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The Real Obama

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1. ......might not be able to implement his plans thanks to the crippled economy, overseen by the republicans for the past 8yrs

2..........what happened to you been patriotic? - An American extending his love (taxes) for another American ;) ; but yet you're willing to lavish money on wars displacing/killing other ppl.

Can we (for the benefit of doubt) see if a new system might work, rather than bashing Obama b4 he takes office? If anything thing, Bush (8yrs ago) had a better credibility than McCain and Obama, yet look at the state of the u.s. Obama did take money from Freddie and Fannie........SO DID McCAIN, Mr. Cletus. His advisors are also very questionable

Also the fact that McCain knew many names of foreign leaders (big shots) means not he has a better foreign policy. Please ppl, the fact that he was a war criminal doesn't mean he can run foreign relations either. McCain seems more of a non-diplomatic war advocate. What is wrong with sitting down with Ahmadinejad as opposed by McCain? Is the u.s. better than Iran that they be treated like brats? Be careful what you ask for america, I'd go for change (democrats) than more of the same (republicans) AND if the Dems fail or make things worse, then ROME was destined to fall. I'm glad ACORN was exposed b4 the elections and I hope justice prevails against them.

Personally, I think Obama as president will be on so much pressure (due to circumstances) that he'll try evrything possible to make the u.s better; that's my flimsy guess - I culd be wrong.

....Today I go with the polls Dave; it says Obama won the debate :)

If you think the state of this economy is the sole work of the republicans, then you are a fool. It's the fault of everyone in congress, both republican and democrat. Vote them all out. Obama is Bush for another 4 years in terms of economics. Obama was brought up in Chicago big machine, big govt. politics. There won't be a change. Oh, and btw, McCain took something to the effect of $875 from Mac, that's a drop in the bucket compared to what Obama took.

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1. ......might not be able to implement his plans thanks to the crippled economy, overseen by the republicans for the past 8yrs

2..........what happened to you been patriotic? - An American extending his love (taxes) for another American ;) ; but yet you're willing to lavish money on wars displacing/killing other ppl.

Can we (for the benefit of doubt) see if a new system might work, rather than bashing Obama b4 he takes office? If anything thing, Bush (8yrs ago) had a better credibility than McCain and Obama, yet look at the state of the u.s. Obama did take money from Freddie and Fannie........SO DID McCAIN, Mr. Cletus. His advisors are also very questionable

Also the fact that McCain knew many names of foreign leaders (big shots) means not he has a better foreign policy. Please ppl, the fact that he was a war criminal doesn't mean he can run foreign relations either. McCain seems more of a non-diplomatic war advocate. What is wrong with sitting down with Ahmadinejad as opposed by McCain? Is the u.s. better than Iran that they be treated like brats? Be careful what you ask for america, I'd go for change (democrats) than more of the same (republicans) AND if the Dems fail or make things worse, then ROME was destined to fall. I'm glad ACORN was exposed b4 the elections and I hope justice prevails against them.

Personally, I think Obama as president will be on so much pressure (due to circumstances) that he'll try evrything possible to make the u.s better; that's my flimsy guess - I culd be wrong.

....Today I go with the polls Dave; it says Obama won the debate :)

Who's the war criminal? You better be real fucking careful who you pin that label on!

You forget the whole tenet of the radical Muslim. If it takes a 1000 yrs they want non Muslims dead. Or converted. Your talking about politics and they are taking about God and martyrdom.They all talked in Oslo with Arafat, he assured all that he wanted peace with Israel, then went in front of his cohorts and swore to drive the Israelis into the sea. You need to get a grip on radical Islam. Your syntax leads me to believe you are not a naturalized US citizen. I apologize if I am incorrect, just curious as to your citizenship.

Hopefully this crisis will keep spending and bullshit taxes under control. This may be the tipping point that sends US Gov back to were it belongs, on the sidelines while the folks fix it.

Iraq and Afghanistan = no attacks on US soil in 7 yrs. As far as I'm concerend, Bush did his job. The rest is icing.

