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Voting For Bush?


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i am not in dc, i am from VA, but i cant vote because i am not American citizen.

Kerry served in Vietnam, but George was too scared to go. And george were alcoholic. dont like it at all.

Maybe you should leave the politics of this great nation to the informed, which you obviously are not. You can't rely on the media to inform you on what is going on with the nation.

Edited by gdogg16
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Kerry served in Vietnam, but George was too scared to go. And george were alcoholic. dont like it at all.

I'm glad you can't vote.

Do you know what's sooooo special about having 3 purple hearts? Why Kerry cut himself to earn them and begged like a baby for them? Not for honor - it's because if you get three purple hearts you get to go home.

Nice one though, you're really on top of things.

BTW, you don't need to be on the front lines to serve your country, jackass, you basically just called the vast majority of the military "scared to go."

Oh, and this alchoholic thing? Who the hell told you he was an alchoholic? Even if it was true that wouldn't matter, getting over alchoholism says alot about how strong a person is, and it builds a lot of character. He was convicted of driving drunk or whatnot - huge difference, I know kids that do it and even though it's stupid it doesn't make you any less capable of running a country, or anything else for that matter, when you are sober.

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What crack are YOU smoking Matt...

Sorry, Doug, I can see why that was confusing, I didn't mean your views Doug, I wasn't attacking you. I was saying I wanted Karlson to say what HIS views were, rather than what Kerry's were.

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't match up at all... oh wait, that's impossible, Kerry even has met all of my requests in his stuff at one point or another. Ahhhh oh well.

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i am not in dc, i am from VA, but i cant vote because i am not American citizen.

Kerry served in Vietnam, but George was too scared to go.

Kerry did not go to Vietnam willingly. He asked for a deferal from the draft and when he didn't get it he went into the reserves. His division got called up and he served for a year on a boat that was only NEAR Vietnam for 5 weeks or something like that. Kerry then volunteered for the Swift boats, a division at the time that had seen no action in the war because they sat of the coast and just stopped boats very few of which made it that far. He even brought along his video camera to make movies of himself playing war. Imagine Kerry's suprise (and he was suprised and very pissed) when after his 1 month training they decided to use the Swift boats to go up river. He was VERY vocal about not wanting to go into combat. So much that he was shifted from division to division until he left 3 months later.

While we are at it can you explain how he got 1 purple heart that his CO didn't sign off on? It wasn't signed off because Kerry shot his grenade launcher into the shore and got a 1" by 1mm piece of sharpnel from the grenade barely stuck in his arm. You don't get purple hearts for shooting yourself. Can you explain how he threw a grenade in a pile of rice and got some rice shards in his jerk and got a purble heart for it? Kerry's own words describe the incident and then he claims he got the jerk wound running away from a fight later. Not his words he actually said he was the hero of the fight, but others say he was the only boat to run away. Consequently dumping a crew member overboard who he later picked up an got a medal for.

Also while we are at it can you explain how Kerry was discharged from the Navy? When was his discharge and was it honorable?

Bush on the other hand did Volunteer for Vietnam, but wasn't allowed to go.

"The Air Force, in their ultimate wisdom, assembled a group of 102's and took them to Southeast Asia. Bush volunteered to go. But he needed to have 500 [flight] hours, but he only had just over 300 hours so he wasn't eligible to go,” Morrisey recalls. "


Back to the original question resons for Voting for Bush:

1) Strong leadership. Does what is right, not what is popular.

2) Understands the war on terror.

3) Good economic policies.

4) Doesn't lie about almost every issue to gain votes.

5) Very consistant in his beliefs.

6) Doesn't resort to Demagoguery.

7) Actually does something instead of just talking about it.

8) Tax cuts for EVERYONE.

9) He isn't a Massachusetts Liberal.

And george were alcoholic. dont like it at all.

You do know who Kerry's biggest supporter is right? Ted Kennedy the biggest drunk in Washington.

BTW his 2nd biggest supporter George Sorros who is considered an international criminal. Yeah, those are guys I would want backing me..... :rolleyes:

Edited by InlineTurbo
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Kerry did not go to Vietnam willingly. He asked for a deferal from the draft and when he didn't get it he went into the reserves. His division got called up and he served for a year on a boat that was only NEAR Vietnam for 5 weeks or something like that. Kerry then volunteered for the Swift boats, a division at the time that had seen no action in the war because they sat of the coast and just stopped boats very few of which made it that far. He even brought along his video camera to make movies of himself playing war. Imagine Kerry's suprise (and he was suprised and very pissed) when after his 1 month training they decided to use the Swift boats to go up river. He was VERY vocal about not wanting to go into combat. So much that he was shifted from division to division until he left 3 months later.

