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According to some tentative new taxes, income over $200k is rich


Loving this one also.Oba Mao

When he was in china, t-shirts were made up with a similar pic and slogan, but China banned them!

I'm not quick enough, I would be rich and be able to pay my health care surtax. :rolleyes:

Che only murdered a few.

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Minus one by a Che Guevera lover? Loser.

"As the only other ranked Comandante besides Fidel Castro, Guevara was an extremely harsh disciplinarian who unhesitatingly shot defectors. Deserters were punished as traitors, and Guevara was known to send execution squads to hunt down those seeking to go AWOL. As a result, Guevara became feared for his brutality and ruthlessness. During the guerrilla campaign, Guevara was also responsible for the often summary execution of a number of men accused of being informers, deserters or spies"


Love me some Commy discipline. You don't believe, you die.

"The reality, as we learn from Cuban exile Humberto Fontova, is that Che wasn’t really a gentle soul and a selfless hero. He was a violent Communist who thought nothing of firing a gun into the stomach of a woman six months pregnant whose only crime was that her family opposed him. And he was a hypocrite who lusted after material luxuries while cultivating his image as a man of the people.

Fontova reveals that Che openly talked about his desire to use nuclear weapons against New York City. Such was Che’s bloodthirsty hatred that Fontova considers him the godfather of modern terrorism."

Amazon review.

They are making a movie lionizing this half assed murderer. Typical Hollyweird liberal BS.

"According to Fontova, the real Che was "a revolutionary Ringo Starr" who "fell in with the right bunch and rode their coattails to world fame." Presenting a failed physician, an inept guerrilla and a hapless sycophant, Fontova adds insult to injury by claiming Che was "deathly afraid to drive a motorcycle." (Referring to his Motorcycle Diaries, my note.) Fontova's charged language keeps things interesting, if occasionally dubious; midway through the book, after asserting that Che enjoyed killing dogs, Fontova concedes that, "You might put down your book here and think, this has to be propaganda." Though propaganda probably colors any consideration of this controversial figure, Fontova makes a convincing case that, in the words of one former political prisoner, "There was something seriously wrong with Che Guevera."

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Wow! I agree with you on something and that is your opinion of Che. I hate those t-shirts and the idiots that wear them. They know nothing of what he stood for, what he did, and what wearing his mass produced image symbolizes.

It's just youthful statement of rebellion, mostly. A little objective research, and I mean very little, can give you better perspective. People are eather lazy, ideologues, uninformed or some kinda chic' proletariat with Daddy's AMEX in their pocket and a $40k a year school enrollment.

I have the advantage of 50 yrs of history, educated parents and grandparents with connections to the previous 2 centuries. Remember or repeat, right?

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Anyone else hear about how the Fed is supposedly going to start airing ads before movies in the theaters with lessons on how to use your credit card more wisely? :huh:

Like not using one :lol:

That's because 90% of the population is retarded, and they all happen to be on Turbobricks.

hahahhhahahah agreed

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Watch out for Pelosi, again. She wants to return $550 billion of TARP to help job loss. Problem is she lists only govt jobs and union public servants. Bridges roads, cops, teachers.

Private sector and small business creates jobs, not govt. More rewards for those that support ObaMao.

Anyone catch all the sleeping Cadets during ObaMao's speech? He had no conviction, and left them to swing in the wind.

If your not going to go in there and kill every cocksucker that needs to be killed, get the fuck out, put the soldiers on our borders, in our airports, and check every one coming in for so much as a flea on their asses. They can plan all they want in Tora Bora for all I care. If they can't get in, they can't get to us. At this point, if those 7th century tribesman can't figure out whats good for them, screw 'em. France got drilled there, Russia got embarrassed there, how can we be so arrogant to think we can change a 4000 yr old culture. All they have is time, and thats their weapon.

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All they have is time, and thats their weapon.

That's the truth, and Obama gave it to 'em --18 months (or whatever)!

And it's not that he's that dumb; he just has his agenda, but most Americans don't want to believe that he's shoving it up this country's butt.

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I'm trying to remember where or when I herd this interview with an Islamofacist. But the whole point of his position was that it may not be tomorrow or the next day, or in 100 yrs, but by bomb or by vote, everyone will either be dead or Muslim.

They will wait, have more children than the rest of us, get on city councils, local and national govt's, become large voting blocks and institute Sharia. Even if it takes a 1000 yrs. They don't care if they die trying, don't forget the 72 virgins, tho I'd like to here what the virgins fathers have to say about that.

They will use our freedoms against us, they laugh at our charity and attempt at bringing them into the world of humane behavior. ObaMao is a joke and comes off weak with them. As a matter of fact they were using ObaMao pics as target practice. They don't care if he is black, Hawaiian, Thai, Nigerian or Irish, they'd kill him just like they'd kill a Blackwater agent in Fallujah.

An afterthought.

If they try this shit with the Chinese or Russia, they will be massacred. Ask the Chechnyan's or the Uigars.

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