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Had To Pull A Knife On A Guy


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So me and my old roommate were out riding out motorcycles (he has a Triumph Daytona 675 special edition and I ride an old Ninja 500). We are cruising up to a red light and a guy puts his blinker to get into our lane as we get to his back bumper. There is no sense in slowing down for him or speeding up to accommodate his need to get into our lane so we just continue to the red light. Well he slipped into our lane directly behind us and had to jack on his brakes to stop for the light. He was about a foot away from both our tires. My roommate has been bumped a couple times at lights by idiots and had his old bike run over by some old dude running a stop sign in a mall parking lot. So he didnt like this guy right behind us. He moved his bike back about six inches and lit up the rear tire. A quick little burnout that would be harmless if the guy wasnt so close (it was harmless even though he was close to us).

The guy in the car didnt like that very much, which is understandable, I wouldnt have thought someone doing a burnout in front of me was cool but not right next to my bumper. So this 6'3" 230 lbs guy bolts out of the car at my buddy and picks him up by the neck almost tipping over his bike in the process. If the plastics on the bike get scratched or the swingarm gets scratched the bike would be totalled since parts are hard to come by for these bikes even though its only a year old. So I shut off my bike put the kickstand down and get off. I walk over to the guy with a hand on my knife but I havent taken it out yet (gloves are cumbersome). The guy is yelling in my buddys face but put him down as I get over to him. He turned and looked at me and said "What the fuck are you gonna do" as he started to walk back to his car. Now Im only 5'8" (with decent shoes on) and 150 soaking wet. I pulled the knife.

Guy: "Oh knife people! What are you going to do stab me" (still walked backwards to his car)

Me: "What the fuck is your problem?!" (fumbling with the safety on the knife)

Guy: "Why dont you stab me! Come on stab me!" (takes a step towards me)

At this point the safety was released and the blade snapped open. Lets just say his wife was out of the car freaking out, yelling "Dont do it!" over and over again. I didnt hear her since I was overly focused on the dude in front of me. His tone completely changed when the knife came open. He started backing up and saying "Why dont you get on your bike and leave". Being the smartass that I am, I asked him why I would go through a redlight. He starts to get back in his car and says that hes going to call the cops. Which I would have no problem with since the knife I have is considered a common pocket knife (3.5" blade) and is completely legal. The guy starts reading off my bikes plate number (which happens to be the old plate still registered to the previous owner). I just laughed and told him to call the cops and that he assaulted my buddy. The traffic cams at that intersection would prove that.

I got back on my bike flicked the guy off and rode a 30 foot wheelie through the intersection after the light turned green. Lets say the guy didnt get close to us again.

Man I love being back in Daytona...

Oh and this is my knife if anyone cares:


Good design by Boker but I cant afford one of their knives so I get the Taiwan version. Seems to be good quality. My buddys girlfriend got a smaller version of this too. Too many crazies in this city.

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He turned and looked at me and said "What the fuck are you gonna do" as he started to walk back to his car. Now Im only 5'8" (with decent shoes on) and 150 soaking wet. I pulled the knife.

haha. knowing you tony i would of said the same thing. hahaha.

delete the wheelie part.

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I don't understand why you'd act like a douche b/c someone is close to your bumper. I've been nudged by people on my bike (bicycle) and all I did was look at them, get an apology and move on. You're on the road, shit happens. It's one thing if it's a 16 yr old running his mouth, it's different if the guy is just close to you.

You realize the guy had every right to shoot you, right ?

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Good stuff. I always carry a knife as well. But what was the point of the wheelie?

Didnt really mean to. Too much adrenaline and I gave it too much gas and dropped the clutch. The front wheel was only about 4 inches off the ground. Really just floated the front a bit.

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hahahaha.. that was funny :lol:

common thing in this part of the world.. but dude your lucky he didnt have a gun or your knife will definitely look pathetic.

i understand the adrenalin but believe me when i say this: there are time that you have some things pass.. be little more cool B)

but honestly speaking.. i dont blame you.. ive done some crazy sh!t too :lol:

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