While we are at it can you explain how he got 1 purple heart that his CO didn't sign off on? It wasn't signed off because Kerry shot his grenade launcher into the shore and got a 1" by 1mm piece of sharpnel from the grenade barely stuck in his arm. You don't get purple hearts for shooting yourself. Can you explain how he threw a grenade in a pile of rice and got some rice shards in his jerk and got a purble heart for it? Kerry's own words describe the incident and then he claims he got the jerk wound running away from a fight later. Not his words he actually said he was the hero of the fight, but others say he was the only boat to run away. Consequently dumping a crew member overboard who he later picked up an got a medal for.

Also while we are at it can you explain how Kerry was discharged from the Navy? When was his discharge and was it honorable?

Bush on the other hand did Volunteer for Vietnam, but wasn't allowed to go.

"The Air Force, in their ultimate wisdom, assembled a group of 102's and took them to Southeast Asia. Bush volunteered to go. But he needed to have 500 [flight] hours, but he only had just over 300 hours so he wasn't eligible to go,” Morrisey recalls. "


Back to the original question resons for Voting for Bush:

1) Strong leadership. Does what is right, not what is popular.

2) Understands the war on terror.

3) Good economic policies.

4) Doesn't lie about almost every issue to gain votes.

5) Very consistant in his beliefs.

6) Doesn't resort to Demagoguery.

7) Actually does something instead of just talking about it.

8) Tax cuts for EVERYONE.

9) He isn't a Massachusetts Liberal.

You do know who Kerry's biggest supporter is right? Ted Kennedy the biggest drunk in Washington.

BTW his 2nd biggest supporter George Sorros who is considered an international criminal. Yeah, those are guys I would want backing me..... :rolleyes:

I still have yet to see any real evidence for any of the Vietnam stuff. As far as I'm concerned, it's Bush spin until I see an unbiased third party like Fact Check blast Kerry's service reccord. Even McCain (who is indubitably a real war hero) has repeatedly stated that Kerry served nobely and honorably in defence of his nation in Vietnam... I don't think it gets much more straight forward than that.

1: No, he does what he thinks is right. Not what most people think is right. Why do you think he's behind by double digits on most issues in the polls? That's especially pathetic when you look at his oposition, heh.

2: No he doesn't, he thinks Iraq had something to do with it. His monkey-ups there have given Al Quaeda lots of new recruits. Last number I heard was in the millions, but I don't remember it exactly. I do not trust him to continue after his blunders. I want change, and I don't see anything to suggest Kerry won't be at least as good as Bush, and I don't see how he could be worse.

3: I agree for the most part, but I perfer a fiscally conservative approach...

4-6: You're kidding, right? When I watch his speaches, everything that comes out of his mouth is either a lie, a flip-flop, or a GROSS distortion of what Kerry actually said. It's really sad to see people cheering and booing on que to his lies. 'We never went to Iraq because of WMDs! It was to free the Iraqi people!', 'I never said Sadam was connected to 9/11!', 'Kerry wouldnt fight the war on terror because he said that I conducted the war on Iraq in the wrong way, grossly misused assets available, and didn't plan for anything that hapened afterwards despite CIA reports on his desk! What a wussy liberal! And he said he feels we need to reduce terrorism to a point where it's nothing more than a harmless nuiscance! Who would want that?!?! He just doesn't get it. He wants to hunt down terrorists where-ever they are and kill them until they are nothing more than a harmles nusicane...' I dunno if you've heard these speaches hes made, but they just make me laugh. It really sucks that people are stupid enough to swallow it. Of course the same accusations can be flung against Kerry, my point is that Bush or his supporters are not ones to fling accusations like 'flip-flopper', 'incosistant', or 'demagogue'. Yeah, I guess you could call me a Kerry supporter, but really I'm not. I'm just anti-Bush. I'm worried the country/world won't be able to survive another 4 years with him at the helm, we need change. And unfortunately Kerry is the only other option.

7: I don't see how that's relevant. There's no way to judge Kerry on that, he's never been in executive office. And if his record is so terrible, why would people keep electing him? If you look at his career, he has about 95% attendance, and he keeps all of his promises to the people that elect him. I guess that's a given though, you don't have a 20-year senate career if you're a bad senator.

