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What's Your Ancestry?!


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I'm not seeing what' funny. Other than WWII, but that's not funny either.

So make fun of him, so I can understand what you meant.


Running joke between Adam and Dave is that Dave is a Nazi. The German ancestry just gives Adam more ammo.

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I have family trees that allow me to go way back. Around 500 AD our family started documenting habitation in Western Arabia near Mecca and Medina. From my mom side I am related to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and my Dad side I am related to the 3rd Caliphate (Usman). Our tribe was that of the Hashemite, we lived there until about 1400 AD, when we moved to Northern India, near the Taj Mahal area of India. Around 1940's my mom's and dad's side family moved to Pakistan, and I was born in Canada.

Here is a link to who the Hashemite's were http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashemite

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Spanish, French and Haitian lol..

Mom is Spaniard (Madrid), grandpa was French, Grandma was from Galicia.

Dad born in the Dominican Rep, grandpa was an African(Bangul) / French descedant born in Haiti, grandma was also Spaniard.

I was born in the DR, raised in Madrid and Galicia. Moved back to the DR, and then the states at the age of 16 or so...

Why are you making it so complicated? We know who you are ...


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Wow. This is very interesting.

I wonder if there's any connection between bloodlines, and the choices we make in purchases.

I've noticed that people who have a heavy concentration of European ancestry have a certain draw towards things that are European.

Instead of American or Asian products.

You couldn't tell from this thread.

Obviously, everyone reporting in the thread has at least some affinity for their European car, even if it's mom's hand me down. They also have a much higher chance of being European than anything else simply based on European's heavy immigration before other continents had the ability/desire to come here. Not to mention Volvo's white, middle class demographic.

2nd gen Portuguese and Lebanese.

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2nd gen Portuguese and Lebanese.

OMG ur a lebbo bro, KAZEBE, ahhahahaha.

MY parents were born in Macedonia, and all the generations before them also came from there, my older sister was born there also. My parents migrated here and my 2nd sister and I were born in Sydney, Austarlia. So i guess i'm an Aussie with the blood of Alexander the Great running through my veins.

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