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3rd Row Seating.....


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I found 3rd row seating for my 850 wagon .... how valueable is it to the next owner of the car? I would like to get one just to have it for the next owner of the car or possibly use it myself one day.

They typically sell around here for $150-$300. Very cool to have a great selling point.

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I don't find it to be very useful. I also don't trust strangers behind me to brake appropriately. Precious cargo is hard to replace if there were an accident. Prefer them in the back seat. Don't bother with the seat. If the car were to get sandwiched front and back at least I know the 4 doors will open

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I don't find it to be very useful. I also don't trust strangers behind me to brake appropriately. Precious cargo is hard to replace if there were an accident. Prefer them in the back seat. Don't bother with the seat. If the car were to get sandwiched front and back at least I know the 4 doors will open

true that after what I see happen to your hand! Not for me , but for the market if I were to sell the car. of course when I sell the car I want to get more than its worth!

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I find mine very handy. My kids are small enough (under 70 lbs), and the seat cushion that goes on top is a must for comfort. I do not let them ride back there on the freeway, but going around town (30-40mph) is OK. That rear hatch door is mighty strong.

The great thing with it is that I can now fit my family of 4 and my parents at the same time, or ferry 5 kids in the back.

I paid $500 for mine (with shipping), was used in perfect condition. I've seen them go for $600-800 on ebay.

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I love having the seats as well. My kids are at the perfect age to use it. Definitely comes in handy when you don't want to take two cars someplace. The only drawback is that you lose the storage space when the kids are back there (and you need to be careful with whatever you store back there for example making sure that my older son doesn't hook the jumper cables up to his brother :lol: )

Not to get into a debate about the safety of the seating position but supposedly the wagons are designed to take the impact in a rear collision and dissapate it down the sides of the car. The hatch area is not a crumple zone like the trunk of the sedan and is considered a passenger area. There is also some other logic such as the majority of rear-end collisions are low speed (statistically anyway) and the rear axle helps protect in a side impact. Still, the safest spot in the car is supposed to be the back seat center position. My kids usually ride in the back seat but in a pinch they ride in the third row.

Check out this article:


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mehh its cool and all but it takes so much room in the back storage compartment. my dads 745 had one i thought it was so kool when i was younger. i took it out over the summer to install the changer in there. storage>3rd seat... B) B) B)

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I agree, it's definitely a trade-off. You're either taking 7 people somewhere or a bunch of cargo but not both. It's still a clever feature though.

mehh its cool and all but it takes so much room in the back storage compartment. my dads 745 had one i thought it was so kool when i was younger. i took it out over the summer to install the changer in there. storage>3rd seat... B) B) B)

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I use my wagon a lot for hauling, I have loaded it up to the gills with junk, bikes, camping gear, and I don't have much use for the 3rd row seats. I don't have kids, and anyone who tries to sit back there is in pain. What do wagons without the 3rd row seat have? Is it just like the 3rd row seat, just without the seats built into it?

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