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The New S-60


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Hmmm. I reather like it. I think as concepts go they are always like HEYYYYY LOOK AT US and this concept is definitely that. By the time it makes it to production I am sure it will shed some of its show car swag in favor of convention and cost. What I find encouraging is I think the elements are there to make a beautiful next s60 (and an R...Volvo are you listening?). Either way, it's a MUCH needed replacment for the current s60 which was a great car in it's day. Unfortunately, that day has passed and compared to the likes of the new c class and the 3 series, it's utterly irrelevant.

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Well I guess I will fight the crowd and say that I really like it. I think the visibility would be great. It looks sleek and has an aggressive front end. I assume the concept model have been dropped some since it look pretty low. I would also add that I think the trunk needs to be more defined as a trunk. But all in all if I had the money I would buy one.

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I think it is not that bad at all .. as a concept, we can expect some things will change before the final production ... but wait untill it is out and someone show us some pics of it modified, lowered, etc etc .. I think it has a lot of potential :)

New designs are always good .. IMO (and no matter how much I love my S70) I think we can't always stay with the same designs .. I remember when the forst s60/s80 came out .. I absolutely hated them (especially the tail lights), but now I would love to own a S60. I guess we get used to it :)

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Ahh yes....I don't give a rats ass how it looks just tell me how reliable it is(according to old school Volvo reputation)!

Doubt you will ever see that in production and they wonder why they are in trouble financially. Give me a basic safe "box" that I can put my family in is what built the company. We will modify them off your basic platform, been done for many many years. Not a chrome fart can out the back either.

Just my thoughts


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