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Guest Guest_98c70turbo_*

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Guest Guest_98c70turbo_*

Well :( , as some of you know I just bought a eclipse cd8454 to be installed in my 98 c70, but I just found out today as I had one of the installers look at the car's stereo wiring. Guess what? People with the dolby surround system will not be able to get an aftermarket radio installed!!! :angry: Dued to the wiring. Only option that was said, was to rewire the entire stereo with two aftermarket amps. If anyone esle knowns anything or something on putting an aftermarket headunit with the dolby let me know!!!



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you don't have to bypass the factory amp...you can just use harnesses...crutchfield.com will have them....try it out...they also sell install kits.

never mind...just searched for your car, but doesnt list it...you can email them however, they pretty much know everything about audio....try it out

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Make your own harness.

Get wiring diagrams for the harness thingy on your aftermarket unit and the one for the volvo, plug in the harness for your aftermarket unit and manually splice the wires where they should be spliced to.

(I'm no audio genious, please wait for someone to confirm this is a good idea before trying it.)

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not a good idea....the dolby interface may not let him do that....those factory amps probably won't do anything with splicing and a remote connection if there is no harness available...rewiring and bypassing the amps may be the best and only option....shouldn't cost you more than $100 to do the entire thing, and it will sound good, esp with an eclipse hu.

good luck....if you have Al and Eds where you are, they are reasonable, and pretty good....if you're looking for a deal, go to a smaller independent stereo shop that seems decent, and they may give you a "cash deal", and you should stay there and watch and make sure they do it properly!


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i am not that famaliar with the dolby system on the newer volvos, but i will say this, if its like other full blow premium stock systems such as the mustang's mach 460, it is MUCH easier and reasonable to redo the whole system. infact, when a mach460 system rolls into the sjhop, we tell them staright up he either dont get anything, or change everything...just putting in a headunit would require a HUGE amount of wiring and testing

not all amplified stock systems can utilize an adapter wiring harness, some of the more simple ones where its basically a in dash amp powring some speakres, you can do it, but on other ones, where say, there are amps located in each speaker or next to each speaker, or say the speaker are a specific impedance or interfaces with the amps in a certain way to produce a certain sound...these types of stock system are for all practical pruposes, impossible to just plug in and play...


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Guest Guest_98c70turbo_*

So your pretty much saying I should just be better off redoing the entire system instead of just at the amp? My local stereo shop said to rewire the entire system and then use two amps for the speakers and two 8" subs, sound good or what? Also does anyone have a radio diagram for a 98 c70? Thanks for the response guys!!! :)

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well, what your shop essentially doing is redoing the entire system hehe, they are using amps to power the speakers and subs, i assume the reason why they are leavint the stock spekares is because you have the dynaudio system? :)

but, as loing as the imedpance of your speakres are okay, your plan is all good :)

as for wiring diagrams, hit up bay13admin and see if he can provide you with one


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Long story short....I put an sc901, dolby, center speaker, and 4x100 amp in car...finally after a year...I ended up buying a used wiring harness made by "Prospero" on Swedespeed. His wiring harness allowed him to use the stock c70, 4x100, amp and a piggy back amp to run his dolby system with a remote cut off switch. I only used part of his waring system. Heres a pic of his system:

Prospero's system in a v70

I had a 6 pin connector made, and used the part of his harness to connect the amp to the stock speaker harness....the center speaker still plugs directly into the back of the sc901 and werks...

so, if your interested in part of the wiring harness...the 6 pin din that allows u to piggy back of the stock hu (ull prolly need another wiring harness to attach, like the one anthony made) or ur gonna chuck ur center speaker, dolby, and dash...lettme kno....ive got a gray dash and wiring harness to sell...and i may be interested in ur center speaker and dolby for back-ups...

pm me :)

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Doesn't eclipse sell a dolby processor...i was going to go this route but with an alpine iva-d300 but cars get broken in to every night in my apt. complex. The guy that was gonna install my system said he could try tapping in to the stock amp but it was going to be alot of testing. I made a cash offer and he agreed but then i no showed. I talked to a lot of different shops and only two places thought they could do it. So I don't know try around and let me know what happens b/c i'm very curious if it can be done.

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I'm not selling my dolby headunit or any of the dolby speakers. Just trying to get the new eclipse headunit installed with the dolby system.

sorry...just tryin to help...in my limited experience i dont think u can keep the center speaker unless the HU is capable....ull prolly need to keep ur HU if u want the dolby or find one that has dolby and try to adapt it....theres quite alot of discussion about this kinda stuff on swedespeed...albeit mostly on newer cars...good luck

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