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Stabilizer Mount


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Now, I know most of you are fine mechanics with good expirience, but I'm sharing this for all those that are like me; with limited mechanical expirience.

I got the stabilizer mount from IPD and installed it today, but it wasn't so cut and dry like Bay 13 tells it.

Once I got the brace off, I was trying to figure out where to stick my hack saw. The old stabilizer mount has two parts to it, the hard plastic/rubber outer ring, and the softer rubber center. It took me a while to figure out how in the world they did it in Bay 13. With little resolve, I started to bang away like some bewildered caveman at the center of the old mount. Suddenly, the rubber center part came out and I was able to see what Bay 13 was talking about. I put my hack-saw blade right through the middle and started sawing away at the plastic outer ring, making sure not to cut through the bracket itself.

And then Bay 13 says, "it should slide out"....ha...yeah right. What I did was make a couple more cuts near the first cut and pry up a scetion with a screw driver. With some effort, it came out.

The next step was installing the new mount, "...ok...this side goes in here...and the other side goes in here....wait....they won't go together..." Hey genious, those things are air tight, so you can't just simply push them together with the center tube, there is no where for the trapped air to escape. So, without the center tube, push the to sides in together, and then put in the center tube once they are together.

Finally, putting the brace back on. That took a bit of working it in to place since the new mount is larger than the old one. It is best to bolt in the other end of the brace before the end with the mount....trust me, you'll see. Then...badda boom, badda bing, your done.

Since the IPD Polyurethane mount is stiffer, you'll notice a bit more vibration coming from the engine, but the car performs just as well, if not better.

Well, that's all I got to say about that. PEACE!

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When i change mine my original mount was already in 2 peices and i just used a flat head screw driver and a small hammer and worked it out. Had the whole thing done in about 4 min.

Well, I'm not bragging or anything, but the whole thing took my about 1 hour! YEAH! Beat that!

:lol: PEACE!

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