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The Real Obama

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I'm done making my decision. Surprise.

Change? He came from the Chicago political machine lead by Daley. Many oh his cohorts indicted.

Obama has never reached across the aisle or voted against his parties policy. Ever.

Most liberal politician in Senate. And top 5 tax and spender.

Shady associations and cloudy past. Associated with voter reg fraud.

I totally dislike his economic policy, and his pitch for socialized medicine.

Biden is a maroon.

I can't stand his comrades in Congress and Senate.

Afraid of judges he might appoint.

Very wary of the media coverage or lack there of, the stifling of opinions, and the way his minions have gone after Joe the Plumber. That could be you getting opened up after you dissent.

He has been endorsed by Hezbollah, Hugo Chavez, an Al Queda leader, among others not on our "friends" list.

San Francisco radio douche calls for someone to kill Joe the Plumber. Nice. Thats the kind of people we'll be dealing with for next 4-8 yrs.

You can't possibly be right about anything, your a Republican, or at least not an Obamite.

I'll vote my conscience and hope people govern with common sense and practical application of sound economic and social theory. Thats the best we can hope for, I suppose.

And if I'm real lucky I'll get to watch the riots when McCain pulls off a last second upset. Every one loves a train wreck, don't they?

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Where are you coming up with this BS?

Tape out of Obama saying he would bankrupt any coal companies because he would raise the greenhouse gas tax on all of them... linky

and the video of Obama that is being controlled by LA Times last week... there were some transcripts that were out

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I'm done making my decision. Surprise.

Done? You were done is May. :)

Many oh his cohorts indicted.

*cough* Keating *cough*

Most liberal politician in Senate.

Really? Bill Krystal considers him a moderate.

Shady associations and cloudy past.

See the Keating comment above.

Biden is a maroon.

I totally agree with you on this one, although I called him a moron, not a color. :)

Very wary of the media coverage or lack there of, the stifling of opinions, and the way his minions have gone after Joe the Plumber.

Joe put himself on the scene and continues to do so. He is campaigning for McCain, although not sure he is actually helping McCain by what he is saying. I hear he has a record deal also.

Keep in mind if there was a similar person for Obama you can bet your ass the Republicans would have done the same.

He has been endorsed by Hezbollah, Hugo Chavez, an Al Queda leader, among others not on our "friends" list.

Really? So if the Neo-Nazis endorse McCain, that means he is a friend to them? The only reason they endorse him is because McCain is a continuation of Bush.

San Francisco radio douche calls for someone to kill Joe the Plumber. Nice. Thats the kind of people we'll be dealing with for next 4-8 yrs.

and McCain rallies have people shouting Obama is a Muslim and to kill him. Works both ways.

I'll vote my conscience and hope people govern with common sense and practical application of sound economic and social theory. Thats the best we can hope for, I suppose.

That is exactly what you have to do.

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well I heard lines are going to be nuts tomorrow... 6 hours in some places

I am going to get in line at 5am and if there is a huge line then I am going to go to work and then dip out early... ugh

I voted last week. :)

5am? Hanging out with the senior crowd?

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Done? You were done is May. :)

*cough* Keating *cough*

Really? Bill Krystal considers him a moderate.

See the Keating comment above.

I totally agree with you on this one, although I called him a moron, not a color. :)

Joe put himself on the scene and continues to do so. He is campaigning for McCain, although not sure he is actually helping McCain by what he is saying. I hear he has a record deal also.

Keep in mind if there was a similar person for Obama you can bet your ass the Republicans would have done the same.

Really? So if the Neo-Nazis endorse McCain, that means he is a friend to them? The only reason they endorse him is because McCain is a continuation of Bush.

and McCain rallies have people shouting Obama is a Muslim and to kill him. Works both ways.

That is exactly what you have to do.

Have the Neo_Nazis endorsed McCain? News to me so enlighten me. And so far , as dispicable as they are, Neo-Nazis have yet to blow up American citizens and planes. They like Obama because they see him as a weak link in the terror war. All they know is power and violence.

Maroon is Bugs Bunny-ese for moron...you may be too young to remember that episode!

I quote :"Watta maroon" w/ Brooklyn accent.

The cries for Obama to be killed at a rally for McCain is pure urban legend and never happened.

They asked for Joes opinion, they were in his driveway and they pissed him off. So does that warrant an invasive background check from an Obama supporter in Ohio govt? Scary.

And as far as Keating, McCain more than atoned for his involvement and was on the for front of reform and oversight in the banking industry. Lets watch Frank and Dodd do the same thing. Don't hold your breath, they won't. I was referring to the Chicago political machine run by the Daly's. Not much change, dirty politics as usual.

There are tons of Obama supporters raging out there. Many are press folks and ACORN employees, check the Daily Kos, and Huffington Post. Folks there wanted Tony Snow to die of his cancer and called for the assassination of the VP. Hanging Palin in effigy? Lets see what would happen if it was Obama. Not sure I see that kind of hate coming from the right. I won't even get into MoveOn.Org.

