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SEIU/ ACORN commie attacks man for selling buttons and flags?

Purple shirts = Brown shirts


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Dats da one.

Anyone think unions are thug organizations, passed being useful to worker protection? are companies are having trouble keeping doors open with union labor? GM, Pratt, governments(AFSCME)?

Another chapter of the Alinsky Doctrine.

PS: I'm going back to work on 8/24. The rich people are going forward with surveillance/security package we pitched them before taxes force them to hide money. I loooove rich people. They pay my mortgage.

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Bill O'Reilly was right...

watch this...


then read this..

My link

I do not support Bill O'Reilly all the time.. but he was on point for this.

there is a reason why FoxNews is the #1 watched news channel and the fastest growing.

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Oh, please watch this video... it talks about a woman in Oregon that used the Oregon state health care program... and they said they would not spend the money to save her life for smoking but they would spend the $50 to kill her.... she is dead now

Starts at 4:00 min mark


That is EXACTLY what will happen... when you put the Govt/State in charge of making health decisions they will always pick the BOTTOM LINE of $$$$$$.

I think Spending for health care items needs to be changed... no need for $1000 for a blanket in the ER... fix that and then we can talk.

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Saw 'em both.

Good stuff.

I watched Olberman other day, who the hell is he preaching too? Must be the basest of lefty losers, still entrenched in hatred for Bush et al. Only 3 people watch MSNBC, his parents and his boss.

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haha, and USPS is run by who again? lol

I think you meant to say "whom" and I have never had a problem with the post office that I haven't also had with a private parcel company. USPS is superior when it comes to coast to coast shipping IMO (2 days for under $10). So even with all these problems, they do their job and I don't notice a difference in service. What's your point?

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I think you meant to say "whom" and I have never had a problem with the post office that I haven't also had with a private parcel company. USPS is superior when it comes to coast to coast shipping IMO (2 days for under $10). So even with all these problems, they do their job and I don't notice a difference in service. What's your point?

the usps is or is predicting a 7 billion dollar deficit for this year. they may be doing their job but they are losing a hell of a lot of money doing it.

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Priority shipping.

I ordered some stuff from BassPro last week. They split the order and shipped the bigger item FedEx. The 2 small items, a fishing lure and 4 worm hooks, was shipped USPS.

FedEx came in 2 days. Still waiting for USPS.

Whom cares, grammar cop.

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Priority shipping.

I ordered some stuff from BassPro last week. They split the order and shipped the bigger item FedEx. The 2 small items, a fishing lure and 4 worm hooks, was shipped USPS.

FedEx came in 2 days. Still waiting for USPS.

Whom cares, grammar cop.

I think you meant to say "who" :lol:

The USPS stuff was probably shipped at the slowest speed! I was raving about Priority Mail; Parcel Post/Media Mail sucks!

the usps is or is predicting a 7 billion dollar deficit for this year. they may be doing their job but they are losing a hell of a lot of money doing it.

that's chump change compared to the entire gov't

the airlines were all bankrupt at one point and they're all private and up and running... it goes both ways when our economic system sucks

i wouldn't mind paying extra taxes in return for a more efficient and better funded gov't

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that's chump change compared to the entire gov't

the airlines were all bankrupt at one point and they're all private and up and running... it goes both ways when our economic system sucks

i wouldn't mind paying extra taxes in return for a more efficient and better funded gov't

true enough, but the usps hasnt had many years where they werent running up a deficit.

and yes i would like to see a more efficient and properly run government, but its a lot easier said than done. and as for better funded, theyve got plenty of money already. more money is not always the best idea.

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