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Taxing you by recording your mileage using GPS would be just as bad in their view. The cops could track every car at any time they wished. A car without a tracking unit would be an arrestable offense. GPS would tell them when you are speeding, so they would just send you a ticket. No different than a red light camera.

glad to see someone else realizes this.

I drive 100 miles a day for work, a tax on my mileage would kill me. It's f'ing retarded. This country is being shat on and flushed down the toilet.

i can kinda of relate with a 60 mile round trip commute for the first half of this year, and during "peak" driving times.

trucking industry would probably get hurt the most by this, not to mention the cost of shipping would go up.

laugh.gif IT was on Fox News and you didn't know about it? :)

This has been out for a few days at least, but I can't see the military ever letting it fail. Too many weapon systems depend on it. It is just the media reporting on worst case senarios like usual.


I thought we werent going to be around a year from now...you know with everybody having died from Pig Flu. :D

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I thought we werent going to be around a year from now...you know with everybody having died from Pig Flu. biggrin.gif

No, when pigs fly flu. It is a combination of bird and swine flu. :)

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laugh.gif IT was on Fox News and you didn't know about it? :)

This has been out for a few days at least, but I can't see the military ever letting it fail. Too many weapon systems depend on it. It is just the media reporting on worst case senarios like usual.

eh, I do not believe everything on FoxNews

the weapons systems that america needs to rely on you do not know about.

the media always reports oh the worst case

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Meh, could be worse.

Heres worse: Cloward and Piven strategy

* Strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis

First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving), Cloward and Piven published an article titled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called "crisis strategy" or "Cloward-Piven Strategy," as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect.

In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when "the rest of society is afraid of them," Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would "the rest of society" accept their demands.

The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state. Cloward-Piven's early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. "Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules," Alinsky wrote in his 1972 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system's failure to "live up" to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist "rule book" with a socialist one.

The authors noted that the number of Americans subsisting on welfare -- about 8 million, at the time -- probably represented less than half the number who were technically eligible for full benefits. They proposed a "massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare rolls." Cloward and Piven calculated that persuading even a fraction of potential welfare recipients to demand their entitlements would bankrupt the system. The result, they predicted, would be "a profound financial and political crisis" that would unleash "powerful forces … for major economic reform at the national level."

Their article called for "cadres of aggressive organizers" to use "demonstrations to create a climate of militancy." Intimidated by threats of black violence, politicians would appeal to the federal government for help. Carefully orchestrated media campaigns, carried out by friendly, leftwing journalists, would float the idea of "a federal program of income redistribution," in the form of a guaranteed living income for all -- working and non-working people alike. Local officials would clutch at this idea like drowning men to a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement it. With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act.

This was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse movements -- mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. The flood of demands was calculated to break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown -- providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. That was the theory.

Cloward and Piven recruited a militant black organizer named George Wiley to lead their new movement. In the summer of 1967, Wiley founded the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). His tactics closely followed the recommendations set out in Cloward and Piven's article. His followers invaded welfare offices across the United States -- often violently -- bullying social workers and loudly demanding every penny to which the law "entitled" them. By 1969, NWRO claimed a dues-paying membership of 22,500 families, with 523 chapters across the nation.

Regarding Wiley's tactics, The New York Times commented on September 27, 1970, "There have been sit-ins in legislative chambers, including a United States Senate committee hearing, mass demonstrations of several thousand welfare recipients, school boycotts, picket lines, mounted police, tear gas, arrests - and, on occasion, rock-throwing, smashed glass doors, overturned desks, scattered papers and ripped-out phones."These methods proved effective. "The flooding succeeded beyond Wiley's wildest dreams," writes Sol Stern in the City Journal. "From 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared from 4.3 million to 10.8 million, despite mostly flush economic times. By the early 1970s, one person was on the welfare rolls in New York City for every two working in the city's private economy."As a direct result of its massive welfare spending, New York City was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1975. The entire state of New York nearly went down with it. The Cloward-Piven strategy had proved its effectiveness.

The Cloward-Piven strategy depended on surprise. Once society recovered from the initial shock, the backlash began. New York's welfare crisis horrified America, giving rise to a reform movement which culminated in "the end of welfare as we know it" -- the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which imposed time limits on federal welfare, along with strict eligibility and work requirements. Both Cloward and Piven attended the White House signing of the bill as guests of President Clinton.

Most Americans to this day have never heard of Cloward and Piven. But New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani attempted to expose them in the late 1990s. As his drive for welfare reform gained momentum, Giuliani accused the militant scholars by name, citing their 1966 manifesto as evidence that they had engaged in deliberate economic sabotage. "This wasn't an accident," Giuliani charged in a 1997 speech. "It wasn't an atmospheric thing, it wasn't supernatural. This is the result of policies and programs designed to have the maximum number of people get on welfare."

