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The Real Obama

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Yes they were. The Bush administration teamed up with ACORN to provide housing assistance to Katrina victims. ACORN was "aligned" with McCain when they supported his immigration reform (btw, whatever happend to that?) :arob:

Obama was involved in a lawsuit 13 years ago against the state of Illinois which forced the state to comply with federal voting access laws. That is a scam?

This has already been said but the problem you keep beating like a dead horse with ACORN is that it has nothing to do with the democratic party or Obama ... but how they paid people. They fabricated registration cards to get paid for not doing any work, not to get votes for Obama.

Because crack heads vote Republican

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Yes they were. The Bush administration teamed up with ACORN to provide housing assistance to Katrina victims. ACORN was "aligned" with McCain when they supported his immigration reform (btw, whatever happend to that?) :arob:

Obama was involved in a lawsuit 13 years ago against the state of Illinois which forced the state to comply with federal voting access laws. That is a scam?

This has already been said but the problem you keep beating like a dead horse with ACORN is that it has nothing to do with the democratic party or Obama ... but how they paid people. They fabricated registration cards to get paid for not doing any work, not to get votes for Obama.




come on now Erik lol

edit: this is funny "According to Federal Election Commission records reviewed by the Tribune-Review, the Obama campaign paid CSI/ACORN $832,598.29, from Feb. 25 to May 17, including $564,342.21 for "stage, lighting and sound." The payments stood out since CSI does not offer services for stage, lighting or sound."

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come on now Erik lol

edit: this is funny "According to Federal Election Commission records reviewed by the Tribune-Review, the Obama campaign paid CSI/ACORN $832,598.29, from Feb. 25 to May 17, including $564,342.21 for "stage, lighting and sound." The payments stood out since CSI does not offer services for stage, lighting or sound."

If I were Charles, I would put "I love ACORN" under your Avatar.

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If I were Charles, I would put "I love ACORN" under your Avatar.

well isn't it fascinating that the liberal media has not picked it up this more.. hmmm??

if it was McCain it would be the TOP story after the economy on the news every night and you can not deny that

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Greg, that makes me ill. And thats enough for me not to vote for him, or anyone like him, or associated with him. This is a purely selfish position for me. Beside the affront to humanity, and the idea that any doctor would find this any where within the scope of the Hippocratic oath, >35,000,000babies aborted. Don't you think at least one of those children could have grown to be a great leader, thinker, or scientist? Came up with the cure for cancer? Maybe was the second coming of the Christ? I cringe when I think about my tax money going to pay for murder. Lets see, I'm drunk and I want to get laid, ooops I'm pregnant. Kill the fetus. How about a womans right to say "keep your dick in your pants"? How about the right to have self control? How about the right to postpone gratification. Rape an incest aside, pregnancy is a behavioral issue, not a disease to be treated by surgery. Forget ACORN, forget Ayers, Wright and his socialist beliefs. He's complicit in murder.

I bet the majority of abortions are from poor, minority women.He's killing his own. He's a self-hating racist.

I don't want my taxes to compromise my morals.

35 million, thats 6 zeros.

Thats nearly 10% of the present population.

Thats every person in the state of Connecticut killed 6 times.

Thats nearly 7 times the Jews that Hitler murdered.

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Barack Obama:

"If I were watching Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me, right? Because the way I'm portrayed 24/7 is as a freak! I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, no-gun-owning, effete, politically correct, arrogant liberal. Who wants somebody like that?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Obama and ACORN... again :rolleyes:

I know it is FoxNews... but that does not mean it is not true.

From FactCheck.org (perhaps looking things up is a better way to understand what's true and what not?)

ACORN and Vote Fraud

McCain made some dire claims about a liberal group he said was out to steal the election:

McCain: We need to know the full extent of Sen. Obama's relationship with ACORN, who is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy.

It's true that the voter registration wing of the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now has run into trouble in several states. ACORN employees have been investigated and in some cases indicted for voter registration fraud. Most recently, more than 2,000 registrations in Lake County, Ind., have turned out to be falsified.

But does this constitute "destroying the fabric of democracy"? More like destroying the fabric of work ethic. There's been no evidence that the ACORN employees who submitted fraudulent forms have been paving the way for illegal voting. Rather, they're trying to get paid for doing no work.

Dan Satterberg, the Republican prosecuting attorney in King County, Wash., where the first ACORN case was prosecuted, said:

Satterberg: [A] joint federal and state investigation has determined that this

scheme was not intended to permit illegal voting.

Instead, the defendants cheated their employer. ... It was hardly a sophisticated plan: The defendants simply realized that making up names was easier than actually canvassing the streets looking for unregistered voters. ...

[it] appears that the employees of ACORN were not performing the work that they were being paid for, and to some extent, ACORN is a victim of employee theft.

The $8-an-hour employees were charged with providing false information on a voter registration, and in one case with making a false statement to a public official. ACORN was fined for showing insufficient oversight, but it was not charged with masterminding any kind of fraud.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the table, Obama wasn't entirely forthcoming about his relationship with ACORN:

Obama: The only involvement I've had with ACORN is, I represented them alongside the U.S. Justice Department in making Illinois implement a motor voter law that helped people get registered at DMVs.

