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The Real Obama

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Known fact? There are the bias networks like Fox News and MSNBC.

Most of the networks aren't, but if you are on one extreme or the other, then of course they will appear that way.

What most news networks do is report negative news because it attracts more interest than positive news. To a conservative, the news looks bias against them because there are more negative news events about the Republicans than there are about Democrats. The Bush administration has so many screw ups in the past 8 years compared to the Democrats (or any other party) that it appears to be bias. Add on the senators having sex in bathrooms, with pages, etc and it gets worse. There are screwups on both sides, its just the Republicans have done more, so they naturally have more negative news.

No, what is scary is how far right you are. You probably think Bush is too liberal.

Your in denial and being dishonest. Check hit piece on Cindy McCain by NY Times.

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I almost hope Obama is elected. If anything is funnier than the rich getting richer from Mcain being elected it will be the poor getting poorer if Obama gets elected.

i loled...

was thinking about the election during one of my zone outs during class today...has either candidate been questioned or talked about their policy towards drugs? just my random thought of the day.

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i loled...

was thinking about the election during one of my zone outs during class today...has either candidate been questioned or talked about their policy towards drugs? just my random thought of the day.

WTF cars about drugs. I give more credence to Fox bashing Obama because he wears a Tag Hauer watch. LOL Obamas a cheap ass.

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Just quoting numbers, and making a comparison. I find it interesting how folks define babies, fetuses, or zygotes. Ever seen an ultrasound of a baby before late term abortion? Looks like a human being to me.

Birth control? How about self control? How about not using abortion as birth control? How about keeping your pants on, male or female? It's a multi-billion dollar industry. Employing only the finest doctors I'm sure.

I'm with Chuck, now. Let the Leftists have control of both houses, and the WH. Let them wreck society and the economy.

Jimmy Carter style.

Centrists govts are immoral and ineffective, they fail miserably where ever they have been. Name one thats succesfull, let alone still operating. You can't do it, and I knew it.

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WTF cars about drugs. I give more credence to Fox bashing Obama because he wears a Tag Hauer watch. LOL Obamas a cheap ass.

I have a Casio and it sets itself to the atomic clock :)

i loled...

was thinking about the election during one of my zone outs during class today...has either candidate been questioned or talked about their policy towards drugs? just my random thought of the day.

there are more important things than the drug policy, the war on drugs is out of style, the war on terror is where it's at and with Halloween coming up it's going to be a bumpy road to the election :lol:

Just quoting numbers, and making a comparison. I find it interesting how folks define babies, fetuses, or zygotes. Ever seen an ultrasound of a baby before late term abortion? Looks like a human being to me.

Birth control? How about self control? How about not using abortion as birth control? How about keeping your pants on, male or female? It's a multi-billion dollar industry. Employing only the finest doctors I'm sure.

I'm with Chuck, now. Let the Leftists have control of both houses, and the WH. Let them wreck society and the economy.

Jimmy Carter style.

Centrists govts are immoral and ineffective, they fail miserably where ever they have been. Name one thats succesfull, let alone still operating. You can't do it, and I knew it.

looks like a fish/whale/monkey/bird/evolution to me

abortion isn't supposed to be birth control but abstinence isn't working so maybe we should revise our sex education in schools

oh, and not that Jimmy Carter was that good, but how about Reaganomics? that really worked and I think it proved itself over the past couple of weeks

and centrist governments, so what. we all know that totalitarianism is the most efficient way to go but I'm still a supporter of democracy

I believe Kodos, or was it Kang who said, "Abortions for some, novelty American flags for others!"

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