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just terrible.... You ever notice that liberals are the type of people that would vandalize your car 'cause you have a W sticker on your car, but Conservatives wouldn't? I guess that's just the kind of people that we have to deal with.

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You ever notice that liberals are the type of people that would vandalize your car 'cause you have a W sticker on your car, but Conservatives wouldn't?

Um... does covering the Kerry and AntiBush stickers with my own Pro Bush/Cheney stickers count as Vandalism? :ph34r:

And Kerry has his lawyers in Ohio already, ready to file suits for all the foul voting that might put Bush ahead. <_<

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Not to hijack, but when i was in college some hippie bastards stuck stickers all over my Explorer that said "weapon of mass consumption." Oh man was I pissed...

Yeah, nothing like Liberals with their own private jets complaining about people who drive SUVs. :rolleyes: They get the hippies all in a huf and think it is cool to vanalize peoples stuff.

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i think it's unfair to pin all tree huggers or liberals vandalists. shall we call all the conservatives a bunch of low-lifes because a select few bomb/harrass/threaten abortion clinics and homosexuals? it's a pity a rotten apple spoils the whole basket..

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i think it's unfair to pin all tree huggers or liberals vandalists.  shall we call all the conservatives a bunch of low-lifes because a select few bomb/harrass/threaten abortion clinics and homosexuals?  it's a pity a rotten apple spoils the whole basket..

Chooo...Chooooo.........chugga, chugga......chugga, chugga......here comes the clue train last stop you! It's called SARCASM, JOKE, SENSE OF HUMOR.

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