I almost feel sorry for folks taking your position. I can't wait for my big fat toldyaso. Still not convinced McCain loses. I'm praying for the train wreck and the compulsory civil disobedience in protest. I love watching riots on TV. I may get a couple going at the same time so I can watch all the news folks loose their minds and scramble to find all the voter fraud. OHPLEASEOHPLEASOHPLEASE let it happen.

Oh well should be an interesting night. Vote early and vote often, which ever park bench you list as your address. No matter what, democracy will win out.

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Have the Neo_Nazis endorsed McCain?

It was an example. Never said it was true. You can't control who endorses you.

Who cares what that banana boat captain Chaves says anyway? His country will be in civil war within 10 years at the rate he is going.

Maroon is Bugs Bunny-ese for moron...you may be too young to remember that episode!

I quote :"Watta maroon" w/ Brooklyn accent.

I am only a few years younger than you, and I do remember it. That was back before they started censoring the classic cartoons.

The cries for Obama to be killed at a rally for McCain is pure urban legend and never happened.

Actually, it was at a Palin rally. My mistake. They do call him a terrorist and Muslim, constantly. These are rumors started by the right.


They asked for Joes opinion, they were in his driveway and they pissed him off. So does that warrant an invasive background check from an Obama supporter in Ohio govt? Scary.

It is more likely the 24-hour news channels needed to fill time, so let check on this Joe guy. I don't think the "average Joe" owes back taxes. Maybe I am wrong and they do.

Again, you put your self out there, you are going to be a target. Same thing with Palin. If Obama had picked an unknown for his VP, the McCain people would have been digging up anything they could on him/her.

Oh well should be an interesting night. Vote early and vote often, which ever park bench you list as your address. No matter what, democracy will win out.

The Diebold machines have been reprogrammed. Every vote for Obama records 6 for McCain. :)

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Alright, a Bugsy fan!

You are correct sir it was a Palin rally. Enough of this line by line, I dont have the attention span.

I will say this, I wish Obama well and success. If he is elected. That means success for most of us. I'm tired of the hate directed towards Bush and his cohorts. They don't deserve all that BS. I assume that Obama will move to the center like Bubba did. He must realize the US is a Center/Right country. He may actually piss off his lefty supporters.

I'm not harbouring any hate for the man, at all. I believe he means well and will do his best to right the ship. I hope that folks will realize that McCain ran an honorable campaign, perhaps to a fault. He left Wright and Ayers off the table, never made race an issue, and left Mrs. Obama out of it. He is an American hero, with a long history of service to his country. Its too bad that the Vietnam era vet won't get a bit of redemption from his election, if he loses. Those men and women were disparaged for doing what we asked of them, and it might have put a nice feather in their caps.

We have seen some real bad stuff come out of DC this last couple of years. Regardless of party affiliation, we should all hold their feet to the fire if they try to screw us over again. If the tax thing gets out of hand, if the war on terror goes sour, if CEO's keep getting bonuses and folks don't rebound, I expect all you guys that support Obama to jump up and say something. It's in the worlds best interest for America to be strong. Some folks will be dancing in the streets, OJ Simpson style, but thats ok. Many won't even know what they voted for, but thats ok. And many will feel unrepresented, and thats ok too. Things will settle down, and we'll go back to work and try to fix this thing.

Can someone please smack Allen Combs. Just once, for me?

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Voting BS has begun/ continues.

Overseas military ballots were sent out late, why and how? 10's of thousands of servicemen and women may not have their votes counted. Those guys should be given tons of leeway to get their votes counted, regardless of the outcome or gap.

Black Panthers intimidate would-be voters in Philly. Where is Sharpton and Jesse now?

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Voting BS has begun/ continues.

Overseas military ballots were sent out late, why and how? 10's of thousands of servicemen and women may not have their votes counted. Those guys should be given tons of leeway to get their votes counted, regardless of the outcome or gap.

Black Panthers intimidate would-be voters in Philly. Where is Sharpton and Jesse now?

Well as long as they arent slashing the tires of vans registered to the Republican Party here, like they did in '04...

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The result of the Redskins' final home game before Election Day has accurately predicted the winner in 17 of the past 18 presidential elections.

If the Redskins win, the incumbent political party stays in the White House. But if they lose, the incumbent party is voted out.


Obama FTW


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Voting BS has begun/ continues.

Overseas military ballots were sent out late, why and how? 10's of thousands of servicemen and women may not have their votes counted. Those guys should be given tons of leeway to get their votes counted, regardless of the outcome or gap.

Black Panthers intimidate would-be voters in Philly. Where is Sharpton and Jesse now?

The absentee ballot BS happened to a bunch of people I know too and the Election Board said they had to overnight the ballots for them to count. Our system needs to be improved at some point. Of course, my friends could have just registered where they lived instead. It's too bad that the people who are affected the most by elections and had no other way to vote were screwed. It's pitiful. Too bad this isn't like American Idol and you can't just vote from your cell phone :lol: You'd think that military bases could have their own polling places but I can see where that could be bad under certain circumstances.

Anyone think it's odd that General Patreaus said he doesn't vote? It is possible to be loyal to the candidate that you didn't vote for, I mean I have been paying taxes for the past 8 years (and getting it all back because I was a student making less than my standard deductions :D )




Fixed. First place with a nice little cushion for now :D

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