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The Real Obama

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Obama wins.

Duh. Was it really in doubt? 3 weeks ago after the economic collapse, McCain was done. Even I knew that.

A little"luck" goes a long way. Bad luck for 401k's, good luck for Obama et al. I think Mac would have held on if Wall Street didnt blow up. Just one mans opinion.

Change for the chance to make change, I'm changing the way that folks can make change. Changing the change so you can make change, these time they are a changing. Wha? :lol: :lol:

DO you feel changed, and how will the change change you?

And who the hell votes for Al Franken, the Clown Union? Minnesotans can't be that silly. I know Coleman is not a rocket scientist, but what the hell is wrong with you folks up there? All Republicans wiped off the face of the earth in New England. Is it officially a gulag now? In CT Dems maintained a super majority in both houses, making it veto proof. And folks like me insignificant.

Hey Charles, how did the Panhandle go? That may be the only place on the planet I can go to feel wanted.(sob).

At least US Senate still has some sway.

I dont think it was a race vote at all. I'd vote fro an African-American in a heartbeat if his politics were in line with mine. Folks like JC Watts, Rice, Alan Steele and others. The A-A vote was always for Obama, and almost all were in areas that he would win anyway. White folks elected him. And it was about the economy. The only color folks cared about was green.

Should we start another thread, dealing with performance of Prez, Congress, and Senate? Kind of a watchdog thread? If taxes increase, and jobs drop, or stock market bosses get bonuses, I want this pointed out. If there is no real change, will your opinion change (theres that word again)?

Any good riots last nigh? No tire fires or overturned cars? Damn.

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i bet markets up 500+ pts today. maybe more.

murtha wasn't even close. i did vote against him. he is way out of touch and does nothing for anybody except johnstown and altoona.

While I appreciate his service to America, he always came off as a bumbling old man. Maybe he'll entertain us with some more ridiculous statements.

500? Futures already down, we shall see.

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Duh. Was it really in doubt? 3 weeks ago after the economic collapse, McCain was done. Even I knew that.

A little"luck" goes a long way. Bad luck for 401k's, good luck for Obama et al. I think Mac would have held on if Wall Street didnt blow up. Just one mans opinion.

I think you are right. I think the financial collapse is what did him it, or at least it would have been a lot closer.

And who the hell votes for Al Franken, the Clown Union? Minnesotans can't be that silly. I know Coleman is not a rocket scientist, but what the hell is wrong with you folks up there?

:lol::lol: I didn't even know he was running until last night. Did he win? Does he acually know anything?

The only color folks cared about was green.

The Republicans used to be like that. The party has been tainted by the religious groups and others who latched onto it and tried to steer it in their direction. If McCain had the right campaign people for the 2000 election he would have been President instead of W.

The Republicans needed a good beating in the polls to wake up and fix the party. If they go back to Reagan era they can start winning again.

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I think you are right. I think the financial collapse is what did him it, or at least it would have been a lot closer.

:lol::lol: I didn't even know he was running until last night. Did he win? Does he acually know anything?

The Republicans used to be like that. The party has been tainted by the religious groups and others who latched onto it and tried to steer it in their direction. If McCain had the right campaign people for the 2000 election he would have been President instead of W.

The Republicans needed a good beating in the polls to wake up and fix the party. If they go back to Reagan era they can start winning again.

Amazingly enough, its in recount.

And they do need to regroup. Not sure who will come out as the leader. They will get it together, defining their message. The problem was they wanted to be all things to all people and were nothing for anybody. The late, conservative columnist Samuel Francis referred to the GOP as "The Stupid Party", for their inability to grasp issues and make them their own.

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