obama in the entire debate; how sad. It's funny how a common man like I was able to comprehend more with Obama than McCain; maybe it's because........ummmm!!! B)

I disagree.

The debate showed how in-experienced Obama is in Foreign policy and war... it really showed when the Russia part of the debate.

also Obama looked very un-easy when McCain attacked him and did not really support/defend McCain's calling him out... Fox News AND CNN said this also

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I disagree.

The debate showed how in-experienced Obama is in Foreign policy and war... it really showed when the Russia part of the debate.

also Obama looked very un-easy when McCain attacked him and did not really support/defend McCain's calling him out... Fox News AND CNN said this also

when people lie about you to a national audience while they're standing next to you, i think it's appropriate to have a puzzled and uncomfortable facial expression; especially when the guy gets that dumb smirk on his face afterwords.

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when people lie about you to a national audience while they're standing next to you, i think it's appropriate to have a puzzled and uncomfortable facial expression; especially when the guy gets that dumb smirk on his face afterwords.

but the comments directed towards Obama were true.

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but the comments directed towards Obama were true.

more like truthiness, anyone can cherry pick facts to make any point, like when Condi Rice made a comparison of the Iraq Occupation to the occupied Germany after WWII. it sounds like it makes sense when put in their terms but if you look at the big picture, it doesn't make any sense.

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more like truthiness, anyone can cherry pick facts to make any point, like when Condi Rice made a comparison of the Iraq Occupation to the occupied Germany after WWII. it sounds like it makes sense when put in their terms but if you look at the big picture, it doesn't make any sense.

Barack Hussein Obama does the same thing... Obama supports are the most ignorant group out there... they support his points but do not take the time look them up. They want change but Obama even says that he will not be able to implement most of his plans for change (he said that during the debate).

it scares me that he would be our president and TRY to implement a national healthcare program like he is supporting... everything will get a lot worse for the average tax payer who is a loyal American and works hard

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Barack Hussein Obama does the same thing... Obama supports are the most ignorant group out there... they support his points but do not take the time look them up. They want change but Obama even says that he will not be able to implement most of his plans for change (he said that during the debate).

it scares me that he would be our president and TRY to implement a national healthcare program like he is supporting... everything will get a lot worse for the average tax payer who is a loyal American and works hard

yeah, but it's a two party system so i don't have to know every detail of his plans, i know that i disagree with the republican party on several major issues. maybe if this was a multiple party system with equal representation in a parliament i would be a little bit more picky. that and i don't have health insurance right now (not that it's going to help if Obama gets elected though :lol:

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Franklin Raines, Clinton appointed former head of Fannie Mae, Obama campaign advisor. Directly involved in the plan to provide"affordable housing" for less than qualified "borrowers". Also complicit? Barney Franks, and Chris Dodd, heading the hearings, what a joke.

Former Fannie Mae chairman, Jim Johnson, headed Obama's VP search team. He resigned because of his involvement in the collapse.

Obama has taken $126,349 from Freddie and Fannie, second highest in the Senate, next to, and no surprise here, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd.

If you really want to get ill, check into an organization called ACORN. Being investigated in voter registration fraud (Democrats?), and possible collusion in "affordable housing" loans to high risk borrowers. Tax payer subsidized too boot.

No change, just different tactics we don't recognize.

Thats a lot more substantial then a smirk on a, mans face.

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Franklin Raines, Clinton appointed former head of Fannie Mae, Obama campaign advisor. Directly involved in the plan to provide"affordable housing" for less than qualified "borrowers". Also complicit? Barney Franks, and Chris Dodd, heading the hearings, what a joke.

Former Fannie Mae chairman, Jim Johnson, headed Obama's VP search team. He resigned because of his involvement in the collapse.

Obama has taken $126,349 from Freddie and Fannie, second highest in the Senate, next to, and no surprise here, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd.

If you really want to get ill, check into an organization called ACORN. Being investigated in voter registration fraud (Democrats?), and possible collusion in "affordable housing" loans to high risk borrowers. Tax payer subsidized too boot.

No change, just different tactics we don't recognize.

Thats a lot more substantial then a smirk on a, mans face.

It's more fun to read about Cheney, the cost-plus system, KBR-Halliburton, other contractors, the conditions they keep troops in and the money they charge for it and their other money making schemes in Iraq (like burning trucks with flat tires instead of fixing them because if they lease a new one for 6 grand a month the government compensates them more). I'm all scandalled out :rolleyes: War is fascinating, Wall Street leeches are boring.

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It's more fun to read about Cheney, the cost-plus system, KBR-Halliburton, other contractors, the conditions they keep troops in and the money they charge for it and their other money making schemes in Iraq (like burning trucks with flat tires instead of fixing them because if they lease a new one for 6 grand a month the government compensates them more). I'm all scandalled out :rolleyes: War is fascinating, Wall Street leeches are boring.

Bigger govt = bigger fraud and waste. Obama and Bush are big govt types, you got what you ask for.

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Barack Hussein Obama does the same thing... Obama supports are the most ignorant group out there... they support his points but do not take the time look them up. They want change but Obama even says that he will not be able to implement most of his plans for change (he said that during the debate).1

it scares me that he would be our president and TRY to implement a national healthcare program like he is supporting... everything will get a lot worse for the average tax payer who is a loyal American and works hard 2

1. ......might not be able to implement his plans thanks to the crippled economy, overseen by the republicans for the past 8yrs

2..........what happened to you been patriotic? - An American extending his love (taxes) for another American ;) ; but yet you're willing to lavish money on wars displacing/killing other ppl.

Can we (for the benefit of doubt) see if a new system might work, rather than bashing Obama b4 he takes office? If anything thing, Bush (8yrs ago) had a better credibility than McCain and Obama, yet look at the state of the u.s. Obama did take money from Freddie and Fannie........SO DID McCAIN, Mr. Cletus. His advisors are also very questionable

Also the fact that McCain knew many names of foreign leaders (big shots) means not he has a better foreign policy. Please ppl, the fact that he was a war criminal doesn't mean he can run foreign relations either. McCain seems more of a non-diplomatic war advocate. What is wrong with sitting down with Ahmadinejad as opposed by McCain? Is the u.s. better than Iran that they be treated like brats? Be careful what you ask for america, I'd go for change (democrats) than more of the same (republicans) AND if the Dems fail or make things worse, then ROME was destined to fall. I'm glad ACORN was exposed b4 the elections and I hope justice prevails against them.

Personally, I think Obama as president will be on so much pressure (due to circumstances) that he'll try evrything possible to make the u.s better; that's my flimsy guess - I culd be wrong.

....Today I go with the polls Dave; it says Obama won the debate :)

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