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Xemodex Etm Rebuild, All You 99+ Peeps Shoudl Know This

Ghost Shadow

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I ran 120V from my wind farm right to the connector of mine... then removed all four bolts with a slide hammer and a pry bar!!! :lol:

So... did you disconnect the battery?

AND... I'll take the extra 5 minutes to remove the fan/shroud... I don't have arms and hands like a twelve year old girl... :lol:

I hope I'm not jinxing myself or my ETM by messing with you... but it's fun!!! :P

I went to the supermarket after work. Ran several errands, car started shut down and basically ran like it should. got all four wheels to spin and the car went side ways too, there was a nice patch of white stuff on the ground in the parking lot(snow). It's so great to have that piece of mind that the car WILL start everyday. It will NOT have idle issues, most of all I don't have to be at the mercy of the fucking dealer to clean my ETM.

my car never ran this good since i got it. I had this car since august of 2008, its been road worthy since late September. ETS light has been on since late Oct. Car had the usual ETM issues since early november. It dies the beginning of the new year. Now i can start the year off fresh, with a car that had never been trouble free until now. at 162k the ETM should outlast this car! :lol: :lol: :lol: Now i feel confident to drive this car accross country without worries that i will need AAA and $1000's in my pocket for a ETM repair!

Again YES i took the battery off. the 1st time, 2nd, 3rd and so on and so forth. I must have taken off the etm 20x's in the last few days. I will never have to do it again. Decker, i look foward to see what your results are going to be like. FYI, take pictures, i like to see why you take 2 days to pry off your ETM. :D

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Decker, i look foward to see what your results are going to be like. FYI, take pictures, i like to see why you take 2 days to pry off your ETM. :D

well... once I was able to cut the right sized hole in the firewall with the plasma and i manually opened the sunroof it came sliding right out... good thing i have a cherry picker down at work huh!?!?!?! :lol:

all kidding aside... see my pcv post... and yeah... that coolant line under the stat housing is a real peach!!! just like you said... :arob:

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Now why did ETM swapping between cars work is another question. From what i have been told, it should not have worked and could have really effed things up. :o

That's indeed strange, not that it ran, but more that you didn't got the 'ETS' light on.

I have a ETM of another C70 and got immediatly the 'ETS' light on (which wasn't on with the bad one -> bad idling), so I had to to a software update (linking to my car) to get the light out.

Good to hear the Xemodex unit is working fine.

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Good Day all,

I've followed this issue for about nine months, about the time I began to feel the surging. I've not had the "limp home" permanently occur, rather, once in 2004, two years after purchasing the (used) car and one more time about a month ago.

Last night, I drove the car to the Volvo Dealer in town for the PA state inspection/emissions. I resolved/redesigned/modified several parts of two door latch assemblies that broke, in order to save $300 and pass the safety inspection. The ETM is the only item that lingers, as I wait patiently for the dealer to call. I'm hoping a dosing of SeaFoam, and several hard acceleration runs on the local bypass, helped to, at the least, clean it out.

As an engineer, I understand what XeMODeX has modified. They have removed the thin film PC with the resistive material, along with the finger contacts and exchanged it for a discrete sensor/encoder. There is no loner any physical contact that will wear down. This type of assembly is great inside the lens barrel of your digital camera, but seems to be out of place, to me, in this type of application.

I gave up a 1990 Camry, 5 spd., with 330,000 original miles on it for this Volvo. And while I held the name of Volvo in high esteem for its styling, safety and performance, I'm not feeling too comfortable now. There are some things on a car that should go bad. In contrast, there are some things that just should not. I've compiled a laundry list of "little things" that fit this later category. The ABS module was co-partnered with the ETM, with the former resolved by the help of a California individual who services them and who, like ourselves, understands that Volvo is not bellying up to the bar for a number of poorly designed/engineered systems.

