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I hate him so much... he picks out the most retarded things to point out... not to mention he bashed so many GOPs for stuff that were not true.... It shows a lot that his political show during the election was canceled haha

yeah, they dumped your buddy tucker carlson too. he's a right wing wacko dads wet dream.

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I am getting pissed. No change, more of the same. Transparency, not. NO earmarks? BS.

And Clintonistas Begala, Carvile, Stephanopoulous, an Rahm Emanuel have found more personal destruction powers.

Disagree and you will be discredited and attacked.

They are now using Limbaugh as a distraction while they empty your bank account and destroy the wealth makers.

Those fuckers are unreal and un American.

When are they going to do whats best for America instead of whats best for their power base?

Coincidental that the cutoff for tax deductions is $200k? Just above the annual salary for a congressman or a Senator!

Forget Bush, these fuckers own this pig now. It's their monster and we need to find a way to kill it.

If we had let it burn to the ground, it would have rebuilt itself without the elected crooks help. It would of hurt, but it would have been shorter with stronger elements in the bounce back.

Pull the Band-aid fast.

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The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen faster under President Obama than under any new president in at least 90 years, according to a review conducted by Bloomberg.

Bloomberg reports that since Inauguration Day, the Dow has fallen 20 percent, leading at least one investor to dub this the "Obama bear market." The Dow has also dropped 31 percent since Election Day.

Bloomberg reported that Obama is at risk of breaking a historical trend -- in which the Dow soars an average of close to 10 percent in the first year after a Democrat wins the presidency.

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The marketplace doesn't like the Govt to be it's biggest employer AND regulator.

It will likely get worse than better. Watch for distractions coming from the Dems.

For 5 years we heard how the Govt was inept at running a war, now all of a sudden it is fully capable of running the banking industry? With no change in personnel or process?

Einstein says that is insanity.

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For 5 years we heard how the Govt was inept at running a war, now all of a sudden it is fully capable of running the banking industry? With no change in personnel or process?

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

You hit it dead on. A mindset seems to have become embedded in most Americans brains that at the first sign of trouble, run to the government, regardless of whether they are competent or not to handle the problem.

The next thing I'm waiting for is when people will start calling for Obama to stop trying to push through health care and focus more on the economy. Both of which, technically, he shouldn't even be involved in.

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The marketplace doesn't like the Govt to be it's biggest employer AND regulator.

It will likely get worse than better. Watch for distractions coming from the Dems.

For 5 years we heard how the Govt was inept at running a war, now all of a sudden it is fully capable of running the banking industry? With no change in personnel or process?

Einstein says that is insanity.

there was a personnel change though.

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there was a personnel change though.

Many of them are recycled Clintonistas.

Now we see tax breaks changing for charitable donations on incomes over $200k. And mortgage interest deductions.

This is not about helping us recover it's about power and control.

A hand full of Republicans are loading up on pork in this new bill. Nobody is innocent.

Notice China's challenges to our naval ships in international waters? Whatcha gonna do about it Obama? Hell, they own our ships any way.

Just as an aside, the CT legislature is going to bring up a bill that regulates Catholic church financial operations. Establishment clause anyone? In Minnesota, there is a push to create Muslim/Sharia preferenced mortgage products.

Special mortgages for a particular religious denomination? The State meddling in church operations and policy? Wheres the ACLU? Where are Americans for the Separation of Church and State?

Ford balled up, refused bailout cash, renegotiated with the UAW, and will reorganize. They will recover faster than others, you watch. Maybe we should support Ford for their refusal to be a Govt funded entity.

Harry Reid has denied a vote in Congress about a requirement for SS# verification on Govt money going to workers. Illegal aliens will now be able to get money and employment from taxpayers. Doled out by Uncle Sam. Can you say Hispanic vote buy? Oh, and by the way if you oppose this or question it, you are a racist.

Card check for Union voting. No more secret ballot in Union elections. Another vote buy. And more control. Is this the U.S. of A. or the Soviet Union?

Dow dropped 32% in 50 days. Thanks B.H.O. and the Congress from Hell.

They can't scare me any more, and he tries every day. The Manchurian Candidate couldn't have wrecked our country faster and more efficiently than they have.

Have a nice day. :)

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you guys act like our country is falling apart because obama got elected. i don't agree with everything he has to say but it's kind of harsh to be judging him in this manner so early into his term when he has such a massive problem to take care of. i have a feeling there's no amount of good he will be able to bring about to be liked by a lot of conservatives.

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you guys act like our country is falling apart because obama got elected. i don't agree with everything he has to say but it's kind of harsh to be judging him in this manner so early into his term when he has such a massive problem to take care of. i have a feeling there's no amount of good he will be able to bring about to be liked by a lot of conservatives.

You don't need to wait for it to happen to know a bad idea when you hear it.

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