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soooo I am assuming people heard and saw SC Rep say "YOU LIE!"

It was not a good time to yell that but...

Double standards.

Plus one could argue all they did was boo, they didnt call him a lair. Playing devils advocate with that one.

Did anyone actually listen to the entire speech? I watched through his first sentence when I realized that for every minute he talked there might be 3 minutes of applause...

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"The bill -- released with no Republican support -- would not add to the federal deficit, Baucus said in a written statement. "

they say this by HOW?!?!?!

"Insurance companies also would be barred from imposing annual caps or lifetime limits on coverage. Individuals, however, would be fined up to $950 annually for failing to obtain coverage; families could be fined as much as $3,800."


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Good one Mike. Top 10 funny movie by the way.

This is madness. We knew ACORN was a joke from the beginning. The "Drain the swamp" BS from Pelosi is just that. Rangle is a tax cheat (how did he accumulate $25 million on Congressional salary?)( Geitner and Murtha also) and wants you to pay more taxes. The records for Dodd's mortgage blunder were not subpoenaed, how can you have an investigation with no evidence? NBC/ GE is in the tank for the administration, basically acting as a propaganda machine for the Dems. I could write for days on NBC/GE concerning energy. New czar Cass Sunstein(sp?) proposes funding for wild horse/ burro refuge, that coincidentally overlaps shale oil deposits, making them off limits to mining. When was the last time anyone, illegal aliens included, were denied medical care? Makes that point moot, eh?

Cap-n-Trade? Dump that on a company and they dump the cost on the consumer, duh. I watch MSNBC to see how the lunatic fringe is behaving, and it's appalling.

The last desperate gasp of a leftist is to cry racism. In 8 months we have been torn apart by these assholes and their minions in the media. Watch Olberman, the Ed Show, and Rachel Madow and see how delirious they really are.

Maureen Dowd is quite the neurotic lonely skank, aint she? She just makes shit up and slurs folks, I guess.

Right or wrong, if you aren't watching FOX your not getting the whole story. If your not watching NBC/MSNBC, your not getting the whole story either. I can't wait for 2010. Look like Vince McMahons wife is leaving WWE to run as a Republican against Dodd. I want here to wrestle his ass first, get him in a figure 4 leg lock and choke him out.

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March on Washington 9/12, presented by Reason.tv

Oh and ACORN just got all their Government money pulled by the Senate, now it is going through the House of Reps.

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Congress killed ACORN funding.

ANd Obama just blinked with Russia. Canceling missile defense, and leaving Poland, Czec's, and Ukraine to dangle in the wind. Way to support fledgling democracies and show how weak we really are. Liar and dumbass in chief.

Russia will continue to make moves on states like Georgia, and never help keep Iran in line. They win. All they want is others to keep us preoccupied while they get their shit together. Lots of AK-47's on the world market. Killing U.S. soldiers. Next couple of years will be scary over seas. No plan in Afghanistan, it's his problem now. Somalia and Black Hawk Down anyone? Similar action/ inaction. No air support, and no objective. It's too late to save that 7th century rock quarry, lets get the hell out.


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It's too late to save that 7th century rock quarry, lets get the hell out.

What were we doing in Iraq for the last 6 years... Democracy in Mesopotamia? Why? We didn't get Bin Laden, Al Qaeda attacked us, and the Taliban supports them and is still in power of Afghanistan. But at least the Green Zone in Baghdad is safe... I agree Afghanistan was grossly mismanaged, but give up? I haven't been hearing all of the failure in Iraq rhetoric lately (I also haven't heard Obama say that war is over like he promised he would :rolleyes: ); some things are better in that country. Why can't we organize a better strategy and win in Afghanistan? The way things are going, Sun Tzu has predicted the outcome but why can't we change it?

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What were we doing in Iraq for the last 6 years... Democracy in Mesopotamia? Why? We didn't get Bin Laden, Al Qaeda attacked us, and the Taliban supports them and is still in power of Afghanistan. But at least the Green Zone in Baghdad is safe... I agree Afghanistan was grossly mismanaged, but give up? I haven't been hearing all of the failure in Iraq rhetoric lately (I also haven't heard Obama say that war is over like he promised he would :rolleyes: ); some things are better in that country. Why can't we organize a better strategy and win in Afghanistan? The way things are going, Sun Tzu has predicted the outcome but why can't we change it?

We gotta sprint head long to health care reform, capntrade, stimulus, but can't get support for troops? what a joke.

We did our job in Iraq time to leave then to their own devices.

NO US soldier is taken for granted, but how many islamofascists got killed in Iraq?

omg communism! that's almost as bad as elementary school students being taught songs of praise blindly directed at a flag!

or blindly directed towards obama the great? my kids can't sing Christmas carols in school, but they have brain washed these kids into singing about barack? yeah omg communism. obama nursery rhyme

read up on saul alinsky, dd, it's happening in front of your 'progressive' eyes. overload the system to tear it down, then redistribute and steal from the hard working and wealthy. sounds like Marx to me, pally. My God, man, have you read the Constitution?

i quote chuck: "poor people are stupid".

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