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The Real Obama

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You totally missed the point, no surprise there though. You listed a great word, IDENTIFY[to associate in name, feeling, interest, action, etc] in your synonyms for sympathize. You don't find it alarming that Obama IDENTIFIES with Malcom X on his desire to exponge his white devil blood? Why would someone want to exponge their white blood, sorry, white DEVIL blood? Malcom X tells us, he says he wants to exponge his white devil blood because he HATES his white side. Hate is a strong word, and in Malcom X's description of desires to rid himself of his white devil blood, the same statement that obama IDENTIFIES with, it's the word he uses. I never said I was pretending to understand how it is to be a black man in the US, but I find it odd that someone can be born into and raised by a white family, and abonded by his black father and later his white mother and come to hate the white side, the side that did more for him as a child than his black side of the family ever did. I'm sure it was tough being 1 of 2 black kids in a prestigeous prepartory school in hawaii, a school where only Hawaii's finest attended. Hard times for Barry Obama for sure.

As for Radicals, I'm well aware of what it means. What is important is the type of radicals one associates themselves with. Hitler was a radical. Stalin was a radical. Musolini was a radical. Che' Guevara was a radical. Should I continue, or do you get the point? No? Figures. The people by whom Obama was inlfuenced [the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others] by, like rev. wright, were racists. People who hated the white race. If you don't see a giant red flag here, then you're blind.

Thank you for restating the same crap. We could have referenced your first post if we wanted to re-read your position. So I now feel compelled to restate this; identify does not = agree. I identify with you, but I do not agree.

News flash, when one attends a muslim school in a MUSLIM country, one reads the koran as part of ones education. I don't have "sworn statements" but I've read interviews with his past teachers and principals. Also, isn't listening to someone read something the same thing as reading it yourself? I'm not saying he's bad for going to "muslim school", I'm saying it's bad that he lies about it on his campaign website.

Have you attended said school? Do you have their curriculum? I had no idea you were an expert on Muslim schools. I do not have any overwhelming evidence saying that he read anything. Muslim in another country is a cultural term. Only here does it just describe religion. Your statement would be the same as saying that someone read the bible at an American school or someone read the Torah at an Islamic school.

No, listening to someone reading is called listening. Reading is called reading. They are different words just for that reason.

I hate walmart, thanks for giving me another reason not to vote for Obama.

Wal-mart has given sick people a way to buy cheaper medication. They have done more bad than good but this is a hell of a start for them.

The first airlift was paid for by Tom Mboya IIRC. The second airlift was paid for by a Kennedy fund while Kennedy was in office after Mr. Mboya persuaded Kennedy. I've done my research, thanks though. Bush was a drunk, and so was Obama Sr, and so was Lolo Soetoro. As for cocaine, Obama has a lust for the white stuff too, I hear a little smack as well. As for the civil rights rally, the time line doesn't add up, e.g. the selma event vs. Obama being born. IT's a total fabrication.

The airlift was known to be a Kennedy funded project. That is all Obama was referring to. So where did you hear Obama has smoked crack? I really hope that is not a racist statement.

Moving on, are we just going to restate things or can we move on to something like the house purchase issue or inflating tires? :D

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Mr. Obama has proven himself to be a standard tax and spend politician. He is not a change, but more of the same. His campaign will spend almost 1/4 billion dollars, thats $250,000,000, for a job that pays $400,000. He is backed by huge hedge fund managers, the American Bar Association, the NEA and the AFl-CIO. He's about as much a change as another Kennedy in office. Bob Barr is starting to look good to me, and Ron Paul will get another look. I might even nominate Chilledman, if he makes me the Secretary of Defense. Now that would be a change. How about some one who runs the govt like I run my house? I stay within my budget, I don't reward poor behavior from my sons, and a little deficit spending that helps us get some perks once and a while. That would be a change. I am at ideological odds with Mr. Obama, but I certainly see no change coming from him. They want to spend our money on handouts. Just to be fare, why do we subsidize the tobacco industry / farmers and then damn their product and sue them for billions? Why is the reproduction rate 3 times higher for women / girls on public assistance, thats from 2006 US Census (see rewarding bad behavior)? Until they let me keep my hard earned money, or at least approve their little projects,I consider their actions outside the Constitution, and illegal. Dems created Social Security, what a joke, and the GOP came up with Federal income tax. Boosty, i'm getting livid again!!

The fed govt is too fucking big, it messes in things it shouldn't, it is run by lawyers and millionaires that cling desperately to their power and influence, and make their own rules. Sounds like the Roman Senate, destroyed from within by self interest and lack of dedication to the people they represent. The Empire soon fell, with private armies and private interests shredding it to bits.

I know GLennBeck is mentioned hear, Boosty, just click and read please!!

Edited by CLETUS
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You totally missed the point, no surprise there though. You listed a great word, IDENTIFY[to associate in name, feeling, interest, action, etc] in your synonyms for sympathize. You don't find it alarming that Obama IDENTIFIES with Malcom X on his desire to exponge his white devil blood? Why would someone want to exponge their white blood, sorry, white DEVIL blood? Malcom X tells us, he says he wants to exponge his white devil blood because he HATES his white side. Hate is a strong word, and in Malcom X's description of desires to rid himself of his white devil blood, the same statement that obama IDENTIFIES with, it's the word he uses. I never said I was pretending to understand how it is to be a black man in the US, but I find it odd that someone can be born into and raised by a white family, and abonded by his black father and later his white mother and come to hate the white side, the side that did more for him as a child than his black side of the family ever did. I'm sure it was tough being 1 of 2 black kids in a prestigeous prepartory school in hawaii, a school where only Hawaii's finest attended. Hard times for Barry Obama for sure.

