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Huge August Hid Sale - From $90


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Wow look what happens when I disappear for a few hours.... For a moment there I thought I was neglecting my business.

I'm not sure where all the fury is coming from. I offered you a return label and even suggested using a fog light bulb which should be H11 in that car while you wait for the exchange. Basically I offered you a no cost option to this solution. If you would like to communicate you can do so via phone as we did earlier or via email which I am very responsive to. I don't see any reason for you to rant on the forum here because I didn't respond within a few hours. I did return your phone call and discuss with you the options. I have always backed up mistakes like this 110% and this is no exception. The reason the deposit was $130 was because I thought we were resending the entire order including the harness to you. $40 doesn't cover the cost of very much at all.

So far I have yet to hear back from you regarding this.

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Wow look what happens when I disappear for a few hours.... For a moment there I thought I was neglecting my business.

I'm not sure where all the fury is coming from. I offered you a return label and even suggested using a fog light bulb which should be H11 in that car while you wait for the exchange. Basically I offered you a no cost option to this solution. If you would like to communicate you can do so via phone as we did earlier or via email which I am very responsive to. I don't see any reason for you to rant on the forum here because I didn't respond within a few hours. I did return your phone call and discuss with you the options. I have always backed up mistakes like this 110% and this is no exception. The reason the deposit was $130 was because I thought we were resending the entire order including the harness to you. $40 doesn't cover the cost of very much at all.

So far I have yet to hear back from you regarding this.

No furry just I'm extremely confused. A deposit is usually 1/2 or some percentage of the full price of something. The 130 your asking for is 40 dollars more then the kit I have in hand is even worth, maybe more since I'm sure at 90 bucs each that your charging for a 8k 35W HID kit, that you still make a profit or you would be going out of business.

Im not pissed but I posted the pics because you sounded surprised that I reported having the wrong ballast,bulb and no bulb out kit. I figured this was the way to communicate with you. Because the phone service set up thing either gives me a fax line on my iphone or some weird recording about the "central offices of"

I wouldn't be worried if you didn't want 40 bucs over what the kit is worth.

How I see it is, Im being over charged 130+165=295 for almost 300 dollars for a 165 dollar kit, I still don't have. The one I have is 10000000 billion bagillion percent useless. On top of it, I also now not only have to either wait 3 weeks to get the correct kit, but if I only want to wait 1 week I have to entrust in good faith that more then the price of the HID kit I have, once returned to you, will be returned to me.

When you said deposit I expected to pay a deposit, not the whole price + 40 dollars. Heck the 90 would have been fine, since that's the actual amount you charge for a HID kit that I have in hand (less because its has a markup to sell obviously). I just dont feel comfortable over paying for what I actually have.

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No hate I think the HID kit when I have the correct one will be awesome, the one I got looks like its of good quality and I'm amazed at how teeny the ballast are. The instructions are superb and the whole kit was packaged well and literally includes every thing you need if you want what I have in hand.

I am just weary with any vendor right now because of the whole speed tuning thing. Worry's me a little with volvo vendors now.

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I am just weary with any vendor right now because of the whole speed tuning thing. Worry's me a little with volvo vendors now.

I understand where you are coming from...but remember...MISTAKES HAPPEN. John is an A+ standup guy and will make it right.

You should talk to him...not the forum.

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No furry just I'm extremely confused. A deposit is usually 1/2 or some percentage of the full price of something. The 130 your asking for is 40 dollars more then the kit I have in hand is even worth, maybe more since I'm sure at 90 bucs each that your charging for a 8k 35W HID kit, that you still make a profit or you would be going out of business.

Im not pissed but I posted the pics because you sounded surprised that I reported having the wrong ballast,bulb and no bulb out kit. I figured this was the way to communicate with you. Because the phone service set up thing either gives me a fax line on my iphone or some weird recording about the "central offices of"

I wouldn't be worried if you didn't want 40 bucs over what the kit is worth.

How I see it is, Im being over charged 130+165=295 for almost 300 dollars for a 165 dollar kit, I still don't have. The one I have is 10000000 billion bagillion percent useless. On top of it, I also now not only have to either wait 3 weeks to get the correct kit, but if I only want to wait 1 week I have to entrust in good faith that more then the price of the HID kit I have, once returned to you, will be returned to me.

When you said deposit I expected to pay a deposit, not the whole price + 40 dollars. Heck the 90 would have been fine, since that's the actual amount you charge for a HID kit that I have in hand (less because its has a markup to sell obviously). I just dont feel comfortable over paying for what I actually have.

I'm not sure where this is being missed but $130 was to cover sending the entire order to you in which you paid $165. $130 is less than $165. I still have not heard back from you so I'm the one now confused. I just called and left you a message.

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I had a somewhat similar issue with Sharp and was pretty frustrated like you but honestly give him a chance to resolve the issue because he will.

I don't care any more, right now I feel like ramming the car into a wall. This was going to be my 1st mod. Guess not

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I don't care any more, right now I feel like ramming the car into a wall. This was going to be my 1st mod. Guess not

Not trying to "hate" or be "ugly"...but grow up...your 23...

Take note of the situation and then work towards fixing it...griping about it gets you NOWHERE.

I am sensing Rich Kid syndrome.

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Nick I'm glad we got to a happy median on this situation.

Were good I just needed to buy a little happy to compensate. I went and got a new computer so now its all good. Screw ups happen, I just lead a very low stress life so little things freak me out. I can def say your assurance and persistence in working out the issue has more then won me over, and I don't even have the other kit yet.

You can totally be expecting a few more orders coming your way. My C30, My sisters S40, My moms new XC90, My dads X5 and my brothers mustang I think all need HID's. I'm sure they will make good gifts.

Sorry I was such a pain in the ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD I just didn't really think of VS as posting on the forum as much as talking to you. I didn't realize the PM thing existed.

Oh and I just unplugged my phone from my tower and just saw your missed calls and voice mails. The iphone doesn't ring when you have it plugged in for firmware updates.

You have defiantly done 110% or more

This warm and fuzzy moment brought to you buy: starbux.jpg

I got a Vanilla Carmel Late!


Thats the computer I got to make me all happy!

and multibanner600x150.jpg


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so i get my first paycheck the 29th :D just in time. i think i'm finally gonna do it. except i dunno if i'll be able to do the install, everyone says it's easy but it doesn't look easy to me..

Its pretty idiot proof and the instructions come with it and are on the website, basically just plug crap in the fits together and instead of putting a bulb into the original power harness, you simply plug it into to power the ballast which then powers the light.

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hey i've been reading up about the HID's messing with the computer sensor that tells you you have a light out due to the lower wattage the bulbs puts out. I'm assuming the OEM bulbs are at 55w. So if i purchase the 55w set, it shouldnt set off any warning lights correct?

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