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In Respnose To Jpthoe's Thread...


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ok, so im at this party right...and me and my boys are from another school and we're to this other shcools partsy because i met thisee girls at a nother partty and they Nvivited us.

SO, basically, I'm talking to these FINE jerk girl, like unbelivgebale, I give her a monkeyin 9.5767 on a 10point scale. And she's allllllll into me and theres this guy that she used to dat in 9th grade (we're all sernioes now) and this guy gets sooooooooooooooo MAD because im talkin to this girl. mean while like my other friend has already gotten/uios getting with this gother girl, so things are goin excellent. Out of NO where this guy comes up and starts tryna hit my friendasda. and this big brawl inseus. like mu monkeyin, to my right i see my friedn fightin this 1 guy, i join in on that and we beat his jerk down to the ground, 2vs1. then whe wne finish with him I look to the right and see my frine on the ground gettin kicked. i hit the guys hitting him and then while im brawlin with him, next hting i see is my friedn who was previosuly gettin kicked on the ground, he hits this oth a guy in the head with a crowbar that he got from his truck. then two guys start tryna fight me, and i take my hits and give off as many as i can, so once that ends...

next thign im tryna get mystuff together, tryna find my shoes (i dontdas lace em :rolleyes: ) and once i get em, io start my car, and start to drive off slaowly. i dont wanna drive byut i have to, drive off slowly, loo k in my rear view see a go comin up tryna run at my car, thwoas the crow bar my friend hit some kid in the head with at my car. HITS my car. NO NO NO, thats thel ast point u go to...I stop my car, get out, reach in the trunk, pull out a bat. Walk up to them an d strat threaten them yadi yada. They all back off and thats that. leave, the cops come as im drivin off (Thank you Lord) But basically )I'm gonna tr my hardest to stype straight now)

Whwat pisses me off, is like, just because I'm talking to this girl, guys get soooooo MAD and jealous. For no reason, of course alcohol does a lot of the thinking for idiots. but its like, a bunch of black (and mixed) guys are talkking to white girls so it goes to a WHOOOOLE new level. Like yo u guys may disagree, but I've noticed nothin' m,ake a white guy madder than a black guy involved with a white girl. I just odon't understand the stupidity of this natyure. I don't uinderstand, girls are NOT tht imporatant to get all that torn up over, especially in high school. I wish this never happedn but stuff happesn gotta deal with it. I'm glad I'm OK though...i have cuts on my rshoulder elbow, knee and a small knot on tje back of my head, and my lip is slighty busted. I'm all shaky and stuff rfrom the adrenaline, but what the FUUCKCKCCK...women are NOt that empioratnt, specialyl now, i hope i never have to fight in self desnefes like that again. i've beat some jerk before, but tghs is my 1st time lkike goin blow for blow sith someone(s) and takin shots or hits. pace ya'll

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I thought we'd all be able to discuss this over tea? :mellow:

My car even got hit with a crow bar by some crazy drunk  -_-

haha, ooooh well

Yeah, besides bein' drunk it was the whole jealousy thing that mattered :o

And you put yourself into that position why? Lucky it was not you hit with a crowbar

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