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or blindly directed towards obama the great?

I was referring to the Pledge of Allegiance... it was ingrained into my head as a child and I said it because I was brainwashed into supporting whatever the flag stood for on that day. I said it the day the DOW Jones hit 10000 for the first time, I said it on September 11, 2001, and I said it the day George Bush lied to the United States about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Sadly, each day the song had the same words and I said it as blindly as the day before, given some days were sadder and more important than others. The Pledge of Allegiance should be the song everyone is freaking out about, not some stupid black history month celebration of the first black president. I forgot how many things in this country have double standards I guess.

Talk about singing praises to Hitler:


And seriously? Compare Obama to Hitler? To compare any current world leader to Hitler, especially Obama (downright racism), is to downplay what happened in Eastern Europe during WWII. Have some respect for the millions that died at the hands of Hitler's policies. At least compare Hitler to another genocidal maniac like Stalin or someone.

On a different note, how many people would support a military engagement in Iran considering the news? If our military has the support it needs, I would. I don't know what the chances of another Israeli hail mary (or shema to be PC about it) bombing run would work like it did in Iraq.

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I never compared Obama to Hitler, Marx all long day tho. Marx was a theorist, not a mass murderer.

The only way the Hitler reference flies, in my mind, is the huge propaganda machine, constant campaigning, and the tactics used to demonize those that oppose policy. But that works for socialists, progressives, ACORNholers, and intellectual elites.

NEA busted for organizing propaganda putsch for Obama. Your tax dollars hard at work.

AL Gore clean auto project garners $529 million Govt backed loan.

A tiny car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore has just gotten a $529 million U.S. government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000. . . .

The awards to Fisker and Tesla have prompted concern from companies that have had their bids for loans rejected, and criticism from groups that question why vehicles aimed at the wealthiest customers are getting loans subsidized by taxpayers.

"This is not for average Americans," said Leslie Paige, a spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, an anti-tax group in Washington. "This is for people to put something in their driveway that is a conversation piece. It's status symbol thing." . . .?

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omg communism! that's almost as bad as elementary school students being taught songs of praise blindly directed at a flag!

I was referring to the Pledge of Allegiance... it was ingrained into my head as a child and I said it because I was brainwashed into supporting whatever the flag stood for on that day. I said it the day the DOW Jones hit 10000 for the first time, I said it on September 11, 2001, and I said it the day George Bush lied to the United States about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Sadly, each day the song had the same words and I said it as blindly as the day before, given some days were sadder and more important than others. The Pledge of Allegiance should be the song everyone is freaking out about, not some stupid black history month celebration of the first black president. I forgot how many things in this country have double standards I guess.

Talk about singing praises to Hitler:


And seriously? Compare Obama to Hitler? To compare any current world leader to Hitler, especially Obama (downright racism), is to downplay what happened in Eastern Europe during WWII. Have some respect for the millions that died at the hands of Hitler's policies. At least compare Hitler to another genocidal maniac like Stalin or someone.

On a different note, how many people would support a military engagement in Iran considering the news? If our military has the support it needs, I would. I don't know what the chances of another Israeli hail mary (or shema to be PC about it) bombing run would work like it did in Iraq.

Sometimes I just have to shake my head in wonder.

I just have to doubt that you've done much reading about or talked with people who lived under a communist system.

The Pledge of Allegiance is not a song, by the way. (haha, I'm sure you know this, but I couldn't resist. :))

How is comparing Obama to Hitler "downright racism"? If you want to talk about being "brainwashed", that statement comes closer to it than an other I can remember reading in this entire thread.

And, in listening to some people who lived through those times, the ideas that some of Obama's "czars" espouse are eerily akin to those of Hitler and his cronies and disciples.

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Not sure if whacking Iran is a viable option, given the civilian leadership we now have. Israel is perfectly capable, and has the right attitude and national interest for the job. Plus by the time the aging hippies in DC get around to making a decision, Israel will have done the job. Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others will publicly stand up for Iran, but behind closed doors they may be hoping for Iran to be silenced.

Glenn Becks name has been invoked on the floor of the Congress. He must be hitting them where it hurts.

