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He is in full campaign mode.

When is he going get into leadership mode? Seems Congress is running the show.

Told you Dodd was a scumbag.

Documents surfaced today indicating that Treasury knew about bonus issues. In November '08.

How about $40 billion going to German, French, Swiss banks thru AIG? $165,000,000 = 0.004125. Infinitesimal by the numbers they are throwing around. How much did Congress get in salary and compensation for the last year? They wrote the laws, they are the overseers and regulators. They dropped the ball. They should work for free. Or retire without their millions in pensions and medical benefits.

I believe the tax law to recoup AIG bonuses is un-Constitutional. Article 1, Section9.

" Section 9: The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person.

The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. This is the relevant one. A contract existed, they can not create a law after the fact.

No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. This is interesting, seems many taxes don't conform.

No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state.

No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another: nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one state, be obliged to enter, clear or pay duties in another.

No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.

No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state."

Why is he on Leno? Special Olympics comment would have ruined a Republican. Bush got slammed every time he was away from the W.H. Has Obama been there yet? He's out running interference and distraction campaign. Lead, bitch.

Turns out C.B.O says we're $1,000,000,000,000 more in debt than we thought. It's all Monopoly money to them. Zeros for effect.

I've been sick as heck the last few days. I don't have the strength to post all the shite that I've read lately, the hypocrisy is stifling. Blood pressure is up thats for sure.

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i'm so sick of all this shit is all i can say.

i so wish palin wasn't involved last year. now, i need McC to die to prove my point and i don't want that, so i'm super screwed.

at least Ob is doing one thing i'm really for that bush was agaisn't and thats stem cell stuff.

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Covering one's own ass suspersedes the Constitution....sad but true.

But I wanted to punch Obama when he was meeting with the Irish PM and was talking about how he might be Irish and goes on to talk about his mothers brothers cousin. Hell if you trace it back far enough Im from Africa... <_<

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i'm so sick of all this shit is all i can say.

i so wish palin wasn't involved last year. now, i need McC to die to prove my point and i don't want that, so i'm super screwed.

at least Ob is doing one thing i'm really for that bush was agaisn't and thats stem cell stuff.

It is tiring Mikey. It's so over whelming they are betting we arn't paying attention or can't be bothered. Thats how they get the dastardly shit done. Like their $4700 raises in January. It's almost a feeling of helplessness witch is a leading cause of temporary depression and apathy.

We The People...are still their bosses.

Send emails and make phone calls to your reps.

Remember I spoke of the Ct legislature attempting to regulate Catholic church finances and structure? The 2 dicks who proposed the bill canceled the hearings when they heard they were going to get bumrushed in Hartford. 4000 Catholics and concerned citizens showed up anyway in protest. The legislation got cooked, and Thing 1 and Thing 2 are being reamed by their fellow Reps.

Thats how it's supposed to work.

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It is tiring Mikey. It's so over whelming they are betting we aern't paying attention or can't be bothered. Thats how they get the dastardly shit done. Like their $4700 raises in January. It's almost a feeling of helplessness witch is a leading cause of temporary depression and apathy.


Theres at least a couple of elected officials who get it.

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Theres at least a couple of elected officials who get it.

I'm so cynical, they may be plants just to keep Congress's approval rating from going to zero.

But you are correct their is always a couple of white knights. In '94 when the Gingrich and his Contract with America brought in a landslide of young enthusiastic rebels, I think they had something there. But They all eventually got consumed by and spit out by the status quo machine. Either vilified and personally destroyed by the Clintonistas or shut out and shouted down by the good ol' boys of the GOP. They were not radical rt wing nuts. Fiscally and socially conservative with wariness of the Federal Govt, and faith in the folks. But that means cutting spending and taxes and allowing the market place to work. Not enough cash for the 2 previously mentioned parties to play with and skim off. You'd take those attitudes and principals right now.

They have or are going to spend in this next few years as much as all presidents put together since G.W.

It's all so clear now. Remember when House Minority leader John Boehner stood up in the house and held up the 1100 page bill and declared that non of them had read the bill before voting on it? It's painfully obvious they didn't because the shit they are so outraged about was spelled out in that very same bill!!!! They are outraged over something they could have prevented, and now must challenge the Constitution to save their collective ass. DUUUHHH! I'm more angry at D.C. now than I could ever be at Wall Street. Dodd was largest recipient of AIG campaign contributions. THROW THEM OUT AND START OVER. They were all so quick to sign the bill and get cash for their districts and states that they failed in their fiduciary duty to protect us and put the country first. I wonder what else was in that bill they missed that will come back and bite us in the wallet.

