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Like I said yesterday: as long as you guys are fine, the rest is details. I'll keep an eye out for a good candidate for you. Shame it ended that way, that car ruffled a lot of feathers on here but it was an impressive car. Shit, I think I am I still running your original 16T! :)

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Sounds like Florida.

You come try to drive around these people ;)

Jared, it's an all too familiar story.. Glad you and your girlfriend are OK. Are you still down here?

I'll be keeping an eye out for a car for you.

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these cars get very light under hard braking because there's hardly any weight in the rear

a biasing valve wouldnt be a bad idea with some better brakes around back !!!

glad to hear you're alright tho'

Very good point..

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Sucks man. Good luck with the searching. At least you are staying Volvo.

There are definitely some crazies on the road down here and cruising at 65-70 is taking it slow. If I only had a dollar for the accidents that Ive avoided down here. I wouldnt be rich but it would help pay the bills.

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