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funny thing is that Im as conservative as can be

just ask Sean he'll set you straight

I'm just saying that if the douchebag can't even give a speech how the hell is he supposed to lead the most powerful nation in the world?

I guess we'll just resort to communism ;)

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holy sh!t kev i know you MUST be joking, do you even know what the definition of communism is? It's definitely not government run healthcare, or anything the administration has done so far or will ever do. If the government even thinks about going towards communism I'll be the first one in the street with a rifle and the good ol star spangled banner.

I know you're not a liberal, I'm just saying you don't use good info and actual events to back up your political stance, It's like my friends and parents are conservative so fuuuuuu it I'll be concervative too, c'mon dude break the chain and realize the GOP doesn't look out for your interests....ever.

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i wasnt the anti-war dude but i was the stoner haha musta been during P.I.G. Its all good i dont have cable or get the news... in todays news in my world... frosted flakes for breakfast, drove to work, tune in at 5 when i drive home haha

Really though you always hear "news is one sided" and i honestly couldnt tell ya cause like i said i dont read it let alone have paper / cable. I understand at 23 years old i should prolly know more about it because otherwise i sound like an idiot but ive never seen the point in talking aka arguing over politics. once every 4 years we all get a choise, a so called rigged choise. after that for the next 4 years were still just as fucked as we were the last 4. all you have to do is read headlines... we want oil, were at war, we have our own oil that we sell to japan for $$$, katrina fucked shit up, NYS is broke, USA is broke, partiotism is basically dead when american companies used over seas workers to put more money in 1 mans pocket then bitch about the US being broke yet dont want to take a little less money in return for a better US community. we have guns to make up for small penis's & we will aim em at anyone.

I was selected to be on a murder trial... they enjoyed ripping me apart asking me what was going on in the world after telling them i dont read the news, watch the news, read the papers. My response was exactly as stated above. regardless i was selected, i simply said "i think hes guilty" and was released.

All i know is that free money / welfare is abused. in some cases yes i understand the reasons for it. but people take advantage of it. like i said, friend unemployed for 3 years, not really trying to get a job because he knows how the system works. I dont know how the system works all i know is i go to work every day 40 hrs a week come home with $200 less than what i earned going toward tax, social security (which is said to be non-existant by the time id retire), and other "aid" crap. hes out on his boat & gettin hammered all the time. kinda makes me think that hell if i were unemployed i could get a boat & drink my face off. <---- that is why its abused.

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I was selected to be on a murder trial... they enjoyed ripping me apart asking me what was going on in the world after telling them i dont read the news, watch the news, read the papers. My response was exactly as stated above. regardless i was selected, i simply said "i think hes guilty" and was released.

You don't like people who abuse the system, yet you just admitted to doing it also.

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how about you list reasons you disagree with me instead of hittin that red button :)

President Obama got his training with ACORN....

That's where the article starts, and it goes downhill from there. It doesn't meet the threshold of journalism, or even opinion; it's simply retarded. If you and people who think like you want to share it amongst yourselves after lights-out, fine. Have your little neo-con circle jerk. Just don't drag it out into the light of day and expect that anyone else will agree with you.

You asked. B)

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  • 5 weeks later...

heres your fucking progressive mindset


and heres another, thees assholes are serious as a heart attack


your dogma socialist democrat progressive communists.

did i miss any of you assholes?

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heres your poking progressive mindset


and heres another, thees assholes are serious as a heart attack


your dogma socialist democrat progressive communists.

did i miss any of you assholes?

So you scour the reaches of the internet, find these gems, then submit them as 'proof' that this is what the Democrats are doing. Or something.

You're hysterical. And I'm using the traditional Latin definition of the word that means, I believe, "walking bleeding uterus."

I was going to refute your 'argument,' pointing out, for example, that the cited articles are from a fringe publication in the UK and have nothing at all to do with American politics, but you're not really making an argument, are you, you're just having a good, profanity-laced cry on a public forum.

Chrissie Hynde wants a word with you:

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This has become comical.

Now this is funny...

A California school district has banned... now get this...DICTIONARIES.

Why? cuz the kids look up 'bad words'...


Another govt attempt to usurp the responsibility of the parent. Followed by diet and food restrictions in schools, Including home bagged lunches!

Yup, progressives got it figured out all right, eventually we wont have any responsibilities, or the ability to learn from our mistakes, cuz Big Brother will take care of it all.

Keep voting for social progressives. Its a big winner.


Oh yeah, they took swing sets out of a playground, cuz junior got a booboo on his wittle knee.

Suck it, rub some dirt on it and get back out there and sweat off those Oreos!

We are raising a generation of kids that can't make decision, or are too soft too deal with hardship and mistakes in judgment. They'll make great leaders.

You should renew your subscription to the Huntington post and the Daily Kos.

And just because its obscure doesnt make its wrong or false. Its your job to disprove that its not an issue.

I'm not going be a name caller any more. I know how I think and I know what my roots and experience is. As do you. Its not civil any more. Its inane/insane. My ammo will not reform your thinking or persuade you to enjoy my enlightenment. I will do whats right for me and mine, as will you.

The good news is, both my sons can vote, and they made up their own minds(4 votes for Founding Principles!!!). Despite the attempts by their college professors to influence their thought and ideals. Everyday my kid comes home with a tale of bias in the classroom.

Everyday they challenge them, and everyday they are shut down by the instructor. If their grades reflect this conflict... I'm not sure what to do.

I love me some liberals...

So glad I'm writing the check.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Come senators, congressmen

Please heed the call

Don’t stand in the doorway

Don’t block up the hall

For he that gets hurt

Will be he who has stalled

There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’

It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls

For the times they are a-changin’

It drips with irony.

Of course the rest of the song is about getting old cronies outta the way of the next young guns, ala 60's radicals but i like the refrain here.

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For the times they are a-changin'

Sure they are. A make-believe populist movement backed by obscenely wealthy people places their hand-chosen pet senators and representatives in office, and wingnut America thinks it's a revolution.

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. is more like it.

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