8: I agree.

9: I agree.

Speaking personally, I only bring up Bush's past alcoholism and coke abuse when people talk about Kerry's past. Does what happened 35 years ago matter? I don't think his "finding Christ" is terribly encouraging either... Religion can be a great thing or a terrible thing. In many cases, I feel that it just ends up being devisive force, instead of one that speads the practice of the oft beneficial morals it preaches. Look at the Crusades, or the current spree of Isalmic terrorism around the world. I really don't find Bush's devoutness the least bit comforting given all this.

Edited by ChuckV986
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I'm sorry, but there is plenty of evidence showing that Kerry "whined" his way into those three purple hearts, and I already said why he wanted three purple hearts.

And Chuck, if you don't think Iraq had anything to do with the War on Terror you aren't paying attention - Sadam had been making threats on the US for a longggggg time, it's people like you who believe the stuff act he puts on for the UN ("Ooooo me? I don't have anything! I didn't do anything! I'm a good saddam! I've turned a new leaf!") that forced us to act on our own.

Good old UN, always gets to the truth.

"If you don't let me see those parts of the palace right now, We'll..."

"You'll what...?"

"We'll be forced to write a really mean letter telling you how much we don't like you."

(I can't wait for the DVD, I can't remember the lines worth ____.

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I'm sorry, but there is plenty of evidence showing that Kerry "whined" his way into those three purple hearts, and I already said why he wanted three purple hearts.

Show it to me.

And Chuck, if you don't think Iraq had anything to do with the War on Terror you aren't paying attention - Sadam had been making threats on the US for a longggggg time, it's people like you who believe the stuff act he puts on for the UN ("Ooooo me? I don't have anything! I didn't do anything! I'm a good saddam! I've turned a new leaf!") that forced us to act on our own.

Sadam was not threat to the US in his contained state. And the UN was correct, so what's your point again? I think making any tie between Sadam and Al Quaeda or 9/11 is decpetive at best. Yeah, he needed to be cleaned up, but I think we undeniably went about it in the wrong way. If we had gone about it in the right way, we wouldnt have 4x as many casualties after "the war" was over, compare to the actual "war" iteslf.

"If you don't let me see those parts of the palace right now, We'll..."

"You'll what...?"

"We'll be forced to write a really mean letter telling you how much we don't like you."

(I can't wait for the DVD, I can't remember the lines worth ____.

You were pretty close on that one. Pretty hilarious movie, and that was a great line. The Moore suicide bomber part might have been funnier though

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Show it to me.

Go pick up a copy of Unfit for Command.



more specifically here to see how many of the officers that served with him actually support him.


or try this:

"According to the vets' account, Kerry, Navy Lt. William Schachte, and an enlisted man were on a whaler.

"Seeing movement from an unknown source, the sailors opened fire on the movement," the letter says. "There was no hostile fire. When Kerry's rifle jammed, he picked up an M-79 grenade launcher and fired a grenade at a nearby object. This sprayed the boat with shrapnel from Kerry's own grenade, a tiny piece of which embedded in Kerry's arm."

Upon examining Kerry's injury, Dr. Lewis Letson says he asked Kerry why he was there.

Kerry reportedly told him he had been wounded by hostile fire. Letson removed the tiny fragment with tweezers and placed a Band-Aid over the scratch.

The next morning, Kerry went to see Division Commander Grant Hibbard to ask for the Purple Heart. Hibbard had already spoken to Schachte and conducted an investigation. Hibbard's investigation revealed that Kerry's "rose thorn" scratch had been self-inflicted in the absence of hostile fire. Hibbard denied the award.

Some three months later, Kerry managed to obtain his first Purple Heart from an officer with no connection to Coastal Division 14 or knowledge of the Dec. 2, 1968, event, they say. "


Bush has NOTHING to do with the poeple telling the truth about Kerry's war record. They have opposed him as far back as the 70s. The main person doing it is an Edwards supporter and called Kerry out about his lies back in the 70s and is doing it again today. Though I guess he knew Bush was going to run for president in 2000 & in the 2004 reelection against Kerry and got an early start on his Kerry trashing, huh? :rolleyes: Calling it Bush spin is a huge copout. Seems that everything Kerry has ever done wrong is "Bush Spin" even all of his MANY, MANY flip flops.