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Relax Mr. CLETUS, curb the curse words for they speak lowly of your character :)

I take that back, McCain is no war criminal.....I meant to say POW.

With all due respect, can you count how many radical muslims are out there? I practice Islam (you can send the Feds to get me later) and I it is a religion of peace. For you to generalize all muslims as radical is plainly close-minded, Sir. What Ahmedinejad says does not reflect what other muslims think; I hope U get that straight. He may rant on how much he hate Israel or wants to kill all non-muslims but he knows he can never try implementing such. Ooh, if I remember correctly, radical Christianity is what decimated Africa....and created U.S.A. - think about that. Al-Queida attacked in 2001 killing 3000+; tell me when last they killed so many ppl before that time? and do you not wonder that they might be planning a bigger attack in a few months to come? The Iraqi war has killed 4200 soldiers....and destroyed 10,000 American lives while Al-Queida grows stronger. Any gains to the American public? I guess as long as U lost no one in the war, it's okay.

El Director, I may be slightly ignorant in politics (still learning unbiasedly) but I know $1 from Mac is as much a sin as $100,000 from Mac. Also I do believe 4-6 of McCain's advisors are all lobbyists - look that up. Politics is dirty and Obama might be dirty too BUT considering the past 8yrs, I'll rather vote for a change in dirty politics than settle for the same of what I've experienced.

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the fact that he was a war criminal doesn't mean he can run foreign relations either

Who's the war criminal? You better be real fucking careful who you pin that label on!


I was waiting for that misunderstanding to erupt! I read that knowing he just made a mistake and chuckled at how opposite yet similar those two terms are, Prisoner of War and War Criminal. Without any understanding of the terms it seems that one would indeed make you the other, oh well. Having ironed out a shouting match with Cletus you seem like a stand up guy and having worked on Akinbola's car with him I know he is too. I hope you two don't start hating because of some keyboarding diarrhea :)

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Relax Mr. CLETUS, curb the curse words for they speak lowly of your character :)

I take that back, McCain is no war criminal.....I meant to say POW.

With all due respect, can you count how many radical muslims are out there? I practice Islam (you can send the Feds to get me later) and I it is a religion of peace. For you to generalize all muslims as radical is plainly close-minded, Sir. What Ahmedinejad says does not reflect what other muslims think; I hope U get that straight. He may rant on how much he hate Israel or wants to kill all non-muslims but he knows he can never try implementing such. Ooh, if I remember correctly, radical Christianity is what decimated Africa....and created U.S.A. - think about that. Al-Queida attacked in 2001 killing 3000+; tell me when last they killed so many ppl before that time? and do you not wonder that they might be planning a bigger attack in a few months to come? The Iraqi war has killed 4200 soldiers....and destroyed 10,000 American lives while Al-Queida grows stronger. Any gains to the American public? I guess as long as U lost no one in the war, it's okay.

El Director, I may be slightly ignorant in politics (still learning unbiasedly) but I know $1 from Mac is as much a sin as $100,000 from Mac. Also I do believe 4-6 of McCain's advisors are all lobbyists - look that up. Politics is dirty and Obama might be dirty too BUT considering the past 8yrs, I'll rather vote for a change in dirty politics than settle for the same of what I've experienced.

I never generalized about all Muslims. I clearly referred to RADICALS. I'm not sure you understood that either. Big difference between War Criminal and Prisoner of War. I'm sure a bigger attack is planned. Whats more disturbing is that reasonable peace loving Muslims and their leaders don't speak up or fight back against the facists that have hijacked your religion. The silence speaks volumes of approval. Gains? I can sleep at night. Al-Queida grows stronger? Their using children in Iraq as homicide bombers and foot soldiers. Thats a desperate bunch. They are a persistent minority, destined to be marginalized, and any state that supports them will remain the same. Did they really think 2 buildings and 3000 murders would bring this country down? They'll have to kill all of us first. If you see such injustice why do you not got to the Crescent and fight for your cause? Why do you stay in this evil country? The world bashes us all day long, but line up on our shores to live here and enjoy our open society, the benefits of our Constitution, and the stability of our Govt. The US was created out of the desire for freedom of religion. Remember the Ottoman Empire and the Crusades. Compile all the bombings in Indonesia and Bali, Kobar Towers, Madrid trains, London. Cowardly acts against civilians, not a war fought by soldiers. How about the Muslim leaders and war lords in Africa, Sudan and Somalia. How many civilians have been starved and butchered?

