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I take it morons are people who do not share the same, albeit narrow minded, opinion you do?

(@gdizzle's comment)

nope, morons are people that say the country is going in the right direction even though on paper they are getting worse

I can not believe people can actually sit there and say we are better off and safer down the road since Obama got in office

another 911 here we come

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I take it morons are people who do not share the same, albeit narrow minded, opinion you do?

(@gdizzle's comment)

Yup, I'm narrowminded. That's why I think it's dumb to borrow our way out of dept. Damn my narrow mindedness.

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That's google, not a book. Are you time traveling back to 1948?

$800 billion dollars spent so far has stimulated the economy how? $390,000 for every soldier deployed.

do not confuse bad banks and loans with spending money on the war.

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alright smart guy.. prove that it doesn't


You say war stimulates the economy, using the US rise as the sole industrial superpower post WWII (paired with the Marshall Plan I assume) as your reference, try to say that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are good for our current global economic situation, change the subject, and ask me to prove your point?

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You say war stimulates the economy, using the US rise as the sole industrial superpower post WWII (paired with the Marshall Plan I assume) as your reference, try to say that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are good for our current global economic situation, change the subject, and ask me to prove your point?

the wars in Iraq an Afghanistan were at the same time as our economy tanked BECAUSE of other reasons... banks, mortgages etc... so you can not compare the two

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I take it morons are people who do not share the same, albeit narrow minded, opinion you do?

(@gdizzle's comment)


Does narrow minded include strict adherence to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the rule of law? Does it include the fact that 99% of all economists, and the Congressional Budget Office label Obama tax and spend policies as counterproductive to U.S. recovery? Move to Ct and taste the re-institution of high business taxes that will cripple the job growth here, or the re-introduction of hi-way tolls. More Govt spending means less money for the private sector. The revenues are confiscated in the form of taxes to support Govt spending, leaving less for business to spend on capital improvements and hiring.

OK children, what is the most inefficient, corrupt, graft ridden organization on the planet? Besides G.E.?

Any Govt organization will be a good answer.

Former military and Pro life advocates are now labeled by Homeland Security as terrorists threats, no mention of Muslim extremists. This smacks of state police as a political hammer against those that disagree with Obamites and Pelosians.

My sizable tax return of my hard earned cash has been delayed 3 weeks by the IRS, postponed my E-return 3 times now. Think they know I'm a Republican (soon to be Independent)? There so busy writing checks for their pet projects, they forgot about the folks that pay their salary.

Hey, Erik, how you feel about the 1700 kids in D.C. being denied vouchers for schools that have saved their lives? Obama promised to do what it takes to help the kids. Now he is paying back the NEA for their support. Liar-in-chief I say.

It is getting worse than I imagined faster than I could have predicted. I scream every time Pelosi wags her finger.

Murtha is a crook, and so is his son. 5 appointees with tax problems. Pelosi needs a G-4 at her beck-and-call. The war on terror is now called Overseas Contingency Operation.

B.H.O. is now on track to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices( maybe with tax return issues?). Hold on to your cultural hats.

Obama doesnt put ketchup on his hamburgers. How un-American can you get?

Pedophiles protected by hate crime laws but military personal are not? Are there not enough existing laws to cover crimes against all citizens?

I can't type fast enough or think fast enough to cover all the crap coming out of the mouths and pens of our politicians. They ask us to sacrifice and contract, but go hog wild spending on pet projects that have absolutely nothing to do with recovery.

D.C. is fiscally and morally bankrupt and it's getting worse everyday. Govt is a wealth killer, not a creator. They buy nothing and create nothing. It's become a laboratory for social engineering of the left. They are taking advantage of our dire straits and cramming their 1960's agenda down our throats. Look around the world, friends, all these tax and spend policies of huge central govt have been dis-proven and discredited throughout history. It's now a one party system, The Big Goverment party, dedicated to preserving the careers and pensions of 545 shmucks on Capitol hill. Using your money.

If business ran their books like the U.S., we'd all be out of work. If you like the higher taxes coming down the pike with no reduction in spending, I invite you to pay mine. The well is only so deep. Keep the Change.

I now have to work until May to pay my taxes before I can pay my bills. Blood pressure rising. Have a nice day.

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