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Story As To Why I'm So Stupid...


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CHECK YOUR BATTERIES...For the past month or so, the car has had some trouble starting after being warm, and I've been bewildered to no limit. You guys have given me tons of suggestions, tips, insite, etc. etc.

So I'm at a gas station, fill it up, try to turn my car over, once AGAIN, no start. I sit there for about 20 minutes trying to crank it every now and then. A bummy looking man is walking by, hears that my car is not starting, can tell that I get engine spin but no start. He tells me to pop the hood, looks around for about 3 seconds, tells me to start it. BAM, crystal clear start. haha, he tells me my FUCKIN' battery is in contact with metal (He slid the battery). I look at it, sure enough it was. Wowwww, the battery easily slides around left to right. Was not put in place correctly when whoever installed it put it there (Or else it would've been starting normally every single time). The nice guy goes into the gas station, gets a card board box and sticks it in place so my battery doesn't slide around anymore. He asks if I have a dollar to spare, I pay him $5, and head on my way. :(:(

A sad day for common sense. Just shows you guys...No matter what the hell the problem is, START SMALL and work your way up to the bigger things. This slight thing could POSSIBLY be the reason for some of the other problems I've had with my car, such as the funky tachometer/speedometer readings when the car is at a stop, but only time will tell, I'll keep you guys updated. :D

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Hate to say it, but I agree....I feel like my car starts a little slow...a few too many turns than I like, I like a turnkey car. My first reaction is to want to do a full italian tune-up with new copper plugs, a squirt of oil into the cylinder, oil change and running it at 5500 rpms for 12 minutes.

Instead, I should probably just sand down my battery terminals and connectors, tighten up and spray em with wd-40 (prevents corrosion), and tighten everything else in the ignition system (which I haven't looked at what else is there)


P.s. Glad you found the problem. Could've been a lot worse. Took me a month and 3 mechanics before I figured out, for free, that my fuel pressure regulator was leaking fuel directly into my throttle body.

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re: the comment about the FPR- I cannot locate mine- I have been told it is under the fuel rail but I only have one gas line to fuel rail no return. The part that is under the fuel rail has a thin white hard plastic line that runs to the charcoal cannister under the battery. The top of the disc looking part has a hole in it. There is no fuel line connected to it. So...some have suggested it is between the gas tank and the fuel pump. I looked under the rear right fender where the fuel punp is and see what I think is the FPR-can anyone confirm this location? I have a 96 850.

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regarding battery problems/issues:

What is the cause(s) of corrosion on the battery terminal(s).

In my new 97 wagon, there is a lot of terminal corrosion going on. When I asked the seller about it he seemed unconcerned/uninterested in it. Apparently he really didn't think it was an issue. There is also corrosion on the battery tray, and I figured I would get around to cleaning up and/or replacing the battery or the tray.

Two things have been done, which were more pressing: front motor mount and passenger door strap

But there must be some cause of this abnormal-looking corrosion all over the battery area. Never seemed to have it for 8 years in my 96 854.

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Battery Corrosion: Clean it up. I always liked putting baking soda on all of it then pouring some vinegar on...topped off with some hot water to clean everything out. Then spray the terminals with wd-40. It takes no more than 5 minutes...do it now, your car will thank you.

FPR: Kinetic, you and I had this discussion before. Sorry to hear you are still trying to find it. Honestly, if you haven't yet, take it to a shop and ask them if they can just point it out for you. Most shops will be more than happy, especially volvo dealers....just make sure they do it outside the bay, so they don't charge you (;

If you have a fuel pressure regulator, then there should be a vacuum hose on top of your throttle body vacuum tree that runs to it. Follow those vacuum lines until you find it...that's how mine is setup.


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yep still trying to locate the problem- but my FPR is not under the fuel rail-I believe I found it above the fuel pump- I called and Indy who confirmed some setups are above the fuel filter-but after I described the problem he thinks the intermittant start issue is a leaky fuel injector, since I have a puff of black smoke at start up-apparently the injector leaks which would explain the loss of pressure and black smoke as the cyclinder has residual gas in it. How do I check and identify which injector is leaking? how much for an injector? can I replace myself?

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  • 1 month later...

CHECK YOUR BATTERIES...For the past month or so, the car has had some trouble starting after being warm, and I've been bewildered to no limit. You guys have given me tons of suggestions, tips, insite, etc. etc.

So I'm at a gas station, fill it up, try to turn my car over, once AGAIN, no start. I sit there for about 20 minutes trying to crank it every now and then. A bummy looking man is walking by, hears that my car is not starting, can tell that I get engine spin but no start. He tells me to pop the hood, looks around for about 3 seconds, tells me to start it. BAM, crystal clear start. haha, he tells me my FUCKIN' battery is in contact with metal (He slid the battery). I look at it, sure enough it was. Wowwww, the battery easily slides around left to right. Was not put in place correctly when whoever installed it put it there (Or else it would've been starting normally every single time). The nice guy goes into the gas station, gets a card board box and sticks it in place so my battery doesn't slide around anymore. He asks if I have a dollar to spare, I pay him $5, and head on my way. :(  :(

A sad day for common sense. Just shows you guys...No matter what the hell the problem is, START SMALL and work your way up to the bigger things. This slight thing could POSSIBLY be the reason for some of the other problems I've had with my car, such as the funky tachometer/speedometer readings when the car is at a stop, but only time will tell, I'll keep you guys updated. :D

Five bucks! You got off cheap, that diagnosis would have cost you $300 at the dealer.

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