For a few put into an entertaining package go here:


If you are even slightly unbiased click on "That's is not a flip flop!" and after listening to it come here and tell us Kerry has never changed any of his positions.

Strong leadership is not where you take a poll and then do what the results say. It is where you do the right thing despite the political fallout. Clintons biggest battle was keeping his approval ratings high, that is what mattered to him. Kerry is in the same vein. Do what is popular and make sure you pay off the Unions.

Oh, and you guys trying to keep saying Bush linked Sadam to 9/11 are funny. He never did. But you do a lot. Legend didn't, but you guys did. Putting words into somebody's mouth and then saying they lied doesn't make it true. And people who beleive the people that do are very weak thinkers. Truth is Sadam and Al qaeda have been linked by the 9/11 report. Sorry to confuse you with the words 9/11 and Al qaeda in the same sentence. He has not been linked to 9/11 which is a big difference. Also go read resolution 1441 we had cause to Kick Sadam's butt. He was firing on us in breach of the 1991 cease fire. We could enforce that any time we wanted. We got a resolution, asked nicely, he gave us the finger and then we invaded. How hard is that to follow?

Edited by InlineTurbo
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I think making any tie between Sadam and Al Quaeda or 9/11 is decpetive at best.

Here's the problem - you think Al Quaeda is the sum of all terrorism in the universe. Sorry, but AQ or not, Saddam rules in part by terrorism, even if it's not all against us. Have you seen the stuff he did to his own people? Most of his prisoners would gladly be monkeyed up the butt to get away from Saddam's prisons.

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Wow, that sucked. Accidentally did a select all, and pressed the 'r' key...that sucked.

I've been meaning to, I imagine it will probably be mostly skewed, but it could easily be an interesting read none the less.


more specifically here to see how many of the officers that served with him actually support him.


or try this:

"According to the vets' account, Kerry, Navy Lt. William Schachte, and an enlisted man were on a whaler.

"Seeing movement from an unknown source, the sailors opened fire on the movement," the letter says. "There was no hostile fire. When Kerry's rifle jammed, he picked up an M-79 grenade launcher and fired a grenade at a nearby object. This sprayed the boat with shrapnel from Kerry's own grenade, a tiny piece of which embedded in Kerry's arm."

Upon examining Kerry's injury, Dr. Lewis Letson says he asked Kerry why he was there.

Kerry reportedly told him he had been wounded by hostile fire. Letson removed the tiny fragment with tweezers and placed a Band-Aid over the scratch.

The next morning, Kerry went to see Division Commander Grant Hibbard to ask for the Purple Heart. Hibbard had already spoken to Schachte and conducted an investigation. Hibbard's investigation revealed that Kerry's "rose thorn" scratch had been self-inflicted in the absence of hostile fire. Hibbard denied the award.

Some three months later, Kerry managed to obtain his first Purple Heart from an officer with no connection to Coastal Division 14 or knowledge of the Dec. 2, 1968, event, they say. "


Bush has NOTHING to do with the poeple telling the truth about Kerry's war record. They have opposed him as far back as the 70s. The main person doing it is an Edwards supporter and called Kerry out about his lies back in the 70s and is doing it again today. Though I guess he knew Bush was going to run for president in 2000 & in the 2004 reelection against Kerry and got an early start on his Kerry trashing, huh?  Calling it Bush spin is a huge copout. Seems that everything Kerry has ever done wrong is "Bush Spin" even all of his MANY, MANY flip flops.

See: http://www.factcheck.org/article231.html

VERY thorough debunking of all of the accusations against Kerry from a group as unbiased as they come. The Kerry-bashing started with Nixon. He funded a group to attempt to turn the momentum against Kerrry and his anti-war friends. Did you see the PBS special on Bush and Kerry's past? It was a really interesting watch, and that's covered pretty thoroughly their.

For a few put into an entertaining package go here:


If you are even slightly unbiased click on "That's is not a flip flop!" and after listening to it come here and tell us Kerry has never changed any of his positions.

I already have the audio file, it's pretty hilarious. Why is him changing his position over the course of 2-3 years an issue?

Strong leadership is not where you take a poll and then do what the results say. It is where you do the right thing despite the political fallout. Clintons biggest battle was keeping his approval ratings high, that is what mattered to him. Kerry is in the same vein. Do what is popular and make sure you pay off the Unions.

