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Somehow Fate Has Allowed Me To Acquire Another R Wagon


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Ok, so in my "investigating the reserve price" of an auction last night, I ended up winning a 1999 V70R with only 94k miles on it. You may have seen it, and I suppose I'm almost sorry if I sniped it from you ;) It's only a couple hours from my place so it was near impossible not to bid on it.

The problem is that I still have my first love, the 1997 855R with now 206k miles on it. No room for a third car, so the 850 or the Saturn has to go. That should be an easy decision, but the Saturn saves a bunch of gas, and I save another $100 every year on plate renewals by transferring the sat's plate to the Volvo. But now that I think about it, the Volvo's insurance is much less, so it may be a wash and I kill the Saturn.

Let's say I decide the 850 goes. If you were presented with this problem, how would you deal with it? Just sell the mofo and get it out quick so it doesn't hurt so bad? Or sell it off piece by piece so you can delay the inevitable and "spend more time" with it? How would it be worth more to you? As a car or parts?

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Honestly as good as the Volvo sounds like it's been to you it'd make a bit more sense to keep the Saturn which is IMO not afraid of high milage and is very good on gas.

On the other hand if your Volvo has been really great to you, you may consider keeping that as well. It's hard to say man, I get somewhat of a bond with my cars and regardless of age/mileage if it's good to you why fix what's already good ya know?

Supposing the Volvo in question is reliable and in somewhat decent shape parting it out would be kind of depressing for me, I'd try to find it a good home first.

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Yeah, it was the red one. And according to the VIN it's the real deal too. I'm pretty geeked up about it. The whole reason I bid on it was that it was so close to me. My 850 I flew to Mass for and drove it home because you just can't find these in Michigan. Which I suppose only raises the cool factor of having TWO! B)

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Now you need to Join V70R.com! Post pix when you get them! It should be COOL, Try and get the background info on it too, like if it was spiecal order or overseas delievery. Good deal.

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You run into a few 850's down this way, as there are a few of them around ann arbor. BUT, a lot of them are clapped out with dents and some occasional rust, and everybody seems to be asking way more for them than what you can get out east. I've seen a couple of R's around, and they were beat up.

I drove out to Jersey to get mine. I couldn't find one in Michigan that was clean and a had any sort of maintenance history for a decent price.

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there are a few of the red R's kicking around. One went on ebay a month or so ago in CT

dump the saturn

If its Venten Red, that's one thing but OP is Bright Red, like guard Red. I've never seen or heard of that color on a v70R, but then I've just heard the made Coral v70Rs for Oz. :blink:

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