So, I'm sort of waiting for testicle twisting call from service, that the ETM is an issue. One card I can still play is that this is a 2000 V70XC AWD model with 119,000 mi. and it still has the original ETM.

One question, Do the intake manifold and injector assmblies need to come off just to have access to the ETM? I agree, too, the radiator cowling has to go. I have good dexterity, but large hands.


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I'm hoping a dosing of SeaFoam, and several hard acceleration runs on the local bypass, helped to, at the least, clean it out.

One question, Do the intake manifold and injector assmblies need to come off just to have access to the ETM? I agree, too, the radiator cowling has to go. I have good dexterity, but large hands.


There's no way to clean the contacts inside that will actually "work"

No... although Steve and I disagree on this... DISCONNECT THE BATTERY (hope you know your radio code), loosen the clamp on the delivery pipe to the ETM (under the manifold), pull the fan/shroud, unhook the ETM connector (hopefully the cable isn't routed behind the starter) take 4 bolts out and viola... ETM is out.


You should still be covered under the warranty by Volvo... at least as far as the "software upgrade" band-aid goes and the dealer "might" try to charge you for "cleaning the ETM" which we all know is like trying to clean toilet paper after you've "used" it.

This isn't your problem yet... it's Volvo's so make them deal with it as long as you can.

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  • 2 weeks later...




I cetainly did not expect a new unit to be en-route before i had a chance to talk to you! -thank you.

I found this quote to be amazing. You have ragged on this product in great depth and you had not even bothered to call the company and talk to them about it!? Unbelievable.

I am not saying that the new ETM is good (or bad), but your rationalization of why it must be bad is faulty. Just because an electronic component from car B will work in car A does not mean that the same part from car A will work in car B. Electronics are often updated to have backwards compatibility but the original will NOT have forward compatibility.

All this angst, part-changing, irritation and criticism - while all you had to do was call XeMODeX and they would have send you a replacement?

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I found this quote to be amazing. You have ragged on this product in great depth and you had not even bothered to call the company and talk to them about it!? Unbelievable.

I am not saying that the new ETM is good (or bad), but your rationalization of why it must be bad is faulty. Just because an electronic component from car B will work in car A does not mean that the same part from car A will work in car B. Electronics are often updated to have backwards compatibility but the original will NOT have forward compatibility.

All this angst, part-changing, irritation and criticism - while all you had to do was call XeMODeX and they would have send you a replacement?

You should read the WHOLE thread before crapping in it. cap locks on: I GOT THE ETM ON SATURDAY = XeMODeX CLOSED. CALLED CHRIS 7:30AM MONDAY, BEFORE I MENTIONED IT, HE TOLD ME A NEW ONE WAS ON THE WAY ALREADY. cap lock off. From that quote you can also see that CHris had already planned to send me a replacement. going above and beyond what he had to do. We have had several long conversations, he is a good dude with a genuine care for his customers. When you have a failed ETM because of this picture.



you will be glad there was this thread. your 00xc's ETM will die eventually and your repair bill will go from $121 to at least $700+.

UPDATE after 1000 miles.

Car still idles fine, RUNS fine, starts fine, does everything fine. Like a car is supposed to. Mash the right pedal it goes, push it further it goes faster. Drove my moms 00xc and the POS runs like crap because the ETM got a "cleaning" from the dealer. see picture above. ETM is doing what it is supposed to do, work.

quote from movie fight club circa 1999 with Edward norton narrating.

"Narrator: A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up ETM fails. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

Business woman on plane: Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?

Narrator: You wouldn't believe.

Business woman on plane: Which car company do you work for?

Narrator: A major one. "

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you will be glad there was this thread. your 00xc's ETM will die eventually and your repair bill will go from $121 to at least $700+.

UPDATE after 1000 miles.

Car still idles fine, RUNS fine, starts fine, does everything fine. Like a car is supposed to. Mash the right pedal it goes, push it further it goes faster. Drove my moms 00xc and the POS runs like crap because the ETM got a "cleaning" from the dealer. see picture above. ETM is doing what it is supposed to do, work.

