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Working hard is fine, just don't end up like this guy


I could only imagine dying why working on a car, its the only way to go, right j/k

I have my own company, and work in broadcast engineering. I supply gear and skills for televised events, series, sports.

It's a volatile game, $30k one month, nothing the next. And everything gets spent on new gear at this stage. Only been operating 18months.

kind of like the stock market but you must enjoy waht you are doing if you are in south africa, or did you grow up there

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No he has always been intrigued by the japanese culture and did some research on how to get a job over there. He says the pay is alot better over there then the u.s.

interesting, I hear people work too much over there :lol: that's really cool though, I wonder how he feels about the extensive oversight that the Ministry of Education has there and how they really sensor WWII events considering he has an American education of WWII

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I'm a computer science major pursuing my Masters.

During the school year, I run a website for one of the on-campus departments. Personally, not my thing. But if you're into art, design, layouts etc, and aren't worried about mastering some pretty basic computer skills, maybe it's for you.

As burnsy asked (and maybe you already replied and I missed it) lets hear your resume. Where have you worked, and what, if any, certs/important qualifications do you hold.

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No he has always been intrigued by the japanese culture and did some research on how to get a job over there. He says the pay is alot better over there then the u.s.

My brother is actually teaching English over there in Japanese schools at the moment...

interesting, I hear people work too much over there :lol: that's really cool though, I wonder how he feels about the extensive oversight that the Ministry of Education has there and how they really sensor WWII events considering he has an American education of WWII

...and he was telling me about the senseless amounts of unpaid overtime they all work in Japan just for the sake of "keeping up appearances." It's basically rude to leave before your boss, and you're expected to come into work on Saturdays. And the people don't really actually work most of the time. They're just there to fill a seat... It has been proven in studies that if you work too much, you actually start becoming less productive overall...

And a lot of Europe believes that we here in the U.S. work too much! Behind Japan (and probably) China and (maybe?) India, we probably work the most. People are given much more vacation days in other countries. Although, there are some more forward-thinking companies trying to change that. For example, I read an article about how all of the salaried positions at Netflix, you're given a task, and you're just expected to finish it by a certain time. If you get all of your work done early, cool! Go take a 2 month vacation :lol: That sounds like a pretty nice company to work for :P

Personally, I'm currently doing research for my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Pays tuition + ~$1,400 a month (and possible double that over the summer). It's really a pretty good deal, if I do say so :)

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I work as a doorman/bouncer at a local bar about three nights a week. I've been doing it for the past six years in every aspect of the nightlife industry... from the shittiest corner bars in Southie/Boston, the large ass nightclubs that hold 2000 people, to the ultra-lounges with $50.00 covers and insane VIPs. It's an industry you grow into and have to tolerate.

My main area is working as a Personal Security Specialist in the field of Executive Protection. It's VERY touch and go, especially with the economy the way it is right now, but when it pays, it pays exceptionally well.

I also taught close-quarters combat/edged weapons combat training courses while in Boston to branches of the Boston Police Department, Mass State Police, and Suffolk County Sheriff's Department. That was more as a favor and a way to pay for my training/use of the gym without actually paying. I still can and will do seminars/train people, but I'm not too keen for it unless I'm on a somewhat good rapport with the individual.

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I work as a doorman/bouncer at a local bar about three nights a week. I've been doing it for the past six years in every aspect of the nightlife industry... from the shittiest corner bars in Southie/Boston, the large ass nightclubs that hold 2000 people, to the ultra-lounges with $50.00 covers and insane VIPs. It's an industry you grow into and have to tolerate.

My main area is working as a Personal Security Specialist in the field of Executive Protection. It's VERY touch and go, especially with the economy the way it is right now, but when it pays, it pays exceptionally well.

I also taught close-quarters combat/edged weapons combat training courses while in Boston to branches of the Boston Police Department, Mass State Police, and Suffolk County Sheriff's Department. That was more as a favor and a way to pay for my training/use of the gym without actually paying. I still can and will do seminars/train people, but I'm not too keen for it unless I'm on a somewhat good rapport with the individual.

what the hell are you doing in Florida anyways?

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