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so you think its ok for some people in africa that have contracted AIDS to give birth?

forget the THEY SHOULD OF USED PROTECTION arguement.

once the parents pass away from AIDS. who will adopt a child with a death sentence.

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the money is not just for abortions. its for sex education, preventive measures, learing etc.

it does help us because the money is spent on merchandise here, transportation to and fro

it helps make america show its compasion for others instead of putting 700' fences as foeign policy.

the amount of money blown on corn research becuase of strong lobying groups is nothing to this amount at the end of the day.

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the money is not just for abortions. its for sex education, preventive measures, learing etc.

it does help us because the money is spent on merchandise here, transportation to and fro

it helps make america show its compasion for others instead of putting 700' fences as foeign policy.

the amount of money blown on corn research becuase of strong lobying groups is nothing to this amount at the end of the day.

From the article (one of many promises broken to come)

Anti-abortion groups criticized the move.

"President Obama not long ago told the American people that he would support policies to reduce abortions, but today he is effectively guaranteeing more abortions by funding groups that promote abortion as a method of population control," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee.

and your comment?

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so you think its ok for some people in africa that have contracted AIDS to give birth?

forget the THEY SHOULD OF USED PROTECTION arguement.

once the parents pass away from AIDS. who will adopt a child with a death sentence.

EVERYONE has a death sentence. Shouldn't they have a chance at life?

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i think its funny that its basically us same guys discussing the same topics from different angles over and over in the political board.

nobodys views will really be changed overall but i enjoy the back and forth and the effort to make a point.

:tup: i give ourselves a thumbsup.

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i think its funny that its basically us same guys discussing the same topics from different angles over and over in the political board.

nobodys views will really be changed overall but i enjoy the back and forth and the effort to make a point.

:tup: i give ourselves a thumbsup.

I agree... at least we respect everyone's viewpoint

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I am curious...

do you see the world in Black and White, or in shades of Grey?

Don't be too pridefull of your Chicago politics. I've staked my position on common sense.

I blame Bush for the socialism I expected from Obama. Now we are talking about the US Bank. Wait, it will get better.


Just coincidences

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been impeached twice for trying to sell President-elect Obama’s former Senate seat. In other news, Michelle Obama has resigned as vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC).

Coincidentally, Mrs. Obama got that $317,000-a-year job created especially for her, two months after her husband was sworn in as senator in 2005.

Coincidentally, the president-elect has hired Susan Sher, the UCMC’s top lawyer and Mrs. Obama’s former boss, as an associate White House counsel to provide legal advice to Mrs. Obama.

Coincidentally, the women became close while working in Chica­go Mayor Richard M. Daley’s legal office. Ms. Sher later joined the hospital and hired Mrs. Obama. Together, they developed its Urban Health Initiative.

Coincidentally, that initiative benefited from a $1 million congres­sional earmark sponsored by then-Sen. Obama.

Coincidentally, Ms. Sher was instrumental in hiring a company headed by David Axelrod to work with Mrs. Obama to drum up com­munity support for the initiative.

Coincidentally, Mr. Axelrod later became the Obama presidential campaign’s chief strategist.

Coincidentally, a Senate investigation into claims the initiative’s furtive goal, to sweep creepy crawlies out of the UCMC’s emergency room, died when the new Senate was sworn in Jan. 6.

Ms. Sher and Mrs. Obama worked for Valerie Jarrett, chairwoman of the UCMC board. Coincidentally, the Obama camp pressured Gov. Blagojevich appoint Ms. Jarrett to the Senate. Instead, she will be a senior White House adviser.

Coincidentally, Kelly Welsh, executive vice president at Northern Trust Co., also is on the hospital board. Northern Trust gave the Obamas a $1.32 million mortgage shortly after he was elected to the Senate. The bank, which has no formal loan-discount program, shaved three-eighths of a point off their rate, saving them $108,000 over the life of the loan, and waived thousands in fees and points.

Coincidentally, Mrs. Obama quit her job the same day the UCMC announced a restructuring designed to reduce costs by $100 million.

Coincidentally, among the 15 executive positions eliminated was the one created especially for Mrs. Obama.

On Wednesday, the Illinois House voted 117-1 to impeach Gov.

Blagojevich. The lone dissenting vote was cast by his sister-in-law.

Don’t you just hate Gov. Blagojevich’s incestuous politics?

Waterbury Republican-American Editorial 1/18/09

Nuff said.

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as soon as i saw you spelled the word "unopposed" wrong, i stopped reading

You must not read too many posts then.

Big Fing deal. Don't make me search all your posts for a typo, tool. And yet you would not comment on the content. Interesting.

If thats going to hold you up you should disconnect from the internetz.

Mike, you are correct. I'm kinda tired of stating the obvious as new folks enter these threads. There is no change, Mr. Prez (I hope my spelling is not offensive <_< ) has hired many Clintonistas with checkered pasts. Sec. of Treasury has tax issues, Atty Gen has issues with Clinton pardons. He has yet to deviate from Bush policy on Iraq and Afghanistan, keeping Gates in charge. He has appointed Panetta as CIA chief with no intelligence experience. That must be great for morale at the ground level. That one really bothers me. Appoint an Army Chief of Staff that is not a General officer, and see what happens to that organization. And the dissolution of Gitmo? Where are these murderers going to go? No other country wants them, even the ones they were born in. 61 previously released prisoners have been recaptured or killed in actions against the US or the govts we are helping. Can you say recidivism? Do you know what that word means, nolantor? Hows my spelling now? California, oh man what a mess. It's almost as bad as Connecticut.

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I am curious...

do you see the world in Black and White, or in shades of Grey?

I know what is right and what is wrong. I save my judgments for people and situations I am familiar/ educated with/ about. Don't try to judge me, you don't have a clue about me. These are opinions, if you have one on the subject, flail away at your keyboard, but keep the personal stuff to yourself. It doesnt further the discussion.

I say again, if someone wants to help the economy, and support the increase in taxes that are sure to come, PM me and I'll be glad to accept your checks to pay my tax increase.

I'm sure you would want to support the new Prez and his policies for the New America. I can't afford it.

Make sure you know where your money is going. Some is being sent off shore to support abortion and birth control, like $300 million. I'm sure there is another bridge to nowhere in there also. They will fill these bailout bills with more pork, refund checks to folks who don't pay any income taxes, and create more govt jobs as a form of wellfare. Money spent on govt is money taken from the private sector.

We'll see. I hope He is successful, so I can be also.. Now go buy an Obama commemorative plate, or a gold coin with his image on it. Keep that economy rolling along.

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I agree with Pras and Boost_Junky. While I can empathize with business owners, people with incomes over 250k per annum and those connected to our obscenely large government and military (basically those in the DC area :) ), I can't empathize with the typical low income NASCAR bubba's that swear by republican values and low benefits to the poor.

While there is a line you can cross in redistributing wealth, countries like Australia have figured out how to ensure quality of life for low income families, quality free health care, average education superior to the US and budget surpluses in recent years. Our government is just large, doesn't benefit those less fortunate, and deficit spends like crazy. It's a lose-lose-lose condition now. I think anyone would be better than Bush here, so I'm happy with Obama.

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