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In Respnose To Jpthoe's Thread...


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So you did drive drunk.... Stupid.

Now about self defense. You said you jumped in to help a friend. Thats not self defense. Did I read that wrong also?>

"No, I was not that drunk when I drove home...Right after the alteraction, I went to a park about 2-5 minutes away, and just collected my thoughts. The adrenaline rush that whole thing was took alot of the alcohol out of me I guess?" :o

Still don't think I said I drove drunk...I'm guessing since I said I went to a park about 2-5 minutes away you figured I drove drunk? Next to everything I say I will put a small thought process. So right now, I should say...Previously I was questioning whether or not the whole adrenaline rush I got cleared up my mind to the point where I felt like I was not intoxicated while driving.

And if 6 people are attacking me and my friends, then no it's not self defense? I could understand if I was just sitting back and watching THEN I jumped in, but like I said before...We were attacked, as in all of us. So I reacted, I probably fought off whoever was hittin me first, then saw my friend fighting and just went over there. You speak as if you've never fought before? I'm sure you have mr.weapons and tactics expert.

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1.  The adrenaline rush that whole thing was took alot of the alcohol out of me I guess

2.  i see my friedn fightin this 1 guy, i join in on that and we beat his jerk down to the ground, 2vs1.

1. Its called adrenaline not anti-booze. God I wanna see that one tried on cops some day. But officer, after I did the 26er I got in a fight and the adrenaline made me sober......

2. Thats not self defense.

As for me fighting, I do not fight. On the rare occasions I have, I think someone left in an ambulance every time.

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1. Its called adrenaline not anti-booze. God I wanna see that one tried on cops some day. But officer, after I did the 26er I got in a fight and the adrenaline made me sober......

2. Thats not self defense.

As for me fighting, I do not fight. On the rare occasions I have, I think someone left in an ambulance every time.

1. As why I am questioning? Maybe I wasn't in the right state of mind to know I was in the right state of mind. But I know I felt kool, and the whoooooole point of me bringing that up is to prove to you I got that drunk AFTER the altercation. I was intoxicated when I drove for that short distance (EVer so slightly, "tipsy") but drove at like 1 in the morning on a street with nooothing on it and in a big wide open space. Would I have rather stayed and got arrested most likely? Nope.

2. You're right, THAT part is called adrenaline rush

And you should teach me how to put someone in a ambulance :unsure: , haha, nooo that's not a good idea. I'm too immature and highschoolish to do the right things with that kind of power :rolleyes: . But yeah, I'm not tryna defend myself tooo much, but if any of you were put into that situation, I doubt you could have much better of a outcome...And that's that B) :ph34r:

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Give him a break, Chuck, he's still in high school :)

Sounds like he's learning from these kinds of things, and at least he's listening to your criticisms and such... High school is a good point in time to be learning from these sorts of experiences. If he was 22-23 or older and making questionable judgement calls, then release the hounds... I bet by that time he'll have learned a lot though.

You two should just meet up at the next Orlando meet and level with each other. Eh?

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Give him a break, Chuck, he's still in high school :)

Sounds like he's learning from these kinds of things, and at least he's listening to your criticisms and such...  High school is a good point in time to be learning from these sorts of experiences.  If he was 22-23 or older and making questionable judgement calls, then release the hounds... I bet by that time he'll have learned a lot though.

You two should just meet up at the next Orlando meet and level with each other.  Eh?

Yeah, you're right. We're talkin' right now, it's kool.

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What I don't understand is that an incident involving drunk teenagers, crowbars, baseball bats and all out brawl gets this response from Joe: "Gee I miss high school" (which could be sarcastic but doesn't sound it) when somebody like me or a dozen other people talk about red light racing on the street and Joe is all high and mighty and passes down his frigging wisdom to all and sundry. You think kids with baseball bats is any less dangerous than cars racing on a green light? What if that crowbar got his temple? Or what if the hook went through tendons and nerves? Kneecapped him perhaps? Hmmm, reeeaaaallll smart.


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You think kids with baseball bats is any less dangerous than cars racing on a green light?

Kids with baseball bats and bad intentions are much worse than cars racing on a green light. Now racing through a red light, that's another story. And what if the light was on a track? And what if the road was closed to all other traffic? And what if they are police cars racing to rescue people? And what if Joe was a :monkey:.


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