As for Radicals, I'm well aware of what it means. What is important is the type of radicals one associates themselves with. Hitler was a radical. Stalin was a radical. Musolini was a radical. Che' Guevara was a radical. Should I continue, or do you get the point? No? Figures. The people by whom Obama was inlfuenced [the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others] by, like rev. wright, were racists. People who hated the white race. If you don't see a giant red flag here, then you're blind.

Thank you for restating the same crap. We could have referenced your first post if we wanted to re-read your position. So I now feel compelled to restate this; identify does not = agree. I identify with you, but I do not agree.

News flash, when one attends a muslim school in a MUSLIM country, one reads the koran as part of ones education. I don't have "sworn statements" but I've read interviews with his past teachers and principals. Also, isn't listening to someone read something the same thing as reading it yourself? I'm not saying he's bad for going to "muslim school", I'm saying it's bad that he lies about it on his campaign website.

Have you attended said school? Do you have their curriculum? I had no idea you were an expert on Muslim schools. I do not have any overwhelming evidence saying that he read anything. Muslim in another country is a cultural term. Only here does it just describe religion. Your statement would be the same as saying that someone read the bible at an American school or someone read the Torah at an Islamic school.

No, listening to someone reading is called listening. Reading is called reading. They are different words just for that reason.

I hate walmart, thanks for giving me another reason not to vote for Obama.

Wal-mart has given sick people a way to buy cheaper medication. They have done more bad than good but this is a hell of a start for them.

The first airlift was paid for by Tom Mboya IIRC. The second airlift was paid for by a Kennedy fund while Kennedy was in office after Mr. Mboya persuaded Kennedy. I've done my research, thanks though. Bush was a drunk, and so was Obama Sr, and so was Lolo Soetoro. As for cocaine, Obama has a lust for the white stuff too, I hear a little smack as well. As for the civil rights rally, the time line doesn't add up, e.g. the selma event vs. Obama being born. IT's a total fabrication.

The airlift was known to be a Kennedy funded project. That is all Obama was referring to. So where did you hear Obama has smoked crack? I really hope that is not a racist statement.

Moving on, are we just going to restate things or can we move on to something like the house purchase issue or inflating tires? :D

My wifi connection here at the beach is spotty at best. I just lost original response and I don't care enough to retype it all. Smack is not Crack. Obama admits in his autobiography that drug use included weed, coke, and stopped at heroin, aka SMACK. The first airlift, like I already stated, but your seem to refuse to read or accept, was paid for not by the Kennedys, but by Tom Mboya in nineteen fifty nine. Nice try on the spin. You really should read more clearly.

Obama recited the opening lines to the arbic call to prayer to New York Times reporter Nicholas D. Kristof in 2007.

He said:

Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme!

Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme!

I witness that there is no god but Allah.

I witness that there is no god but Allah.

I witness that Muhammad is his prophet.

I witness that Muhammed is his prophet.

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Funny here is are two articles from Kristof and Obama that talk about his Muslim connections. He never say’s what you claim.



The tapes are a CLAIM. Nothing has surfaced so at this point it is more of your hearsay. Who did you think made this claim, the NEO-CONS.

And back to the airlift. The airlift was always a Kennedy foundation project. Hints the name Kennedy-Kenyan Airlift. Mboya never had a dime and was always looking for funding.



Site your sources please, because this is getting thick. I better get some big boots. :)

Cletus, I will respond to your post tomorrow. I have to go to sleep. Good night and thank you for the intellectual debate. I am thoroughly enjoying this. It’s a nice break from “how can I turbo my NA, look at my sticker, and I just washed my car check it out” threads.

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Will Obama able to answer the question when people ask how many house he owned?

The house thing is funny. No other candidate has been under the gun like Obama. The are holding him to higher standards than any other candidate ever.

I wish I had time to keep going on with this, but today was crazy at work. Somebody got fired and I was in the middle, now I need to do my rear bushings because my tires are done (bands showing). My rear alignment is out of wack and I have to get that fixed. New tires are on tomorrow.

When I catch up I will watch the link and read that page cletus. I will also post some more stuff about Obama.

To paraphrase my beliefs, Obama is just the better of the two. His words are correct most of the time, I would say what he says in most cases. I do feel this country is in the crapper. I do see why business go other places and countries. I do agree with appropriating tax money better. I do believe that war is not the answer unless we are attracted first. I do believe I was better off before Bush and the republican congress fubared this country. That is why me, as a conservative person and a registered republican, I am voting for Obama.

I am tired of the same old crap. Even if it's new crap it's time to move on. The cooperations (oil, pharma, financial) are running this country and putting out all this bad press because they do not want a candidate that will not let them roam free and screw America in the process. That is the propaganda that being fed to the public. Even saying there is a crap load of liberal press out there is a lie. I can't find pro-Obama radio.

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Will Obama able to answer the question when people ask how many house he owned?

Who cares? They are all bazzilionaires, and have no concept of how middle America lives or feels. They think taxed money is theirs to do as they wish. I'm spoiling for an uprising!

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those chicks are hot

yeah and they will abort a child!

I watched a lot of the Dem Convention and I noticed that a lot of dem/obama supports did not answer questions directly... or even at all!

a representative for Bill Clinton was asked directly from Hannity and Colmes about how inexperienced Obama is and what his thoughts were one it.... well the guy started talking about McCain and then something about how the Clinton's support Obama... and NEVER answered the question. that happened at almost every interview.

once again no straight answers and idiots supporting Obama :)

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