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If we cannot even give health care to Veterans correctly... what do you think these govtment suckers, tax payer suckers will get it? and it will work


Military health care for active duty soldiers is pretty good. I never had problems with it when I was a dependent; it was pretty much socialist health care. The government knows how to do socialist health care, they just royally effed up with the VA hospital system.

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Lemme just say that Cash for Clunkers is the worst program ever. I would have posted this in the thread in OT, but it's political so it's going here.

First, you tell people to bring in there perfectly fine car (just to have it then crushed) and trade up for a brand new car!! OMG I feel so good for stimulating the economy!! Now lemme go ahead and make these payments...on top of my mortgage. Fucking morons!! How did they think this could ever work out??? This whole idea is what got us into this mess in the first place!!!!!!!

Now assume that ok the car isn't worth jack shit, but still works. $4500...where the hell is that money coming from? I don't want your lazy ass to have a new car, I want you to get your diabetic ass on a fucking bike or walk for once! Or hell I dunno...use the public transit that you ALREADY PAY FOR (assuming you're actually paying your taxes)!!!

I'd hate for someone to be satisfied with what they have and live inside their means. Why must people be so retarded?

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Dave you should just accept that you dont know whats best for you and that Obama does.

Lemme just say that Cash for Clunkers is the worst program ever. I would have posted this in the thread in OT, but it's political so it's going here.

First, you tell people to bring in there perfectly fine car (just to have it then crushed) and trade up for a brand new car!! OMG I feel so good for stimulating the economy!! Now lemme go ahead and make these payments...on top of my mortgage. Fucking morons!! How did they think this could ever work out??? This whole idea is what got us into this mess in the first place!!!!!!!

Now assume that ok the car isn't worth jack shit, but still works. $4500...where the hell is that money coming from? I don't want your lazy ass to have a new car, I want you to get your diabetic ass on a fucking bike or walk for once! Or hell I dunno...use the public transit that you ALREADY PAY FOR (assuming you're actually paying your taxes)!!!

I'd hate for someone to be satisfied with what they have and live inside their means. Why must people be so retarded?

Its to help us start spending once again cause we aren't doing enough of it right now!

Well the money is coming from China, shit we dont have any. And its quite the turn around from just last summer when the government was urging everyone to use mass transit, leave their car at home, and use less gas. But I guess when an industry is in so much trouble and has enough money to get the governments ear...a lot can change I guess. That and we have to keep putting more and more corn in our tanks...(theres a can of worms)

In all honesty if your going to give people 4500 buxs for car related things why not put it towards repairing their old vehicles which is probably more ecological and will help support your local mechanic or dealership still. Stop creating artificial demand. But then again like I said before...I guess Lord Obama knows what is best for me.

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Its to help us start spending once again cause we aren't doing enough of it right now!

You're missing the point. A car is already one of the worst things to put money into. It has no return on investment, but instead negative return. If anything people need to be buying used cars. There's tons of great cars that people just drive around for two years or so, decide they need a new car, and just trade up. Makes no sense to buy a brand new car when there's perfectly good used ones, INCLUDING the ones being traded in for cash for clunkers. It's just putting more and more people in debt by buying things they don't need on credit. If anything it's making the economy worse IMO. And you're right, it's all artificial demand.

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You're missing the point. A car is already one of the worst things to put money into. It has no return on investment, but instead negative return. If anything people need to be buying used cars. There's tons of great cars that people just drive around for two years or so, decide they need a new car, and just trade up. Makes no sense to buy a brand new car when there's perfectly good used ones, INCLUDING the ones being traded in for cash for clunkers. It's just putting more and more people in debt by buying things they don't need on credit. If anything it's making the economy worse IMO. And you're right, it's all artificial demand.

Oh yeah, I know cars are bottomless money pits, I got that from my dad.

Im sure your used S40, which was only two years old and still completely covered by Volvo was a good chunk cheaper than buying a brand new one.


This will make people like healthcare a whole lot more, right?!: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090803/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_economy

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Oh yeah, I know cars are bottomless money pits, I got that from my dad.

Im sure your used S40, which was only two years old and still completely covered by Volvo was a good chunk cheaper than buying a brand new one.

20k from 55k? Yea...I'd say so

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Do you mean the last plan Congress passed? Or the health plans that members of Congress have? If its the latter sign me up for that.

The one they have.

Yeah, I'm in. Throw their pension plan in also.

My oldest son had a problem that required a specialist. I called his GP, got a name and number. Had an appointment with specialist 7 days later, they did an ultra sound in house. AN hour later he was diagnosed, treated and I walked by the reception desk without paying a dime. SO a suspected tumor was diagnosed and treated in a week. I'll get a bill for a couple bucks monthend. We pay for our coverage so we can get results like this. I can live with that, but the horror stories send chills down my spine as to what could have happened. A long wait that results in months of anxiety, topped off with a worsening condition that we have no idea what it is, that goes untreated? I don't think so. If this crap goes through, I predict a huge black market for quality health care for folks that can afford to pay.

You aint got shit if you aint got your health. I'm willing to sacrifice many of my families "luxuries" to ensure prompt and competent care.

Cash for clunkers could be for old folks, not valuable to society. Write me a check so I can have gramps euthanized.

COmplete the circle. Contraception, abortion on demand, euthanasia. On the taxpayers dime.

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Middle Class Tax Hike

Soon everyone's paycheck will have more taken out... I can't believe you idiots voted for him.... just unbelievable

i heard that today on MSNBC. i couldn't believe what i was hearing. Rendell is talking about jacking our taxes up and now the fed is doing the same.

thank goodness i'm not middle class. :rolleyes::unsure::blink: :angry:

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i heard that today on MSNBC. i couldn't believe what i was hearing. Rendell is talking about jacking our taxes up and now the fed is doing the same.

thank goodness i'm not middle class. :rolleyes::unsure::blink::angry:

are you really surprised Mike?

who do you think is paying for the Cash for Clunkers and Obama Health Plan?

I think I am middle class?

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I think I am middle class?

depends. there was the OLD MIDDLE class and now today there's a NEW OLD MIDDLE CLASS, then there's the NEW USED TO BE MIDDLE CLASS, then there's I THINK I'M MIDDLE CLASS, then there's I MAKE TO MUCH, BUT I FEEL LIKE I"M MIDDLE CLASS.

then there's the I HAVE NO CLASS, CLASS

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Mike's drinking in the morning again.

The point is the Fed can change the thresholds to say or do what they want.

In a good year my wife and I gross $160k. That's with a well deserved bonus. Throw in 2 college bound kids that eat like you can't believe, and I've got nothing at the end of the year.

I may be considered rich by some accounts.

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whats killing me this year is my company dropped our 401k matching. I'm having to make up a ton for my retirement target.

so if all things stayed equal i'm pretty far behind. we're trying to bank money for college but there's NO WAY i'll put a dent in whats needed.

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whats killing me this year is my company dropped our 401k matching. I'm having to make up a ton for my retirement target.

so if all things stayed equal i'm pretty far behind. we're trying to bank money for college but there's NO WAY i'll put a dent in whats needed.

Yeah my friends company EDS is doing that until June of next year... I think it is unfair to the employee..

also his company just paid 1.4Billion in cash to buy another company out... thats what pissed him off

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