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Best Video Evar!


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Some of you guys have probably seen this as it has been all over the internet for the past three months, but I figure I'd post some links to it for those that haven’t.

It's a video of a few friends of mine and their interesting little encounter last July 4th at about 1:30 AM on their home after our usual Saturday night. The drunk oh yeah! got a little head-start on her 7/04 partying and got owned. Watch it. :)




BTW, the guy filming/talking is one of the funniest guys you'll ever meet...and drives one of the fastest street-cars around here. :lol:

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seen this before

that chick was so stressed out..those guys should have just called the cops in thier car and leave after the popo came

Thats the thing- the popo did'nt come- they had to take action. The chick was stressing out cause she was drunk and in total denial.

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that chick was so stressed out..those guys should have just called the cops in thier car and leave after the popo came

They did...6 times!

From their first call made (which was just seconds after seeing the swerving car) to the time where she was finally pulled over, 90 minutes had passed. The kicker is that the only reason she got pulled over was because they yelled to the police officer which you see pulled over on the side of the road. He stopped writing the 3-Series a measly speeding-ticket and took off after the Beetle which passed him just seconds earlier.

It's really a very long story if I go into detail which I don't feel like, but the video gives you the gist of it. Basically, here is what happened...

They see the Beetle swerving with the driver obviously drunk and call the police. After following the car in the meantime, it goes off the side of the road, spins out after hitting the dirt wall, and comes to stop (all in the vid). Since they are now just feet away from the fast-lane on a highway with a cruising speed of 85-90 MPH, they persuade her to move her car off to the shoulder on the other side of the road to call a tow truck because of the damages on her car. She gets back in the car but takes off. It's the same thing all over again. 30-minutes later, she hits a guardrail pretty hard and pulls over shortly after. Rob takes her keys and when she's not looking and hides the key to the ignition. Soon after, she realizes this and becomes belligerent, slapping/shoving my friends and keying Rob's Escalade in the process with some other keys she had (it wasn’t too bad). She goes back to her car, gets the spare keys she had in the glove-compartment, and takes off once again. During this entire time, Michelle was on the phone with the police to no avail. 20 minutes after the third round of drunk-driving is underway, they inform a cop on the side of the road who then pulls her over.

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I had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago with a van.... I followed them till the Po arived. Was in a residential/semi-industrial area though. This guy was just GONE, BLASTED. I don't know how he walked to the car. He was ALL the way across the other road. He ran a bimmer in the oncoming lane off the road, they had to dive off the road to keep from being hit head on. Clipped half a dozen cars on the other side of the road. Finally pulled into a driveway when he realised I was following him. Cops got there about 45 seconds later. He blew a .45......Medically speaking, he should have been unconscious vommiting on himself in a near comatose state. Breathylizers aren't perfect though, his BAC was more likely in the .35 range.

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jez...so ironic that this comes up....last night as we were driving back from laser tag (don't ask :() we see this pick-up weaving all over the place, at first I thought he was just an aggressive driver but we soon saw him slam into the concrete barrier (this is on 495, speed limits 55, he was doing at least 75)...he continues to swerve and weave and slam into the barrier...we swore he was going to spin and take out some people...however, the area is not the greatest, so we weren't about to follow him or try to stop him...we would probably get hurt....oh well, I hope, if anything there was only one death on 495, and that was the driver...whatan don't try to bypass the filter nice guy

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago with a van.... I followed them till the Po arived. Was in a residential/semi-industrial area though. This guy was just GONE, BLASTED. I don't know how he walked to the car. He was ALL the way across the other road. He ran a bimmer in the oncoming lane off the road, they had to dive off the road to keep from being hit head on. Clipped half a dozen cars on the other side of the road. Finally pulled into a driveway when he realised I was following him. Cops got there about 45 seconds later. He blew a .45......Medically speaking, he should have been unconscious vommiting on himself in a near comatose state. Breathylizers aren't perfect though, his BAC was more likely in the .35 range.

Ironically the other possibility is he could have been over .45

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*catches breath*


Holy crap, as shocked as I was to see that vid, that was hilarious!

Question: I am not really familiar with leukemia nor do I know anyone that has it, but does it require 200AM treatments? It's really sad to see a mother with a child in that condition drive that far to get drunk and then try to drive home! Sad really. Good move on your part, people like that shouldn't be driving at all.

Question two: Was the keying paid for by said drunk oh yeah!? I imagine you didn't suffer any legal reprecussion for detaining her or anything?

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Holy crap, as shocked as I was to see that vid, that was hilarious!

Question: I am not really familiar with leukemia nor do I know anyone that has it, but does it require 200AM treatments? It's really sad to see a mother with a child in that condition drive that far to get drunk and then try to drive home! Sad really.

I don't know what's worse...a drunk mother on her way to home to treat her child suffering from Leukemia, or someone that actually buys the story. :huh:

Question two: Was the keying paid for by said drunk oh yeah!? I imagine you didn't suffer any legal reprecussion for detaining her or anything?

She was too drunk to be successful in her attempt to key Rob's truck, but the mark was noticeable if you looked for it. It was relatively minor and I think a body shop took care of it without much effort. It wasn't anything more than some aggressive compound couldn't handle.

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I don't know what's worse...a drunk mother on her way to home to treat her child suffering from Leukemia, or someone that actually buys the story.  :huh:

My point was that it was a I'm dumb thing to say since no one with leukemia needs "treatment" at 200AM. Whether or not she actually has a son and/or he actually has leukemia is irrelevant. I'm assuming now that if there is a son he doesn't have leukemia, but that is not why I brought that up.

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