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Usc Is Not The Place To Go To School


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I saw some reports on recent crimes in the USC area. Being an Oregon homey and USC hater. I did a little digging and found their crime stats for the month to date. :blink: could not beleive it. Check out September 18th, Homicide! This is not a safe place to go to school. To near Compton for my taste.

Check it out

how bad is Compton?

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how bad is Compton?

well for example, my best friends girlfriend goes to USC and lives in a "nice" part of south central and a 22 year old kid got stabbed multiple times in the chest and killed a block away from her apartment last week in a "altercation/mugging" (according to the police)

a lot of gangs were born in LA but I think it's not as bad now... but it's all relative

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man, you moved from Nova to Richmond just because of VCU, now thats gay. you could always get something in Mason

haha, no, i moved there to live with my friends and near all of my other friends. job came second :)

my car is in NoVa right now without anything in the engine compartment :lol:

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how bad is Compton?

Compton is bad, but USC is not near Compton. It's near downtown. Believe me, it's all relative....I mean, you can take the Virginia Tech incident, or the University of Texas at Austin incidents, where their own students are shooting their own students. I mean, these crimes are possible and happening at almost EVERY college campus, but the stats don't get reported. Just because USC is surrounded by a bad area, people get freaked and report the issues more, and talk about them more, but if you look at it with eyes wide open, you see that this happens everywhere, and in fact, it's been worse in most other places....especially when you take the examples of the mass shootings/murders at the aforementioned campuses.

Either way, USC is a VERY safe place to go to school. If you're a 19 year old girl, walking alone at 3AM, drunk or even sober, you have just as much a chance of getting raped or mugged or harassed at USC as you do at any other place. It's stupidity that makes these things happen more times than the area you're in.

I've lived at USC, UT Austin, Georgetown, George Washington, UIC, UI Champagne/Urbana, SMU, Howard, and visited Stanford, UOP, SDSU, UCSD, Texas A&M, UC Boulder, Meharry, NYU, and many other colleges, and believe me, they are all very safe campuses, despite alot of them being in very shady areas. Most crimes occur at these places because people don't use common sense.

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Pras, do you mean Howard university that is in DC??? If so, you were high or something. Howard university is like a warzone. I had to work near it for couple months, a hell of experience when someone knocks on your window while you are in the car and some dude asked me for a lighter.

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Pras, do you mean Howard university that is in DC??? If so, you were high or something. Howard university is like a warzone. I had to work near it for couple months, a hell of experience when someone knocks on your window while you are in the car and some dude asked me for a lighter.

I ask people for lighters all the time. What's the big deal?

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Pras, do you mean Howard university that is in DC??? If so, you were high or something. Howard university is like a warzone. I had to work near it for couple months, a hell of experience when someone knocks on your window while you are in the car and some dude asked me for a lighter.

that's what I'm saying.....Howard is FAR more ghetto than USC lol....it's a scary place.

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