Cloward and Piven never again revealed their intentions as candidly as they had in their 1966 article. Even so, their activism in subsequent years continued to rely on the tactic of overloading the system. When the public caught on to their welfare scheme, Cloward and Piven simply moved on, applying pressure to other sectors of the bureaucracy, wherever they detected weakness.

In 1982, partisans of the Cloward-Piven strategy founded a new "voting rights movement," which purported to take up the unfinished work of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Like ACORN, the organization that spear-headed this campaign, the new "voting rights" movement was led by veterans of George Wiley's welfare rights crusade. Its flagship organizations were Project Vote and Human SERVE, both founded in 1982. Project Vote is an ACORN front group, launched by former NWRO organizer and ACORN co-founder Zach Polett. Human SERVE was founded by Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, along with a former NWRO organizer named Hulbert James.

All three of these organizations -- ACORN, Project Vote and Human SERVE -- set to work lobbying energetically for the so-called Motor-Voter law, which Bill Clinton ultimately signed in 1993. The Motor-Voter bill is largely responsible for swamping the voter rolls with "dead wood" -- invalid registrations signed in the name of deceased, ineligible or non-existent people -- thus opening the door to the unprecedented levels of voter fraud and "voter disenfranchisement" claims that followed in subsequent elections.

The new "voting rights" coalition combines mass voter registration drives -- typically featuring high levels of fraud -- with systematic intimidation of election officials in the form of frivolous lawsuits, unfounded charges of "racism" and "disenfranchisement," and "direct action" (street protests, violent or otherwise). Just as they swamped America's welfare offices in the 1960s, Cloward-Piven devotees now seek to overwhelm the nation's understaffed and poorly policed electoral system. Their tactics set the stage for the Florida recount crisis of 2000, and have introduced a level of fear, tension and foreboding to U.S. elections heretofore encountered mainly in Third World countries.

Both the Living Wage and Voting Rights movements depend heavily on financial support from George Soros's Open Society Institute and his "Shadow Party," through whose support the Cloward-Piven strategy continues to provide a blueprint for some of the Left's most ambitious campaigns.

Then came Radtke and ACORN.

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And continues to tout his Muslimness?

Yeah from the tidbits of his speech that I saw, he sure was trying to make it clear how Muslim he was...quite the contrary from the election where he went completely the opposite way and never talked about it.

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He stated a moral equivalency between the Holocaust and Palestinian displacement. He called us colonialists, when we've never had colonies any where least of all the Arab world. His history is fucked, he forgot that in 1947, after the state of Israel was formed when the Brits left, every Muslim nation in reach of Israel tried to push them into the Mediterranean.

He omits the fact that Oslow offerd a 2 state solution, and Arafat rejected it. Ohlmert offered it also a few years ago and was rejected. He also omitted the fact that 30 years ago Sadat waged piece with Israel.

Obama is the most anti American president on foreign soil ever. He hates the country and everything we stand for. I can't wait for the next election. I tried to give him a chance but he has shredded the Constitution, and ruined the country ala Cloward, Piven and Arinsky. Read the stuff I posted and tell me he is not implementing their subversive game plan. It's a scary parallel.

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And it seems the american public that so eagerly elected "hope" has shut out politics for another 4 years, then again i don't know how McCain would have faired at this point either.

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McCain may have been no better on the economic situation, but I'm damn sure he would not be bowing to Arab princes and

looking to reconcile with the Muslim world when we are dying for Muslims every damn day. America has no beef with Muslims, we have a beef with radical terrorists that slit innocent peoples throats, crashed their planes into buildings, and swear to drive other nations into the sea.

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fixed. the rest was an interesting bias though.

What are you tagging that onto, friend? Explain yourself, I have. The Arinsky stuff is truth, just cause you don't like the source. Cloward and Piven are subversives, and use people for their perceived societal gains.

If you work hard and have drive you are screwed.

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He have created more debt than all presidents combined. Intentionally and unnecessarily.

They can't run the Post Office. Or Amtrak. But car companies , banks and executive compensation they are experts at all of sudden. Not a business owner in the whole lot in the White House.

How many Czars now? 18? Newest is a compensation Czar. These are mid level appointees/managers (who's paying their salaries and how much?) that answer to no one, not Congress any way. Congress and the Senate are supposed to be the peoples overseers of government operations.

Sounds like an oligarchy. Definitely not sounding Constitutional. And thats the ruling document, right?

We are a nation of laws and not men right?

And some puss monkey -1'd me. Dave I bumped you a +1 for bringing info to light.

I won't plusone myself. I wear it as a badge of honor. B)

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new york times?

First, even if a health overhaul does pass, it may not include the tough measures needed to bring down spending. Ultimately, the only way to do so is to take money from doctors, drug makers and insurers, and it isn’t clear whether Mr. Obama and Congress have the stomach for that fight.

Wow...I honestly dont know who would have the balls to do that...

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