I'd be ok with that if Bush was always right...but he's not. Kerry has had a pretty successful 20 year senate career. If he was that bad, why would that be the case?

Oh, and you guys trying to keep saying Bush linked Sadam to 9/11 are funny. He never did. But you do a lot. Legend didn't, but you guys did. Putting words into somebody's mouth and then saying they lied doesn't make it true. And people who beleive the people that do are very weak thinkers. Truth is Sadam and Al qaeda have been linked by the 9/11 report. Sorry to confuse you with the words 9/11 and Al qaeda in the same sentence. He has not been linked to 9/11 which is a big difference. Also go read resolution 1441 we had cause to Kick Sadam's butt. He was firing on us in breach of the 1991 cease fire. We could enforce that any time we wanted. We got a resolution, asked nicely, he gave us the finger and then we invaded. How hard is that to follow?

How can you say that if you're even slightly unbiased. In EVERY speach I saw Bush made leading up to the Iraq war, he threw in a reference to 9/11. Do you remember the suggestions that intelligence had located "Al Quaeda" camps in Iraq? I really let people have it when they brought that up back before we went to war. It's possible that they never DIRECTLY said that Sadam was linked to 9/11, so they could weasel out of it later, but it was implied so many times that it made me ill. Not that they suggested it, but that the idiot public bought it. Why do you think over 50% of people by the last poll I saw STILL think Sadam had something to do with 9/11? I mean, obviously it's so logical. The immoral leader that forcibly secularized an Islamic country, and killed his Islamic people to get there would be an obvious ally for a bunch of radical militant Islamic Fundamentalist Jihadists, right? Not. I'm sorry for the thick sarcasm, but the suggestion that Bush never tried to connect 9/11 and Sadam is just absolutely ludicrous to me.

There was nothing wrong with deposing Sadam. There was something wrong with not waiting until we knew how to go about the nation building (which Bush was supposedly SO opposed to in the debates with Gore...) that would have to follow, leaving the country in a state of anarchy, and us at a loss of what to do.

Here's the problem - you think Al Quaeda is the sum of all terrorism in the universe

When did I say that? What? I don't even know how to respond to that, it just doesn't make sense.

Sorry, but AQ or not, Saddam rules in part by terrorism, even if it's not all against us. Have you seen the stuff he did to his own people? Most of his prisoners would gladly be monkeyed up the butt to get away from Saddam's prisons.

Yeah, I know all that. When did I ever say deposing Sadam was a bad thing? It wasn't. Not thinking of something to do with the following anarchy was.

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First of all id like to state for the record I think legend854t5r needs to chill out be4 he has an aneurysm. Dont hurt urself kid. Comparing me to your gf and then calling me an idiot? Hey bro its not my fault your gf is an idiot, but you dont know me so it'd be wise to refrain from the personal attacks...jerk clown.

I would also like to say Farenheit 9/11 was a MOVIE and about 40% of it was hollywood all the way. You say Im stupid, but you think they wont reinstate the draft? I bet you think that people are lining up to join the military now huh. To go fight for THEIR freedom? They have stop-lossed all the troops they can for now, with the bulk of our military in Iraq. Bush has plans to move all the troops from Korea and Europe to Iraq, and the special forces guys who were hunting for Osama Bin Laden in afghanistan, theyre in Iraq now too. Great idea on all accounts (sarcasm again) but sooner or later theyll have to let all those troops come back. ...NEXT? I guess the SELECTIVE SERVICE BOARDS are staffed up for no reason? If this war is supposed to be for the good of the world why are we in it essentially alone?

Anyone have family or friends that have seen any "real" action in Iraq that you are in close contact with? I have and the soldiers I know are questioning their mission. I think the Iraq conflict needs to be won with intelligence, not force, and with no allies to cooperate with, and Bush in the White House were doomed to live out another "Vietnam".

Brings me to my first reason Im voting for Kerry:

1.Kerry's plan is to internationalize this Iraq conflict in order to share the burden . Remembering Vietnam I think he knows it will be more difficult to win the war in Iraq than win peace. He will be actively seeking to mend the broken trust of our allies, and call on NATO to make the security of Iraq a top priority.

This will be a little easier by giving other countries a stake in Iraq's future by encouraging them to help develop Iraq's oil resources and by letting them bid on contracts instead of locking them out of the reconstruction process(halliburton)

There are a lot more facets to this and as you know he has a PLAN.