When are more influential/ powerful people going to stand up and try to help the common folk who are trying to fight this continuing bullshit from DC? Or Hartford for that matter. Jeez, I wish you guys could get the local scoop on what my state govt is doing. Taxing the shit out of business, and the middle class. If you are a sportsman in CT it could cost you $150 to hunt and fish every season. Freshwater fishing license went from $20 to $40 (not that long ago it was $4.50) saltwater from $0 to $30, hunting and deer tags are similar. There are not enough DEP officers to police poachers and violators now, and I predict many folks will say fuck the license fees and take their chances with the DEP. Revenue will decrease, and the program will be self defeating. By the way none of these "fee" or tax increase are going to things like habitat improvement, hunter/fisher education, enforcement, stocking programs or boating safety. They are going to the General(slush fund)fund, so the money can be redistributed, get used to that word in a socialist state, to black hole cities and the govt lackeys employed by the state. We are taking a beating here, and they are giving raises, hiring union members and puffing up benefit plans, buying votes all the way.

Pratt is moving outta state, they can't pay the tax and labor bills anymore. Millionaires are leaving NY as fast as they can. State revenues are half what they expected from the tax/ fee increases. Stay tuned, Florida and Texas are about to gain an assload of rich folk. Bringing jobs and investment capital with them.

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Sometimes I just have to shake my head in wonder.

I just have to doubt that you've done much reading about or talked with people who lived under a communist system.

The Pledge of Allegiance is not a song, by the way. (haha, I'm sure you know this, but I couldn't resist. :))

How is comparing Obama to Hitler "downright racism"? If you want to talk about being "brainwashed", that statement comes closer to it than an other I can remember reading in this entire thread.

And, in listening to some people who lived through those times, the ideas that some of Obama's "czars" espouse are eerily akin to those of Hitler and his cronies and disciples.

Any comparison between an American president and a fascist dictator along the lines of Hitler is a huge stretch, as much of a stretch as my sarcastic remark about how communist the pledge of allegiance is (not a song i know :rolleyes: ). But something like forcing kindergartners to learn and recite a pledge to support the government everyday is a little whacky for the land of the free wouldn't you agree? What if it started out "I pledge allegiance to President Obama..." It's a nationalist song and he is our leader. I am not saying that it encompasses life in a communist country; a pledge like ours would probably be the least painful aspect of it.

I do like how the media and everyone else use the word Czar though. It just proves how ridiculous some things are in this country.

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Who started that czar thing any way, was it pre-G-dubya?

Just another layer of bureaucracy. And more govt salary to cover.

22 congressmen signed a letter demanding illegal aliens get free healthcare in this stupid bill? That bill is dead on arrival with anything remotely like that in it.

At the very least the health care bill will snatch $500 billion from Medicare, leaving a ton of seniors out in the cold. Thats the biggest voting block in the country, and if you think that don't count for something I got a bridge to sell ya.

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Communism is taking over! "Come with me or you're going to jail." At least in this country I know I'm not going to be liquidated if I don't show up for jury duty :lol:


Freaky, huh?

Mnay of the comments on the bottom of the page were right on the screws, go pick up the folks that ignored the jury summons.

The judge copped out.

What state was that in ? I didn't catch it.

I received a summons 3 weeks ago. You call the night before to see if you should show up, they canceled the whole docket.

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Freaky, huh?

Mnay of the comments on the bottom of the page were right on the screws, go pick up the folks that ignored the jury summons.

The judge copped out.

What state was that in ? I didn't catch it.

I received a summons 3 weeks ago. You call the night before to see if you should show up, they canceled the whole docket.

and take them to jail :lol: reminds me of the ridiculous situation of the prohibition law on the Simpsons. this law is probably some 200 year old rule that was necessary when people lived 50 miles apart from each other and the only place you would see possible jury candidates would be at the pony express stop.

it's in California

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Never had a chance, obviously. Between Michele and Barac, they used the pronouns "I" Or "Me" 70 times in 89 sentences between the 2 of them.

Narcissist in Chief.

I suppose the Chicago Machine was bummed they couldn't unload public housing land on the tax payer. And make tidy little profit for the cronies.

Mayor Daly has had 47 staff members indicted since he took office. That city is as corrupt as they come, you don't think that came into IOC thinking do ya?

Obama has a lot of baggage, and to think some of you derided me for saying you are judged by the company you keep.

TOLD YOU SO. I love it.

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Has anyone ever heard of Chengdu, China? We have a school there, but more importantly, its larger than New York City by 4 miliion people, and no one in the US has probably ever heard of it.

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