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Looking For Haynes Or Chiltons For 850


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Does the 850 manual cover the 1998 S70's also?

Well, I checked it out..

I noticed that it's a good price from AMAZON.


$27.00 (with free shipping)

Yet, if you try to find it on Haynes site, it's not there. They only have the 850 book.

Now. my question is..

Which is better.. I woudl think the Haynes, since the chilton one covers 1990-1998 cars..

where as Haynes .. covers 1996-1999 (C70, V70, S70)

Any Opinions???

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I would assume they're slightly different (since the cars are), but the cars are so nearly identical mechanically speaking, I don't see how there would be much variation. I've referenced a few things in it for my '98 S70 and it's all been accurate.

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i have both and they leave out different things or tell you different ways to do the same thing, one is as good as the other in different ways. the chiltons is twice as thick probably due to the fact that it covers 90-98 so don't believe it's not accurate because it covers so many years, it has multiple pages of the same repairs for the different cars if necessary.

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