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Massive power grab by the Executive branch. Stepping on the toes of the Legislature. More Constitutional disrespect.

And you thought the Bush administration was grabbing power.

Budget deficit after Bush left? $516,000,000,000 (billions). 3 months of Obama? nearly 2,000,000,000,000.

European socialists are laughing at us. Chinese communists are laughing at us. We are being compared to Zimbabwe.

United States of America = Banana republic.

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Massive power grab by the Executive branch. Stepping on the toes of the Legislature. More Constitutional disrespect.

And you thought the Bush administration was grabbing power.

Budget deficit after Bush left? $516,000,000,000 (billions). 3 months of Obama? nearly 2,000,000,000,000.

European socialists are laughing at us. Chinese communists are laughing at us. We are being compared to Zimbabwe.

United States of America = Banana republic.

I'm laughing at everyone who voted for him, that includes you Mike. :P :)

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SO for me it's official. My opinion means shit, but..

I've changed my mind about guillotines and Wall Street. Except for Madoff and Sanford.

I know blame my Govt. Since Carter. And mostly the Legislature. I hate them. Really. The Dems for wrecking this country in the name of their Leftist task masters. It is obvious to me that the hippies and radical left of the '60's are now the lawyers and politicians. They have transformed this country into something I never imagined. The Republicans for trying to be low fat Dems, and not having the balls to stand up to this shit. And the spending they did under Bush to get the ball rolling.

The left seems to bear some kind of white guilt about the lack of economic and social progress in the minority/poor/lazy/stupid (all mutually exclusive) community. The failed policies of FDR, LBJ have left them scrambling and over-compensating, trying to catch up or make up for lost time. I think they realize they are in a perfect storm and only have a small window of opportunity to initiate socialism, wreck the countries economic system, and inflame class warfare. And enhance their power with a growing entitlement class. Before we all wake the fuck up and stop being scared about what would happen if we don't let them do all this crazy shit with our money, our country and our Constitution. We will always bounce back from free market failures. We may never bounce back from Govt induced market failures. Start reading some of these bills. they want to shove down our throats at lightning speed. Geitner was gonna bust a nut if they do his thing immediately. Why the urgency? See above.

Read the Constitution.

I'm a registered Republican but I was never wedded to the party. I'm considering canceling my affiliation, but I still believe in my local politics and am thinking about getting involved at the town level. I'm looking into that.

I love John McCain, but we may have squandered an opportunity by not electing Ron Paul.

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government. "

Thomas Jefferson

I still, really love this Country.

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lol, to help this economy and this country why vote for a guy (Obama) that has ideas and no way to implement them.... how about a guy that has some sort of economic or financial background?

spend money spend money spend money spend money is all he is doing with little change or feeling of "safe" to the American public

2 trillion dollars in debt and growing? you have to be kidding me... and of course it is only going to get worse for us

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SO for me it's official. My opinion means shit, but..

I love John McCain, but we may have squandered an opportunity by not electing Ron Paul.


Yeah, my thinking was that RP was kinda crazy with some of his stances...but at least he wasnt going to waste your money.

lol, to help this economy and this country why vote for a guy (Obama) that has ideas and no way to implement them.... how about a guy that has some sort of economic or financial background?

spend money spend money spend money spend money is all he is doing with little change or feeling of "safe" to the American public

2 trillion dollars in debt and growing? you have to be kidding me... and of course it is only going to get worse for us

apparently spend monies gets you a ~60% approval rating on whether you are doing a good job handling the economy.

I guess if people see a high price tag they automatically think some good is being done...


Thoughts on the firing on the GM CEO?

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Remember all those supposed right wing nuts/ militias that warned of one global economy and loss of sovereignty?

We are about to put our economy under the rule of the IMF and the World Bank. They will tell us how to run our economy, how to pay our execs and then how to defend our selves. This means that we may have the same influence as Iran. Or pick any 3rd world country. My worst fears are being realized. The UN will be our bosses. If I was able to bring the founding fathers, or any real patriot who died for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, back to life, and hand them a flint lock, I'm pretty sure their would be 535 dead Congressmen and Senators. And maybe every one in the Executive branch. And a couple of Supreme Court justices also.

Sorry, thats a little harsh. But that kind of power is scary.

Dodd, Pelosi, Obama have never had a privates sector job or run a business. But they want to run a car company and a bunch of banks.

Transnationalism. Look it up.

This may be hard for some, but if your not watching Fox Network, your not getting the whole truth. Forget the personalities, if you think they are lying or are slanting their coverage look it up your self.

Whats up with Geitners nose?

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