He did, but that wasn't his only involvement. He also worked closely with ACORN's Chicago office when he ran a Project Vote registration drive after law school, and Obama did some leadership training for Chicago ACORN. The Woods Fund, where Obama served as a board member, gave grants to ACORN's Chicago branch; both organizations are concerned with disadvantaged populations in that city. And during the primaries of this election, Obama's campaign paid upwards of $800,000 to the ACORN-affiliated Campaign Services Inc. for get-out-the-vote efforts (not voter registration). Those services were initially misrepresented on the campaign's Federal Election Commission reports, an error that some find suspicious and others say is par for the course. ACORN's Chicago office and CSI have not been under investigation.

For more on investigations of ACORN and registration fraud, and Obama's involvement with the group, keep an eye on our home page. A longer article on ACORN is in the works.

Getting paid for doing nothing, the old american dream :lol:

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From FactCheck.org (perhaps looking things up is a better way to understand what's true and what not?)

Getting paid for doing nothing, the old american dream :lol:

I know your just joking, but the American dream for most of us is just/ fair compensation for hard work. The "pay for nothing" crowd are the ones that reap the benefits of the entitlement society we have created. Tax those that are succesfull and give that money to those that arnt.

Just a few things to think about:

I'm assuming Obama will win, and the Dems gain seats in both the House and the Senate, which they will, are you comfortable with a Govt that will have no checks?

Republicans may not have enough votes to block any legislation or initiate any of their own, so half the electorate may not have any representation in the country. Like in larger cities the Dems run the show because they provide free money, and those folks keep voting them back into office. Is it possible we are heading towards a one party system?

There is legislation out that will deny privacy on union votes, effectively allowing union leaders to put the strong arm on you if you vote against union policy and officers. That will go thru easy, unions run the Democratic Party, huge amounts of money donated thru dues. SHould you be forced to support or pay for an organization or policy you disagree with?.

Do you approve of that kind of work place intimidation, and how will the expansion of unions affect wages,jobs and prices? The more union members the more Dem votes. Don't forget, companies don't pay for taxes and wages, the consumer does. Those items rise and they adjust prices up to cover those costs. They may not be any jobs to fill with union positions,


Late night talk show jokes : ~ 280 against McCain/Repubs--- ~50 against Obama/Dems. No media bias?

Katie Couric sporting a Sarah Palin hairdo at the Alfred Smith Foundation dinner last night. Thats ironic!

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Late night talk show jokes : ~ 280 against McCain/Repubs--- ~50 against Obama/Dems. No media bias?

I think the Dems are just a lot more boring :lol: The Reps liven things up quite a bit with characters like Palin :)

Effectively the R and D party aren't as far apart on policy as one would think. And the gap seems to be shrinking still. Both are a lot more to the right than what we have in European governments. That's not to say they are necessarily better or worse. No such thing a good politician exists, unfortunately they are necessary.

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I think the Dems are just a lot more boring :lol: The Reps liven things up quite a bit with characters like Palin :)

Effectively the R and D party aren't as far apart on policy as one would think. And the gap seems to be shrinking still. Both are a lot more to the right than what we have in European governments. That's not to say they are necessarily better or worse. No such thing a good politician exists, unfortunately they are necessary.

It is a known fact that the majority of the media are more liberal... that is why Fox News gets such a bad wrap because they are more conservative and the other media outlets do not like that, lol because they report on things they they do not want to

I do not think people realize how far left Obama is, which is scary.

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I think the Dems are just a lot more boring :lol: The Reps liven things up quite a bit with characters like Palin :)

Barney Franks not a character? I do agree however.

Dave does make a point, a survey 2 years ago confirmed that 89% of writer, reporters, and anchors are Dem/ leftist leaning. The problem is they tend to be very far left, forget that they are not all commentators and use their media stations as a bully pulpit to support lefty causes and agendas. All the while filtering out negatives about their side of the issue and trumpeting negatives on the other side of the aisle. It's obvoius, even if you are on that side, if your an honest person you must admit it occurs.

Have good weekend, folks, weather is gorgeous here in the CT hills. I'm heading to my single-wide at the lake to drink some beer and do some fishing.

Wingnut out!! :lol:

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It is a known fact that the majority of the media are more liberal...

Known fact? There are the bias networks like Fox News and MSNBC.

Most of the networks aren't, but if you are on one extreme or the other, then of course they will appear that way.

What most news networks do is report negative news because it attracts more interest than positive news. To a conservative, the news looks bias against them because there are more negative news events about the Republicans than there are about Democrats. The Bush administration has so many screw ups in the past 8 years compared to the Democrats (or any other party) that it appears to be bias. Add on the senators having sex in bathrooms, with pages, etc and it gets worse. There are screwups on both sides, its just the Republicans have done more, so they naturally have more negative news.

I do not think people realize how far left Obama is, which is scary.

No, what is scary is how far right you are. You probably think Bush is too liberal.

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Both are a lot more to the right than what we have in European governments. That's not to say they are necessarily better or worse. No such thing a good politician exists, unfortunately they are necessary.

That probably goes for Canada also. They just had their elections a few days ago and the Conservative Party won the majority of the seats. The Candian Conservative Party would be considered liberals by Republicans.

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