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How Much Noise Is Supposed To Be There?

steve s

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i'm wondering... if the car's not running, and the head unit is on but nothing is playing, say in cd changer mode but no cd's in the magazine. how much noise is supposed to be there when u turn the volume allll the way up. i mean, i usually listen on the streets at 3 or 4 and highway maybe 7 or 8... but headunit can go up to like 30 or something.. how much noise r u supposed to hear, if any, when u jack up the volume? not much noise is there on listening levels, but i hear some hum when it is alll the way up...which if there had been music...i'm sure something would've blown...

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in my system, i cant hear CRAP for noise.

I get more noise from the recording (YES there is noise or hiss in some recordings, especially if it was recorded on older analog equipment and not mega processed like some of todays music).

With my volvo HU i had some hiss with nothing in the player and the vol all the way up. But i have since gotten a new HU and rewired and the noise has evaporated.

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It all depends on how much GAIN you have your amps set at

If your head unit goes to 30 and you crank it to 6 and it's loud, your amp gain is set high.

The head unit since it's still in the low scale might not be able to push a clean signal to your amps. (loss of signal due to cable length) Your signal will degrade and won't be as clean as it leaves from your head unit. Your amp Gain then takes this low signal and amplifys everything. That's why you get the hiss. Noise is present all the time on a line. You will hear it if you amp it a lot. your recordings will make it worse.

You may try this, reset your gain on your amp, crank up the head unit volume to around half of what the full range is ie. 15. Then tweek your amplifier gain to the sound level you where getting at your full performance.

This should suppress most your hiss.


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thanx..will try the amp gain to c if there's any diff..

i wonder if i moved the harness wiring for the audio processor that came with the d900 to the middle of the car, would there be less noise?

if there's no disc in the dvd, no noise. no disc in cd changer, noise is there. put the same disc in dvd and cd changer, there is noise..i can't hear the brass players click the valves and take their breaths like i used to with the stock sc811.

so i had put the power wires and the harness wires on the left, and the rca wires on the right. that's why i'm wondering if i put the harness wires to the middle it'd be better..

there is no noticeable increase with engine rpm with the noise, engine on or off didn't make a diff either...

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I don't think that moving your harness will be any better in another location. I would try to keep the line ins and outs to a bear minimum length and using a high quality cable. A sheilded or twisted pair will supress the noise.

The noise you speek of is line noise hiss, that is not related to altenator whine.

There could be a few things that would cause noise on the line. That could be Bad RCA cables, Amp gain too high or a Ground loop problem.

I think it could be your amp gains as stated above. Or your RCA's are going bad and might want to change them to a higher grade audio cable. Seems like you have all your grounds in good shape.

Let us know if you find your problem.

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From what I have read, you should set your gain by the following process.

1. Turn your amp all the way down.

2. turn your HU all the way up

3. Play music.

4. reduce the volume on the HU until the clipping ceases

(Clipping is the sound of too much signal, not distortion)

5. whatever volume your HU is set at is the max signal your amp can handle

6. Leave the HU at the max signal level

7. Turn your amp's gain up until you just start to hear distortion, and reduce it slightly so that

none is present, or to as loud as you can handle it

8. Your gain is set.

Correct me if I am wrong. That is what I read somewhere on crutchfield or in the handbook they sent me when I bought my HU

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  • 2 weeks later...


tried the amp gain thing...even on the lowest gain, the noise is still there..

my wires are really new...afterall..the first install was finished last year in nov.. got some good monster wires for the four channel amp and some good street wires zero noise 6 for the sub amp.

do u think if the audio proc is too close to the power wires (probably about 6 inches away) it'd be a problem?

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