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Replace Stock Pcv For Catch Can Only


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i need to replace my pcv system soon, and unless i have to i will keep it stock with the addition of a catch can. my question is has anyone removed the stock system completely for a catch can only system? my search yield only talks of it.

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Don't do it... waste of time and money on a stock set-up

Can you not afford to replace with OEM?

Is there a downside to a catch can? I kind of look at it as not having to redo the PCV system every X number of miles. I just redid the whole PCV system, but was considering doing this instead of redoing the PCV system in the future.

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Did you replace the whole system with New parts?

Why would you bother when you can go 100K+ if you maintain your car! haha if you can't come up with the money for another PCV system in 100K miles then you shouldnt drive a Volvo :)

Really, it's not worth it. I would do it in a heart beat if it was worth the bother...

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The original catch can and the grey valves inside the pipes to the catch can are a very weak point of a B5234T engine. Above 400hp it will gain a lot of trouble to use the original one. TRy to mount a catch can from the rallye sports. They are cheap and easy to install.



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The whole system has been replaced with new parts. My car is bone stock. I purchased it a few weeks ago, and have been working towards stage 0 (lack of time).

Money has never been an issue regarding parts replacement for any of my cars.

So, hypothetically speaking, why is the stock PCV system better than a catch-can, if it is at all? If it is so much better, someone should surely be able to explain to such a newbie as myself, who wants to learn. I searched on this topic here at VS and a few other forums before resolving to leaving the PCV system as-is; but now I am perhaps even more curious, since someone else brought up the topic.

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The whole system has been replaced with new parts. My car is bone stock. I purchased it a few weeks ago, and have been working towards stage 0 (lack of time).

Money has never been an issue regarding parts replacement for any of my cars.

So, hypothetically speaking, why is the stock PCV system better than a catch-can, if it is at all? If it is so much better, someone should surely be able to explain to such a newbie as myself, who wants to learn. I searched on this topic here at VS and a few other forums before resolving to leaving the PCV system as-is; but now I am perhaps even more curious, since someone else brought up the topic.

The stock oil trap is more sophisticated than a simple "can". If you have VADIS (if you don't you should get it) you can look it up under design & function - it gives a clear description & illustrations of the oil vapor path & how the trap operates.

Adding a catch can is basically good to reduce oil returning to the intake side & gumming up all your hoses, manifold, etc...

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Is there a downside to a catch can? I kind of look at it as not having to redo the PCV system every X number of miles. I just redid the whole PCV system, but was considering doing this instead of redoing the PCV system in the future.

The whiteblock is surprisingly sensitive to crankcase pressure. The PCV actually creates a vacuum when it is operating correctly, and it seems that once that vacuum is no longer there, some of the seals have a much higher chance of leaking.

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That is the kind of explanation I was looking for; thanks guys. Without looking at Vadis (which you are right, I need to get), I guessed that the oil separator essentially functioned as a built-in catch can on the PCV system, but wasn't sure. Would this explain why the hoses in your intake can get extra oily when your separator is saturated (ie, oil not being trapped by the separator and being introduced into your intake plumbing)? I have read that the CBV introduces some oil into the intake system as well, though. I am approaching thread-jacking, so I will leave it at that.

On a side note, I re-read my message and it seemed a little sharp. I wasn't trying to be rude, but the old "just because, trust me" answer never really worked for me :P

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The CBV is just a blow-off valve and has nothing to do with oil.

the oil residue in the intercooler hoses is from oil mist coming into the intake through the PCV system. Over time as your cylinder walls wear there is more blow-by which in turn causes higher crankcase pressure that the PCV has to deal with. It is not major but if you are looking over 100K miles of small amounts of oil it can build up. It is really nothing at all to worry about. If you have a good working engine with a clean PCV system then you should be all set.

An extrenal oil trap is just going to cause more headaches then it's work.


cleaner intake hoses


YOU have to clean the oil trap out if you dont have a drain back.

unmetered air will be leaving the system.

You will not have the vacuum in order to have better negative pressure in the system.

Heck I'm all for a quality made ventilation system BUT not on a stock set-up... I will be making my own some day when I do a project but it will be a lot more advanced then more can throw together.

Stick with stock, it's cheap, it works, and it's wicked easy to replace.

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dugh i know how to install it

Can you not afford to replace with OEM?

i can and will replace with oem if theres not better alternative

Then they wouldnt be posting about an aftermarket oil trap because they would know WTF they were doing haha

what the f.. your assumptions are dumb

Adding a catch can is basically good to reduce oil returning to the intake side & gumming up all your hoses, manifold, etc...

the reason why i want to install one.

i dont care about the stock system if something is outthere thats better. i ask questions on forums to see what other have done, and what worked etc. seems like the stock system is overly "complicated" and i like to keep it simple stupid

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