I KNEW you had small little lady hands... and here's the proof!!! :lol:

You know the sad thing about the entire ETM scenario... it's that most Volvo owner's will probably never know about this "BETTER OPTION" becuause they're going to do what the dealer and Volvo tell them to do... which is pay to clean their same old six inches of toilet paper.

You'll be happy to know that I gave the XeMODeX information to an "Indy" shop near me that works on a ton of Volvo's... (he's also a customer of mine) and last week he called me up because he had a customers car that the ETM failed on. He's going to suggest to the customer that they go the XeMODeX route. I'll follow up with him and on this thread once we have further validation.

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I KNEW you had small little lady hands... and here's the proof!!! :lol:

You know the sad thing about the entire ETM scenario... it's that most Volvo owner's will probably never know about this "BETTER OPTION" becuause they're going to do what the dealer and Volvo tell them to do... which is pay to clean their same old six inches of toilet paper.

You'll be happy to know that I gave the XeMODeX information to an "Indy" shop near me that works on a ton of Volvo's... (he's also a customer of mine) and last week he called me up because he had a customers car that the ETM failed on. He's going to suggest to the customer that they go the XeMODeX route. I'll follow up with him and on this thread once we have further validation.

yes small hands, big enough to bitch slap you! :D if you come to carlise, i can show you dem hands in person.

its so true about the dealer, another case just like the ETM is the ABS module rebuild. the dealer doesn't do that, they replace for $500+

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You'll be happy to know that I gave the XeMODeX information to an "Indy" shop near me that works on a ton of Volvo's... (he's also a customer of mine) and last week he called me up because he had a customers car that the ETM failed on. He's going to suggest to the customer that they go the XeMODeX route. I'll follow up with him and on this thread once we have further validation.

He suggested it... the customer went for it... and it works fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest BBowen

this is why i am where i am.

Original delivery date 10/9/1998.

Volvo told me to monkey off, in more or so words. "Sir, We do apologize. When it comes to this ETM warranty, we must abide by the rules. Your car must have the proper code in order for us to replace the ETM. At this very moment , Sir, we can offer you at no charge to you a ETM cleaning and Software update." -Sept 2008

Ha! Same here:

My car has 199K miles on it. The ETS light starting coming on in February (and killing the cruise control), and intermittent bouncing idle. Read about Volvo extended ETM warranty. Took it to dealer. Dealer told me it was out of warranty since car went into service in Nov 1998, just over 10 year limit (GD F**kers). Dealer installed for free new ETS software. Software update is a joke as all it appears to do is ignore ETM problems and no longer lights the ETS light (i.e., treat the driver like a mushroom). I can tell there's still a problem as the cruise control still (now mysteriously) dies intermittently WITHOUT the ETS light coming on, and still intermittent bouncing idle, and occassional conk at a stop.

The current ETS is already a replacement as the first one died at just under 100K and was warranty replaced.

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Guest Bruce Bowen

XeMODeX... problem solved

Damn right!

FedEx'ed ETM Monday afternoon to XeMODex ($95). They received it Tuesday morning, performed the upgrade the same day and FedEx'ed it out Tuesday afternoon. ETM arrived back around noon Wed ($599 Can). Two day turnaround time!! Installed Wed evening (15 minutes). Idle is now smooth as silk. Was bouncing before. Drove around the neighborhood a little bit. Everything appears to be fine! Most excellent!! Drove it to work (35 miles) today, no problems!

Prior symptoms: ETS light started coming on occasionally about 2K miles ago. Took it to Volvo. Mileage under 200K but out of warranty by a couple of months. Had software upgrade. Told them to leave throttle alone. After software upgrade ETS light stayed off but still faulty performance symptoms like bouncing idle and occasional konk while coming to a stop. Cruise control still occasionly cut out (coincident with the ETS light coming on before the software upgrade).


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