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Ford Ceo Says He'll Work For A $1


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All of you are poking retarded. Shut your mouths...none of you have even the slightest clue.


enlighten us then sir. what have i said that is in anyway incorrect?

B00STWAG1N, don't worry about that. I thought we had only one retard but after this thread, now we have two :D

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Never said they were making record profits. Just said they are outselling the Big 3. Everyone is having a hard time.

Annnnd wrong again.

NEW YORK (AP) — Ford says its November U.S. light vehicle sales tumbled 31 percent amid a continued slump in consumer spending and tight credit markets. Toyota's sales fell 34 percent despite its extension of zero-percent financing on a dozen vehicles.

The two companies' reports are a strong indication that sales for the month will be poor industrywide and comes as U.S.-based companies prepare to state their second case for a federal bailout.

Dearborn, Mich.-based Ford and Toyota, Japan's No. 1 automaker, are the first of the major automakers to report U.S. sales Tuesday.

Ford says Lincoln and Mercury light truck sales were off 29 percent compared with November of last year, while the three brands' car sales were down 32 percent.

Toyota's truck sales plummeted 36 percent, while demand for passenger cars fell 32 percent.

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Ok, lets see what we have here. When are are talking numbers, you are looking at GM as a whole and Toyota as Toyota, Lexus and Scion, three car brands (and a 6% stake in Izuzu) vs 8 brands that are sold in the US (not including Saab for some reason). Toyota is not quite selling more cars than GM as an auto group but they are selling more than Ford as an autogroup.

Not looking at the month but rather YTD: Toyota has dropped 13.4% from where they were last year while gaining .6% in market share. GM has dropped 21.8% in sales since last year and losing 1.5% market share. Ford is losing 19% of its sales this year compared to last and lost .5% of the market share in sales. Those numbers say a lot. Yes GM as an 8 company autogroup is outselling Toyota as an 3 company autogroup, but that should be expected.



Obviously Toyota is doing something right if they have been able to increase their share of the US market over the last 10 years while US automakers have fallen.


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But Ford set up $23.5 billion worth of credit in 2006, and both Chief Executive Alan Mulally and Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr. told The Associated Press on Tuesday they are confident that the borrowing, coupled with restructuring and new product plans, will get them through the recession without relying on the government.
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