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Another Double Din Install Thread


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just got my 8000bt. wiring harness is on it's way.

i know i'll have to sand down the two guide rails on the inside of the trim and then fabricate something to keep it in there (or just take it to a custom shop).

will this sleeve help or will it just get in the way?


it looks to me like at the very least that plastic trim that comes with it will clean up the front; i don't really want it to sit back.

i contacted bing...saw he has a custom install shop down in san jose. haven't heard back though (it's only been a day) but i was gonna try and do it myself first this weekend.


and, should i go with the ipod or buy a 250 gig hd to attach? anyone have any experience with the straight up harddrive option? i'm considering the dynaudio speakers and want to have all my music in a lossless format. even with the 160gig ipod i think i'd run outta space quick.

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The sleeve that comes with the head unit will work fine, mine sits flush with the dash.

Get the Ipod.

ditto...to both!

Get XM while your at too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 8000BT does not come with an installation kit. Must buy separate. Don't bother trying to get an off-brand install kit, they do not fit right. I tried it. The Pioneer kit is overpriced but fits perfect. No other way to go in my opinion. Click my sig link for pics.

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The 8000BT does not come with an installation kit. Must buy separate. Don't bother trying to get an off-brand install kit, they do not fit right. I tried it. The Pioneer kit is overpriced but fits perfect. No other way to go in my opinion. Click my sig link for pics.

i went ahead and got it. i have to shave the guide thingys out of the s70 (i think??). might try to just shove everything in. i've managed to lodge the kit and the radio each separately, so maybe i can just do that. is the hole the same size for the 960? i'm guessing it is...looks great! i was afraid the trim piece would stick out from the dash.

thanks for the link. if you got any tips, let me know.

not sure if you need an adapter for the HD radio, but if you do I've got one for sale right now :)

got one already, but thanks. gonna shove the box right behind the radio. once it stops raining and once i get off my lazy ass and put it in. THEN i'll put pictars up.

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I'm not familiar with S70's but I had to shave the guides down to get a good fit. Was a real pain too. If you have a Dremel it will chew right through it. I wouldn't try to just shove it in there. As for the IPod vs HD. Pioneer has the best IPod interface out there. Best thing about there interface is you can control the IPod directly. All the other H/U's I've seen take over the IPod and force you to use the H/U to control. Trying to control a large music library through any H/U is a major lesson in frustration. This is the reason I mounted mine where I did. Easy access FTW!

Oh one other thing. If you use an IPod don't buy the Pioneer cable. It costs like $50.00 and is too short to be useful. A normal IPOD cable works just fine. The guy working the shop where I bought my DD install kit let this slip while I was talking to him about the Pioneer cable. Went and picked up an extra IPod cable for $8.00.

Lest see what else. Go ahead and get a pre-fab wiring harness for your model car. And don't let anyone else install it. Its an easy job and the satisfaction you get is worth it 100x over. Besides, nobody will even try to do a better job than you as they won't have to live with it.

G/L on your install :)

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I didn't have to shave down the guides in the 850. I did have to use back-strap to help hold it in under hard accel/decel. As for ipod vs hd, I would go with the hd. I've got a 250gb one mounted in the center console, and works flawlessly.



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Very nice Kyle. Be proud of your effort. You deserve it.

One thing I forgot to mention. The center button is going to get scratched up very easy. Don't be too pissed when it happens. Pioneer didn't use a very good coating for it. I'm gonna paint mine sometime just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Let us know about the HD radio. I'm personally curious about how it works. Also, are you planning to utilize the BT telephone functionality?

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i forgot to hook up the antenna so it doesn't go up when the radio is on. i think that's affecting the HD signal. i get it for 30 seconds at a time or so. it sounds great; makes regular fm sound like shit. i'll post when i get the antenna working properly. i wired the usb cord and auxillary input into the center console for the harddrive i got and fellow passengers' ipods. just call me xzibit...


the bluetooth is working for the phone, but not the audio yet. i haven't delved into the manual yet, though. i'm sure i'll find the answer, but my wife's cheap sony had better bluetooth connectivity out of the box. a little frustrating.

the button is already a little messed up! thanks for the warning.

it didn't greatly improve the stock speakers, but it has given it more bottom end. will be shelling out for dynaudio soon.

i like it, it looks good in the car. would recommend it. lots of features for only $250.

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