2. Kerry plans on rolling back the tax cuts for the wealthiest of americans to help pay for education and healthcare. If you look at the numbers, the money's there just from the rollback to where we were be4. How can you cut taxes in a continually inflating society without creating a market through war and keep the economy stable? Bush couldnt do it, so Im going for a different strategy in Kerry.

It is very possible to run at near FULL employment during wartime, and Bush cant even do that.


Bush has lost nearly a million jobs when his tax cuts were supposed to have created six million. Unemployment figures only count those who are drawing unemployment, and once they cant find it and stop trying they fall off the figures, and in some cases underemployment is worse (bachelors degree holders working at starbucks). Beyond that...theres no doubt that this war is good for big business, which will trickle down and lead a somewhat stable economy. The unemployment rate is being held down NOT because of the tax cuts. gimme a break. The tax cuts were designed for the profitability of the ultra big businesses that will be profiting from the war. The stockholders will be happy, but I think its all a conflict of interests having people in the white house who cater to these ultra big businesses to line their "former" business colleagues pockets with blood money.

3.Im going to bed now so I lifted this:

By borrowing from future generations to give tax relief to those who need help the least, George W. Bush’s economic policies have, for the first time in history, forced the federal government to spend $1 billion more EACH DAY than it takes in. John Kerry believes that we need a smaller and smarter government that wastes less money. He has put forward a sensible plan that will at least cut the deficit in half in his first term, while investing in economic growth and investing in workers. To restore fiscal discipline and strengthen our economy, Kerry will repeal Bush’s special tax breaks for Americans who make more than $200,000. He will cut excesses in government and reign in out of control spending. And he will implement the McCain-Kerry commission on corporate welfare to undermine the special interest groups that make it hard to cut tax loopholes and pork barrel spending projects. lift done...word.

4. Im also hoping Kerry can do something about regulating these gas prices. this is bloody ridiculous. 2.80something for a gal of 91 octane? And going up? somethings not right here. Maybe another form of energy would be some healthy competition.

The other reasons Im voting for Kerry have to do with immigration, moving towards other viable forms of energy than oil (oil is all bush knows). If theres a doubt in your mind that Kerry will be better for the environment, you need to go back to school. The fact that everytime I hear Bush talk all I can hear is the voice of the teacher in "Peanuts".

The only real response that wasnt OT I got was from inlineturbo, and although i totally disagree with almost every point he brought, up Ill just have to respect that his views are that way for a reason. ...I think Im seeing into the future...yes, just as I thought Kerry wins the popular vote....IN THE VOLVOSPEED MESSAGE BOARD.hahaha

Edited by ashman
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Bush has lost nearly a million jobs when his tax cuts were supposed to have created six million. Unemployment figures only count those who are drawing unemployment, and once they cant find it and stop trying they fall off the figures, and in some cases underemployment is worse (bachelors degree holders working at starbucks). Beyond that...theres no doubt that this war is good for big business, which will trickle down and lead a somewhat stable economy. The unemployment rate is being held down NOT because of the tax cuts. gimme a break. The tax cuts were designed for the profitability of the ultra big businesses that will be profiting from the war. The stockholders will be happy, but I think its all a conflict of interests having people in the white house who cater to these ultra big businesses to line their "former" business colleagues pockets with blood money.

go take macro, then report back. according to keynesian economics, when you are facing a period of higher than normal unemployment, there are two main things you need to do:

1:cut taxes

2:increase government spending

this is really basic stuff, here.

and by the way, were allmost at full employment (5% unemployment IS full employment), so i would say that he has done good things for the economy. also, it's STILL GROWING.

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go take macro, then report back. according to keynesian economics, when you are facing a period of higher than normal unemployment, there are two main things you need to do:

1:cut taxes

2:increase government spending

this is really basic stuff, here.

and by the way, were allmost at full employment (5% unemployment IS full employment), so i would say that he has done good things for the economy. also, it's STILL GROWING.

Like he said, those figures are kind of deceptive... We have still lost nearly a million jobs (somewhere in teh high 800s, IIRC) net since the president took office. First president since Hoover to manage that one...

And Keynsian Economic Theory is just that, a theory. The last time a president implemented it fully, instead of listening to the advice of economic experts around the country (like Greenspan...) it took us more than 10 years to pay off the debt. Yep, Reagan. He was definitely a good president, but his fiscal policy was not what I expected from a Republican....It took Bush and Clinton to reverse the massive amounts of debt that he created.

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