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The Real Obama

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And they do need to regroup. Not sure who will come out as the leader. They will get it together, defining their message. The problem was they wanted to be all things to all people and were nothing for anybody. The late, conservative columnist Samuel Francis referred to the GOP as "The Stupid Party", for their inability to grasp issues and make them their own.

Here in Washington state, 70% of the Republican cadidates running are running under the GOP name. Republican is never mentioned.

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I fully understand that n00b. Should I start ripping on you?

They use GOP because the work Republican has been tainted. Probably from people like you.

Go ahead and rip on me lover

It is tainted by tree-hugging/Hollywood/Bush-hating/young people to ignorant to think for themselves.

but thanks for playing!!!!

I love you

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I wish I was a mod :( oh well. it's not my style to rub it in anyone's face. i just liked the comedy central coverage of this thing. we'll see what happens by 2012.

How they displayed McCain’s policies to attempted Obama supporters as his own then once they ignorantly agreed and were informed that they were McCain’s policies they didn’t care?

There are too many un-informed voters that made this election. I’m embarrassed to live in a country and have peers that vote with no credible intentions.

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It is tainted by tree-hugging/Hollywood/Bush-hating/young people to ignorant to think for themselves.

and these people are all inside the party? And you wonder why McCain lost. :rolleyes:

It was tainted by the Republican party trying to please too many groups on the far right. Narrow the focus back to what it used to be in the early 80s and the party will be back in power.

If there was a checkbox on the ballot that allowed you to vote for all the Republican candidates at once, voting would be a lot easier for you, wouldn't it?

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looks like 500-

holy crap i had that wrong. thats the exact reason i don't gamble. a person has to know their own game.

And don't forget your prediction that Palin would bail!

"i don't believe she'll make it to election time. she'll back out do to some daughter preg. problem or the need to be home with her special needs 5 month old."

I'm making tons of money on you, Mike. Betting the opposite of what you say!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

October job numbers came out and uncertainty of Obama economic intentions. Plus profit takers from the recent market climb.

You got hosed by timing of the reports!!!

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hahah. no kidding sean.

thats the exact reason i don't bet. maybe a dollar or a beer but nothing major. 1. i stink at gambling 2. i'm cheap. lol.

i do believe she dragged down JM. he was my choice. dave was giving me heck for making my choice because of the VP. a president doesn't make all the decisions himself. if he is going to surround himself with people like her, this would be a terrible cabinet.

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Here in Washington state, 70% of the Republican cadidates running are running under the GOP name. Republican is never mentioned.

True enough. It happened here also, but I noticed it was true of Dems equally. No one wanted to be affiliated to anything!

I think its an attempt to get independents and undecideds as apposed to being embarrassed or something about their affiliation.

ONe guy, Chris Murphy showed up on the ballot twice. Once as a Dem and again as some 3rd party candidate, Family Party or something like it. Weird.

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The infighting has begun in the McCain campaign. It's all Palins fault. And staffers are scrambling to cover their ass's. They were so incompetent....The Stupid Party.

Be what you are, don't try to please every one, you'll end up pleasing no one, and you'll lose your base.

wheres all the Mass stoners? Decrim of less than an ounce plus medical maryjane?

My back hurts and I can't sleep, Doc. And I get an upset stomach from any oral meds. But I've got a bong, so whatta ya got?

CT approves of gay marriage, and has a conceal/ carry law, and I'm right next to stoner heaven. And Vermont wants to secede from the Union. Thats some weird shit raht thar.

New England for the win. ;)

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a president doesn't make all the decisions himself. if he is going to surround himself with people like her, this would be a terrible cabinet.

Ahh... logically speaking then, what's Obama going to do? I don't believe he was close friends with Ayers, but he had to have heard and listened to Wright for all those years. Regardless of whether or not I considered them friends or advisers or whatever, I would not be caught dead in a room with either of those two men. And I'm pretty sure if I ever saw someone like Ayers in person he would spontaneously fall down from lead poisoning. :lol:

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hahah. no kidding sean.

thats the exact reason i don't bet. maybe a dollar or a beer but nothing major. 1. i stink at gambling 2. i'm cheap. lol.

i do believe she dragged down JM. he was my choice. dave was giving me heck for making my choice because of the VP. a president doesn't make all the decisions himself. if he is going to surround himself with people like her, this would be a terrible cabinet.

Market down again today.

But I bet you dont drink cheap beer! :D

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