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Your being very trite. You know nothing about her other than what you see on CNN or MSNBC. She's a real person not a toy doll or a dumb blond. Find me a politician who you think is 100% You can't do it. Biden is a boob, she has boobs. I'm going with the mammaries. Bush ran your state and you still live there. Until Mexico takes over.

Not true. I lived in Washington State for most my life, so by her definitions of "experience" Washington State is the closest state to Alaska, thus I have lots of knowledge about the happenings in Alaska, thus I know a lot about her.

No politician is 100% legit, but she isn't even close ... if you compare Biden and Palin in terms of who would best run the country if their superior could not, I really dont think many, if anyobdy at all, would choose her over Biden.

The luster of her nomination is wearing off and people are realizing she really has 3 boobs, two on her chest and one in between her ears.

Bush ran your state and you still live there. Until Mexico takes over.

I have no idea what you are trying to get at here.

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Not true. I lived in Washington State for most my life, so by her definitions of "experience" Washington State is the closest state to Alaska, thus I have lots of knowledge about the happenings in Alaska, thus I know a lot about her.

No politician is 100% legit, but she isn't even close ... if you compare Biden and Palin in terms of who would best run the country if their superior could not, I really dont think many, if anyobdy at all, would choose her over Biden.

The luster of her nomination is wearing off and people are realizing she really has 3 boobs, two on her chest and one in between her ears.

I have no idea what you are trying to get at here.

No one was sent into abject poverty, you can stand to live under a Republican. The Mexico reference is to the tolerance of the border war, La Razza, and other org, that want to annex parts of the SW back into Mexico.

I thought Washington was part of Canadia :rolleyes: ?

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So, what you are saying is the Republican presidents are POWERLESS to change anything enacted under a Democrat president?

I don't watch either of the propoganda channels; Fox News and MSNBC.

Not if folks are making money at the time. Cronies win and you lose. To change he it he has to introduce a bill, or an executive order. I'm not going to get into Schoolhouse Rock here and trace the life of a law or bill.

"I wave my hand and all banking and mortgage laws shall be changed so that you must show proof of employment and your last 3 months of a pay stub! So sayeth the Supreme ruler!" Don't think so. Theres plenty of blame to go around, but you can't blame everything on W. In one breath you all think he is a bumbling fool, and the next minute you expect him to have xray vision and be able to fix all these screw ups by flying backwards around the Earth. Keep counting on Govt to bail us out and we'll be sinking faster.

They are all propaganda channels, NBC,CBS, ABC are the worst.

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SO when will the media call them out on this instead of attacking her for wearing go-go boots or being a bad mom? Obama had no choice but to sign on to that legislation, or be labeled soft on terror. I bet 99% signed on to that piece of paper.

Tax the wealthy more? Who do you think creates the jobs? You'll get more back if you still have a job, and those that are still unemployed don't bankrupt the system before I get my check. Earned income tax credit? Isn't that a rebate for folks who don't pay taxes? Smacks of income redistribution to me.

I'm not a Republican shill, I think the whole system is a mess of BS and red tape.

America is a country set up on a consumer based capitalism right?

What if the consumers have no money? What good is a job if you can't keep the money? What good is a rich company if nobody is buying their crap? How can the economy survive without consumers?

It's the rich that want to scare you into thinking all will fail if you take any of their money.

There has to be a good mix of incentives for companies to do business in America and create jobs along with keeping the middle class with expendable income to fuel consumption. Too much on either side is not good. But as a middle class person if I had to have it one way, show me the tax break.

As for Palin, she is a broken record. Over and over with the same crap. She's seems nice, but she is a tactic used by McCain to make people think he's hip. LOL We'll see what she's made of at the debate. I wish her the best.

God bless America.

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...wow, sounds like she had a speech prepared so she could read it while she ignores the questions

Keywords of her speach are Revoltionary, Mavrick, I see Russia from my house.

Binden is a we-todd too.

We're in trouble... <_<

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Keywords of her speach are Revoltionary, Mavrick, I see Russia from my house.

Binden is a we-todd too.

We're in trouble... <_<

luckily they are second in command even if second comes right after first to quote Buzz Aldrin :lol:

hahah and Palin just slipped, no come back except for No Surrender!

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