They usurp the power of God on Earth. They think they can interpret what the Lord wants and how He wants it carried out. To presume you know what God wants by mortal men is blasphemy. And hypocritical. I guess no one is innocent, huh?

America sucks, let me in, give me a job, and a free education, and feed me. Then I'll do all I can to tear her down. I hope you enjoy the freedoms here, and that includes your right to say what you say. And I will continue to defend your right to do so, with blood if need be. I grant you one get out of jail free card for your gaff about POW's- War criminals.

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I do not watch South Park


"This is Chewbacca, Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee - an eight foot tall Wookiee - want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! What does that have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! None of this makes sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests. DAMNIT! "

The Chewbacca Defense

The Chewbacca Defense is a term for any legal strategy or propaganda strategy that seeks to overwhelm its audience with nonsensical arguments, as a way of confusing the audience and drowning out legitimate opposing arguments. It is thus a kind of logical fallacy: specifically, a red herring fallacy and non sequitur similar to argumentum ad nauseam.

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"This is Chewbacca, Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee - an eight foot tall Wookiee - want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! What does that have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! None of this makes sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests. DAMNIT! "

The Chewbacca Defense

The Chewbacca Defense is a term for any legal strategy or propaganda strategy that seeks to overwhelm its audience with nonsensical arguments, as a way of confusing the audience and drowning out legitimate opposing arguments. It is thus a kind of logical fallacy: specifically, a red herring fallacy and non sequitur similar to argumentum ad nauseam.

HA! way to look the other way... You do no think it is weird that ACORN that is being raided for Voter Fraud is the very same company that Obama used to work for and "lead"? AND the democratic party has a history of voter fraud?

give me a fucking break :rolleyes:

OR state officials in Ohio are being investigated for campaigning for Obama when they were suppose to be out to promote voting specifically and be nonpartisan?

and before you say prove it... link

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Ignore the man behind the curtain, the Great OZ has spoken!

Goes to judgement, and possible quid pro quo. Ayers still thinks he could have done more damage. Did you read his comments on 9/11? Kill your parents? Oh well, they'll hang McCain with the Keating 5, and not say squat about Obamas adulterous relationships. Lets face it, he's the most liberal member of the Senate, hands down. Can't wait for the tax plan.

Hey Dave, He's gonna win. Get used to it. But all his pie in the sky plans for health care, etc. will have no legs. Why? We gots no money. Unless he tries to strip down the military again. Or tax us into the Dark Ages. Let them run the show for 4 yrs, we'll see how bad they screw it up. Most ethical Congress in history my hairy Chewbacka ass.

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ok, lets see if we can put this together

ACORN Vegas Office Raid for Voter Fraud


Obama and ACORN

Obama and ACORN again

relation... come on open your eyes

Funny how the last two links look like the were written by a columnist from FOX news........Quite long articles indeed and I read it for such a long time I totally misconstrued it's concept. It's just another example of the lame attack (by republicans) of 'guilty by association'. Obama training ACORN's employees doesn't necessary make him a corrupt candidate.

+ I doubt Obama'll win Mr. Cletus :(.......besides it'll be interesting to see how far this country can go under if ruled by McCain; hence my vote 4 McCain B) . Let's see how resilient this country really is, no?

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HA! way to look the other way... You do no think it is weird that ACORN that is being raided for Voter Fraud is the very same company that Obama used to work for and "lead"?

Low socio-economic AA votes, that is weird.

AND the democratic party has a history of voter fraud?

give me a fucking break :rolleyes:


OR state officials in Ohio are being investigated for campaigning for Obama when they were suppose to be out to promote voting specifically and be nonpartisan?

and before you say prove it...

Then get off your ass and start a grass roots campiagn in D.C. to get all those wealthy rich people to get to the polls and vote!

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